Letting Go of Someone You Love Messages and Quotes 2024

It’s not easy to let go of someone you love. It is filled with many emotions and pain that might make it hard for you to move on.

Sometimes, the most challenging part of letting go is someone’s memories because you do not know what will happen to them afterward. What will happen to them without you? Losing someone you love can be difficult for you to deal with, even if it is the right thing to do.

No matter who it is, letting go of someone you love is never easy. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been married for 40 years, have been friends for 30 years, or just had a child – letting go of someone you love hurts, and the pain can be hard to overcome.

The best way to do this is to let go of the anger, the anger at the person you are letting go of, and at yourself, for letting the relationship get to this point. The bitterness will eat you away if you don’t let it go and allow yourself to feel the pain. Don’t fear the pain because it’s the only way to heal.

Letting Go Paragraph Messages

Letting go of a past event is among the complex parts of life. In relationships, one party holds on while the other has moved on with life.

Most times, it’s hard to accept that what you once had is currently only memories. That necessitates you to move on and put the memories where they should be (in your heart) and never let them control your life.

1. Hey [name], I am letting you go, but it’s not because I don’t love you. I am letting you go because I know this is the best for us. I will always cherish what we share, and I hope that one day we can find happiness and fulfillment on our paths.

2. Dear [name], I’m glad you’re happy and healthy in your new life. I wish you all the best, you were a big part of my life for so many years, but now it’s time for us to move on and start new chapters in our lives. We’ve shared some unforgettable moments, but I think it’s good for us both to be with other people who can make us happy in ways we couldn’t do any more with each other. It’s been an honor getting to know you over the last few years. Your friendship means more than words can describe. Take care, dear.

3. Hey [name], you were my best friend, and I will miss you every day. I’m unsure how to go without you, but I know I will because that’s my only option, and you would want me to be happy and move on with my life. I love you so much, and I know that even though you are no longer here in physical form, your memories will always stay with me.

4. Hey [name], you have been the best friend I could ever ask for in my entire life. You have been a shoulder to cry on when things were tough and there for me when I needed someone to talk to about my problems. Thank you for being such a fantastic person who cares about others, not only yourself, like some people do these days.

Letting Go Of Someone You Love Message
Letting Go Of Someone You Love Message

5. Dear [name], I’ll never forget our time together. You were always there for me when I needed someone most, and I wish I could be there for you. You taught me so much about myself and life. Thank you for everything. I can’t repay you for the unquantifiable love.

6. Hi [name], I can’t imagine life without you, but I have to because it’s the only way we’ll be able to keep going forward. I’m letting go so you can find your happiness elsewhere, even if that means it’s not with me anymore. It will hurt me more than it hurts you, but that doesn’t mean you should stay with me for no reason other than pity or guilt. Those aren’t good enough reasons for a relationship to survive long-term.

7. Dear [name], you will always be close to my heart, and I will never forget you, even though we’re apart now. I wish you all the best in life and hope you find true happiness wherever you go. It was good while it lasted, but all good things must end eventually, so I’m letting go of my feelings for you now because it’s time to move on. I wish you nothing but happiness and hope we can remain friends forever.

8. Hi dear, I’m letting go of you because I love you too much to hold on. Even though it hurts like hell, I know that if I don’t do this now, I’ll regret it for the rest of my life. So please, take care of yourself and know I will always love you.

9. Dear [name], I know you love me, but I can’t be with someone who doesn’t love themselves first. It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I wasn’t ready for this kind of commitment and responsibility, and now that we’re together, it’s too much for me to handle. I’m so sorry to do this to you. It isn’t working out between us.

10. Hi [name], I know it’s not easy and hurts. But I can’t do this anymore, and neither can you. It’s time for us both to move on, and I hope we can still be friends. I wish nothing but the best for you, and I hope we’ll cross paths again one day. Until then, take care of yourself because I know that’s what you want me to do.

11. Dear [name], I love you, but I must let you go. It’s been wonderful knowing you, but it’s time for me to move on. I’m not saying goodbye forever because I’ll never forget the moments we spent together. But sometimes, in life, we need to take a step back and look at our situation from a new perspective, and that’s what I need to do with our relationship right now. I want you to know that this is not about you. It’s about me and what I want out of life. I hope one day we’ll be able to meet again under better circumstances.

12. Hi [name], I love you, but I must let you go. I know this isn’t how we wanted things to end, but it’s the only way. I can’t keep pretending like everything is okay when it’s not. We need to face our problems head-on and make a change for the better. You’re a great person, and I know that you’re going to find someone who loves you as much as I do.

13. Hi [name], I don’t know what else to say except that I love you, but I must let you go. It’s not easy, and it hurts me a lot, but I hope we will meet one day again and maybe we could be friends.

14. Hello dear, it’s not like I want to leave you, but I know it’s best for both of us. We can’t keep doing this. We’ve been together for a long time, and it’s been amazing, but we need something different now. Don’t worry because you’re going to be okay! You’re going to find a new relationship that will make you happier than I ever could. I know it.

15. Dear [name], I’m sorry it must be this way. I don’t think we’re a good match. It’s not you. It’s me and my inability to commit to a relationship right now. I want what’s best for us, which means ending this before things get too serious, but we can still be friends.

16. Hey [name], I love you, but I must let you go. It’s not because I don’t care about you or because I don’t want to be with you. It’s because I don’t want to hurt you, and if we stay together, that will happen. You’re such a remarkable person, and I hope someone else will come along who deserves to spend their life with you as much as I do.

17. Hey [name], I love you so much, but I can’t be with you anymore. It’s not your fault. It’s mine. Life has been hard for me lately, and I don’t think I can be an ideal partner for you right now. I know this may seem sudden, but I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. Please don’t take it personally or think anything is wrong with you! There isn’t because you’re unique, beautiful, and kind, and anyone would be lucky to have your heart. It’s not the right time for me to be in a relationship with anyone other than myself.

18. Dear [name], I love you, but it will be best to be alone. You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. You’re kind and generous, with a smile that could light up the world, but I’m trying to tell you that our relationship has to end. I’ve tried hard to fight it, but it’s not working between us. It will be hard for both of us, but there’s no other way than to tell you that we need some time apart. Maybe when we’re apart, we’ll realize the path ahead, but perhaps we’ll find something better than what we had.

19. Dear [name], I love you but must let you go. You deserve someone who will be there for you, and I’m sorry I’m not that person. I hope we can be friends again someday, but I need some time to myself right now.

20. Hey, I know this is hard, but I want you to know that I love you and always will. I’m sorry for any pain I’ve caused you, and I hope you can forgive me one day for letting you go. I wish you the best of luck on your path to finding fulfillment because you will need it.

21. Hey baby, I love you and always will, but I can’t do this anymore. I need to be my person and live my life on my terms. It’s not that I don’t want us to be together. I do! But I can’t keep waiting for you when it feels like we’re never going to be able to get our act together. I know it hurts now, but it will get better. I promise you that one day soon, the pain will fade away, and all that will be left is the good stuff, happy memories of times we spent together, and the knowledge that we tried everything we could to make things work out for us both as individuals and as a couple.

22. Hi, I’ll never forget the good times we had together, but sometimes, in life, we have to accept that it’s time to move on. I hope you find happiness in your next relationship and that you think of me fondly from time to time.

23. My heart has grown cold and hard, like a rock that doesn’t exist in nature. It’s too big to be floating around in space, so it must have been placed there by aliens. I’m sorry, but I have to let you go. You’re too good for me, honey! I know it hurt, but I must let you go because that’s what’s best for us.

24. Hey [name], I’m sorry I had to leave because I can’t be with someone who doesn’t understand me. Everyone deserves someone who will always be by your side and support them in every way possible. Someone who can help guide them through life’s challenges and celebrate with them when things go right. You’re not the person willing to do whatever it takes to ensure your relationship works out for the long term, and that’s why we need a break from everything.

25. Dear [name], I know this must be hard for both of us, but we deserve a chance at happiness outside of this relationship. You deserve someone who will always treat you with respect and kindness. Not only when they feel like it or when they think it’ll benefit them in some way, and this isn’t fair to either one of us because our relationship is built on lies and deception instead of trust and honesty like it should be between two people who love each other so much!

Letting Go Of Someone You Love Quotes

Letting Go Of Someone You Love Quote
Letting Go Of Someone You Love Quote

26. It’s about the future. Holding back to the past will drain the energy used to realize future dreams. Let go of things that ended and be grateful it happened.

27. When you let go of the past, the lessons remain to guide your next step to the future. Letting go shows that you are stronger than your past.

28. Letting go is more demanding than holding on. But it’s better to let go of the past and face the future. Holding on to something that doesn’t exist will ruin your happy moments.

29. While we can’t control the amount of love and attachment we give to others in our life, we can learn to let go when it’s time. It hurts, but it’s for the best

30. Even trees and leaves let go of each other during the winter. You can always move on and let things go your way.
Remember, you are more powerful than you think.

31. Letting go isn’t about failure. It’s about starting all over again with lots of experience to move further than before.
Never regret it when it’s time to start again.

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32. You may not be happy immediately after you let go of something precious, but you will be, in no distant time, because letting go of the past prepares you for the goodies of the future.

33. Let people go if you don’t see your vision. Forget those sets of people who care little about your dreams.
Never get hooked up with anyone who only adds up to your past and doesn’t design your future.

34. Let them go if they don’t fit into your life.
Take a deep breath and remember that you are sure of this moment.
So start something exciting and forget that those people were once in your life.

35. When you let go, you move forward.
You must throw away the old one for the new one to fit in.
Forgive yourself and prepare for the best things ahead.

36. Holding onto something no longer there will ruin the happy moments. Why cling to something that’s not there?
The events of yesterday are gone and cannot be changed.
Let go and stop judging yourself too much.

37. Sometimes, holding on keeps you from hoping and loving the moment you spent.
To appreciate the future, all you have to do right now is to let go of the hurt and pain inside you.
Letting go is the medicine you need to refreshen your morale to keep living and winning. Be happy, dear.

38. Holding on won’t change things according to your wishes, but letting go will reposition you to achieve your quests.
You show control over yourself when you let go of that past relationship. Quit holding on to toxicity.

39. I let go of things quickly, not because I don’t love or care for those things any longer but because I can’t make those things be the way I wish.
I’ll miss you, but it’s better off I let you go.

40. Some battles are not won fighting till the end. Some actions are to be lost to live and tell your experiences.
At one point in everyone’s life, letting go becomes the only option.

41. Holding on to the past gives two identities.
Let go of the past since you can’t change it and hold on to the future, which looks promising.
You can design your future but not your past.

42. You can’t explain who you are till you lose yourself by letting go of everything holding you back in life.
Find yourself by holding on to a new plan, dream, passion, or something completely new.
Only then can you move quickly to the next stage of life.

43. Everything happened. It was fantastic and unique.
It was the best on earth and one mind-blowing relationship, but there is one thing remaining.
Which is, letting go and keeping the memories aside.

44. If it’s over, then it’s over.
Please don’t force it; instead, be happy that you experienced it. Accept that it wasn’t meant to work and move on because letting go is simply leaving what’s over without denying that it was once the best thing that happened to you.

45. You let go by cutting the bridges after crossing. That way, you have just one choice to move forward and embrace all the opportunities rather than waiting for the past.

46. As much as it hurts to believe it has ended, you must do it because he belongs to the past. You can’t change it.
It might be challenging, but you’d be grateful for your decision.

47. Give everyone the chance to decide if they’d stay in your life or not, but when they are done selecting their best choice, make sure they stick to their will.
They are either in or out.

48. If they let you go, it means that you are not as important as you think you are to them.
Keep them far away because they don’t define your future and have no role to play in your life.

49. Let go of that person who can live without you when you can’t live without them. Because they aren’t worth the stress of loving, be with those who value you. They are the persons who built their world around you.

50. Letting go is like investing to feel pain at the moment, to have happier moments later.
Holding on will soak you in your pains from now to the future.
Let go of your past and be happy.

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51. You realize your full potential to survive and adapt when you let go of some people and things.
It may seem hard at first, but you will be amazed at how happy you will be without that toxic person.

52. I love to be with you all my life. I’ve always wanted to see your face every morning, but everything changed, and I have no option other than to let you be with those who matter to you.

53. I am letting you go, not because my love well for you ran dry nor the feelings in my heart vanished. It’s because you have found someone better loving than me.
I have to move on.

54. I may not be the best for you, but you have always been my first choice.
I am not even close to perfection, but you have been perfect for me since day one.
I gave you my whole love, but you love another. It’s about moving on because nothing is left for me in your world.

55. The last thing I wished for was to spend the rest of my life with someone else.
Everything still seems like a movie, but I’ve got to move on as you asked me to.
Thanks for the sweet memories because they will never leave my heart.

56. When hanging on can break your heart, destroy your soul and make the power of love (plus the word love) seem stupid, what’s next?
To let go and walk away when there’s still time.

57. You lose self-respect when you refuse to see that the love is one-sided.
You lose yourself and become nothing when hanging on to something that won’t live again.

58. It won’t work even if you force it to because a genuine relationship happens naturally with minimal interference. Forcing it will strip you of your dignity and kill your soul if you keep holding on to it.

59. Life with you would have been perfect. It would have been me, you, and our kids. These were the sweet things we once wished for, but not anymore because being without you is far better than being with you.

60. Letting you go was the most painful thing ever.
It wasn’t my idea, but I guess that’s how things should be.
I pray we find more happiness soon, more than we had in the past.

61. I will make much sweeter memories, but it will be with someone else.
I’ve existed before I met you, and letting you go will never end my existence on earth.

62. Putting up on a sinking relationship for so long will gradually eat you.
Reduce you to nothing and make everything that once meant something to you mean nothing.

63. Every good thing in life takes effort and struggle to accomplish.
Same with letting go. Even the reward systems are the same. You will be happy to let go and keep believing in what was long gone.

64. You will be happy when you let go of him (her).
Someday, you will look back and congratulate yourself for taking that step.
Life is too short to stay miserable.

65. When you let go of someone, their memories never seem to fade, but more sweet and beautiful memories will cover up the one of the past with time.

66. Let it go if it doesn’t, burn it, and breath it out.
That’s the easiest way to get rid of the past.
Remember, the future holds much more. Be safe.

67. When you are afraid of letting go, remember that challenging and dreadful journeys lead to beautiful destinations.
There is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

68. You may lose your heart but not your soul.
You may be in love but still, have your head to think.
When it’s time to let go, pick every piece of your heart and move on.

69. Love with your heart and keep hate far from you, but when it’s time to stop loving. Just pack your gut and move on.
A relationship can end, but your life continues.

70. You don’t have to lie to keep someone.
If you were perfect for them, they should love your flaws as much as you devote time to them.

71. Letting go of everything and starting anew doesn’t mean that you forgot your past.
It only means that the past was good, but you are trying to start something better.

72. Observe your love. If it left you worst than you were when it found you, then it’s time to let go and say goodbye.
It won’t hurt when you let go compared to when you hang on.

73. Listen to your heart when it tells you it’s time to go.
Sometimes, listening to the little voice inside is the only best thing one can do when relationship issues arise.

74. Never look back when you leave a toxic relationship that broke you and left you shattered.
Forget it happened because what lies ahead is far better.

75. When you breathe in what lies ahead and let go of what’s gone, your life will be much more exciting than ever.

76. No matter how much we cling to things, they will leave once done playing their role in our lives. You choose to understand and respect the lessons they left behind or grieve in futility.

77. There is no better way to understand letting go than accepting that things change frequently. Focus on getting to the end of your journey and thank everyone who has been part of the journey.

78. When we start seeing things positively, we will realize that letting go is like growing up where we have more and more experiences from life and tend not to make more disastrous mistakes in our further adventures.

79. You can’t make any positive achievement until you learn to forgive yourself, forgive the situation and realize that things have their starting and ending points. Until you know all this, you are only rotating in one place.

80. The events that will happen tomorrow are golden, so don’t mess it with what happened in the past. Yesterday cannot be recovered, but you can achieve tomorrow. Keep your sight ahead and be grateful for how far you have gone.

81. You don’t need to be 100 percent sure before you take the first step. Let go of your fears and make that first move. You can achieve much more than you think when you let your worries go.

82. You can’t forgive someone else entirely when you have not forgiven yourself. Nobody is going to do it for you. Nobody is going to do the talking. You have your life and decide how you wish it to be.

83. Sooner or later, you need to let go of your past to achieve anything tangible. Letting go of your past and things that once meant something to you is a ticket to excelling in life.

84. Letting go and starting all over are two different things. Letting go is understanding that it’s over, and starting all over is trying to keep pushing despite the bitter end. Let go of toxicity.

85. You grow each time you let go. It means that you have understood the lessons and moved on to something bigger and better. You can never outgo letting go because pain is a sign of growth.


If you’re reading this, there’s a good chance you’re struggling to let go of someone you love. You’re not alone. It’s a universal experience. A 2014 poll found that 90% of men and women in the United States have experienced a breakup. When we lose someone we love, we are suddenly reminded of how fragile life is, how quickly we can lose someone we care about, and it’s at the times that we least expect it. We hope and pray you pass through this stage faster.

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