Cute Messages To Make Him Feel Special 2024

Sure, you want to treat your man to a fancy dinner now and then. Why not? You deserve it, too, right? The problem is that the expenses can get out of hand quickly if you’re not careful, and we all know how quickly those little adult luxuries add up.

So save yourself some money by doing a few things that, while they won’t blow his socks off, will show him that you appreciate what he does for you.

When it comes to relationships, there are endless things you can say to your partner to make them feel special. Here are some heart-touching messages to make him feel special.

Messages To Make Him Feel Special

1. Hey babe! I know you’re trying to make ends meet, but you should how special you are to me, and I’m thinking of you all day.

2. I miss you so much, but I know how important it is for you to get away and work. It’s not easy being an adult, but I’m glad you’re in my life.

3. Hey, [name]! I just wanted to tell you that I love you. I know we don’t say it often, but I can’t help it—you’re a wonderful person. You make me so happy, and it feels like nothing can touch us when we’re together. You’re great and I’m lucky to have you as my partner.

4. Thanks for being there for me when things are hard too. You’re always there when I need someone to talk to or just some extra support when things are tough. You’re a good listener, and you always know what to say! Thanks for being the best partner in the world!

5. I wish some words could express what’s in my heart for you, but I guess the best way to say it is: Thank you for being here for me when no one else was. Thank you for being such a good friend, and thank you for being the person who makes me feel like anything is possible. You’re amazing! I love you!!

6. Hey! How are you? I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, and I just wanted to check-in and see how things are going.

7. Hey, I just wanted to say that I love you. I know it’s been a rough day for you, so I wanted to ensure that you know I’m here forever, honey.

Check: Cute Messages To Send To Your Best Friend

8, You’re the best I’ve ever had and so special to me that I can’t even explain it. You’re better than any other man I’ve ever met, my favorite person in the world, and I love you so much!

9. I wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you do for me. You are always there when I need you, and it means the world.

10. No matter what happens, I will always be there for you. You’re my best friend, and I love you more than anything else.

11. There are no words to describe how much I love you, so instead of trying to find them, I want to thank you for being such a fantastic person!

12. Hey there! I think you’re lovely and I mean that in the most literal sense. You’re a wonderful person, a good companion, and the best listeners I’ve ever known.

13. I know it’s not easy to hear people tell you how much they like you or how great they think you are—especially when those words come from someone who isn’t your mom or dad. But I hope this message makes it easier for you to hear those things because they are true! You deserve to listen to that stuff every day.

14. You remain the best, and the most talented person I know. You’re always great in everything you do, and I’m so lucky to know you. You deserve all the love in the world.

15. You are so handsome. I love your eyes, your smile, and the way you say my name. I’m happy that we’re together!

16. You’re the most fantastic person in the world. You know that, right? Your kindness is just one of your many great qualities.

17. I am so lucky to be with a guy like you. You’re so loyal, kind, and hilarious! We’ll never stop laughing together.

18. You always know how to make me feel special and loved, even when we’re not together. You are the best man ever!

Check: Cute Messages To Send To Your Best Friend 

19. Hey there, [name]! I’m so glad we’re friends. You’re one of the most incredible people I’ve ever met, and I feel like we have a lot of fun together. I hope you’re having a great day.

20. Hey, [name], I just wanted to drop a line and tell you how much I appreciate the relationship we’ve built over the years. You’re such a great person and a fantastic partner, and I am lucky to call you that.

21. Thank you for always being there for me—when life gets tough, it’s good to know I have someone like you to help me through it. You’re always ready with a smile and a hug. I love you.

22. You’re such a sweetheart, and I appreciate everything you do for me—the thoughtfulness and the way you always make me feel special when I’m around you. I can’t love you less.

23. Thank you for always being there when I need someone to talk to or share my feelings. It means a lot to me that we have each other in our lives. I love you!

24. Hey, sweetie! I just wanted to say that I love you and I’m so glad you’re in my life. You make me feel like a superhero every day.

25. You’re amazing, kind and smart. I’m lucky to have you in my life. Thank you for all the ways you make me feel better about myself.

26. Dear [name], I know you’re having a hard time. I’m here for you if you ever want to talk. I love you and always will.

Check: Cutest Love Letters To A Boyfriend 

27. You deserve to have someone tell you how great you are every day. You’re such a calm person, and I’m thinking of you today. I’m so glad we met, and you’ve made me feel so happy since then.

28. Hi [name]! I’m glad we’re together because you make me feel better, and I want you to know how much you mean to me.

29. Dear [name], I appreciate you every day because you are such a kind and thoughtful person. I’m grateful for everything you do for me. You are the best partner anyone could have! I love you, [name]!

30. Hey, [name]! I just wanted to tell you that I think of you often. I hope you’re having a great day.

31. Hey, [name]! I’m taking a moment to tell you how much I appreciate you. I know it’s not easy being an adult, and sometimes the world can seem like it’s against you, but I’m always on your team. You’re talented, smart, and kind, and I’m so glad we hang out daily. I hope this note finds you well. Stay strong!

32. Hey there, [name]! How are you? I hope you’re doing well. I want you to know that I’m thinking and caring about you. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out, honey.

33. Hey, handsome! I want you to know how much I appreciate you and how lucky I feel that we’re together. You are the best. Have a great day!

34. Hey there! Thank you for being so fabulous. You always know how to make me laugh, and I’m happy that we’ve been able to grow close over the years.

35. I hope this message finds you well and that your day is extra special because it’s our first year together! I can’t believe we’ve been dating for a whole year now! Time flies when you’re having fun. I love you, my boo.

36. I’m so glad I get to spend time with you today.” I am making sure this day is the best one you’ve ever had. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time.

Check: Cute Letters To Write To Your Girlfriend 

37. You’re always there for me when no one else is and the only person who could ever make me feel this way.

38. Hey, I just wanted to say that I appreciate how you’re always there for me. You’re such a good boyfriend, and I’m so glad we’ve been hanging out lately. You are the sun, and I’m happy you are in my life.

39. Hey, [name], It’s been a while since we’ve talked. I’m sorry I haven’t been around; I know things have been crazy for you lately. I just wanted to reach out and say that I’m thinking of you and hoping everything is going okay!

40. You are a sweetheart and an extraordinary person, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. I am happy about everything you do for me.

41. You’re the most important person in my life, and I want to spend every minute with you.

42. I love you because you’re so thoughtful and always know what to do to make me laugh. You’re always there for me, no matter what, and I value that.

43. I love how much fun it is to be with someone as passionate about life as you are! I’m so happy that we can talk about anything, no matter how serious or silly it is!

44. Hey, [name]! You’re exceptional and one of the most important people in my life. I want you to know how much I appreciate and cherish you.

45. Hello baby, I just wanted to say hi and tell you how much I love spending time with you. You’re such a special person to me, and I hope we can keep this going for life.

46. My love, I’m just sending you a quick note to say that I think you’re among the most wonderful people I’ve ever met. You’re thoughtful and always know how to make me feel better when I’m down. I can’t even express how much I love you.

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47. Hey [name], I just wanted to say that I’m thinking about you today and hope you’re having a fantastic day!

48. Hey [name], You’re the most important person in my life, and I can’t wait to spend more time with you soon! I love you

49. Dear [name], I’m so glad we’re friends. You make me laugh, you listen to my problems, and you never fail to remind me that I’m not alone in this world. I hope you know how special you are to me.

50. Hey honey, You’re such an essential part of my life, and I just wanted to thank you for being there when it counts the most.

51. Hey, my love, It has been [number of days] since we last talked, and I can’t wait to hear your voice again. It’s no secret that I’m crazy about you.

52. Hey, [name]! I’m so excited to send you these messages. I know that you’re going through a lot. I hope these messages will comfort you and make you feel special.

53. You are so cute and funny; I always want to be around you! You are the funniest person I know, and I love you always have a good time whenever I hang out with you. You are so intelligent and responsible for your age; it’s fantastic! Thank you for being such a great man for me

54. Hey, remember when we first met? I still think about that day all the time. You were so great at making me feel comfortable and at ease with everything.

55. I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked, can’t stop myself from thinking about you are always on my mind.

56. I don’t know where to start with this because there’s so much I want to say. Let me say that I’m so happy to be in your life right now. You’re the most incredible person I’ve ever met, and I’m so lucky we get to do this thing together. You make me feel like anything is possible, and that’s what I need most in my life right now.

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57. I don’t want anyone else on this earth besides you. No one else can make me laugh like you do or make me feel as safe as you do. When we’re together, it just feels right, you know? It feels like something more significant than both of us combined is pulling us together, and that’s not something that often happens in life—so thank you for sharing it with me!

58. You mean so much more than words can describe—but here are some anyway: Thank you for being my man, and thank you for being so supportive of everything.

59. Hey there, [name]! I want to take a minute to let you know how special you are to me. You’re such a great friend and always so kind.

60. Hello, [name]. I want to send you a message to let you know how much I appreciate you. You are so kind, generous, and thoughtful, and I truly appreciate all you do for the rest of our family and me. You’re an amazing man, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Love always.

61. Hey, babe. I want to say that I’m thinking about you today because you’re such an amazing person, and I love you for all the ways that you support me. Thank you for always being there and always having my back. You’re awesome.

62. Hi, [name], I want you to know that I’m so glad we’re friends. I know it’s hard sometimes to feel like you can be yourself around other people, and I’m so glad you can do that with me. It means a lot to me because you’re the best.

63. Hey [ name], you are my world and the most important person in my life. You are the only one who can make me smile and the only one who can make me cry. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I will always love you.

64. Hello [name], it is so hard for me to imagine a day without you by my side. You are why I wake up every morning with a smile, and when I lie down at night, it feels like everything is right in this world because of you.

65. Dear [name], thanks for being there for me when nobody else was there for me when I needed them most in life. Thank you for loving and supporting me in everything I do. Sometimes it may seem impossible, but trust me when I say there isn’t anything more important than what we have together because it’s something very special.

66. Hey, I want to let you know that I appreciate you so much. You’re such an amazing person, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Thanks for being there for me when things get tough. You’re always willing to listen and help me sort through things without judgment or pressure. It means so much to me.

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67. Dear [name], thank you for being there for me. You mean so much to me, and I’m grateful you’re in my life. I hope this message finds you well and wish you all the happiness in the world. Love, [name]

68. Dear [name], I love you because you are my best friend, my human diary, and my other half. You mean the world to me, and I would be lost without you. We have ups and downs, but we can get through it together. No matter what happens, I will always be here for you, no matter what anyone else says or does.

69. Hey, babe, I want you to know that I’m glad you’re in my life because you make me feel like the luckiest person in the world. You know all my secrets, and you still love me anyway. You’re a great friend and an even better boyfriend. You’re always there for me when I need you. I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thank you for being such an amazing guy.

70. Hey sweetie, I’m so glad that you’re in my life. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you for always being there when I need you and making me laugh when I’m not feeling so great. I love you wholeheartedly, and I hope you know that.

71. Dear [name], I want to tell you how special you are to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened in my life, and I am so glad that we met. I don’t know what my life would be like without you because every day is a new adventure with you by my side, and I can’t wait to see where our journey takes us next. Love, [name]

72. My love, I’m sending you this message because I want you to know how much you mean to me. You are an incredible person, and I am so lucky to know you. You always have a smile, and I love that about you. Sometimes I think about our friendship and all the memories we’ve made together, and then my heart fills up with joy. You’re one of the best people I know, and I hope that you always stay happy, healthy, and full of energy.

73. Hey, [his name], I hope you’re having a good day. I want you to know how much I appreciate you and everything you do for me. You’re such a kind person, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You’re the best boyfriend ever.

74. Dear [name], you are why I am alive, my love. Without you, I would be nothing but a shell of myself. You give me purpose, and I will never forget that. You are my best friend, soulmate, and the one person I know will always be there for me no matter what happens. You are the light that guides me through life’s darkest moments, and I will never stop loving you for being such an incredible person to me.

75. I want you to know I love you because you are such a great guy. I am lucky to be with you because you are always there for me when I need it, even if you sacrifice some of your time to ensure I’m okay. You always know how to make me feel better when I’m upset, and even though we fight sometimes, it’s always because we care about each other so much. I hope you have a great day today.

76. Hey sweetheart, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You are the star in my sky, and I want to be with you forever. I love you so much and can’t imagine life without you. You are my everything, and I want us to stay together forever. I don’t know how I managed to find someone as special as you, but I’m glad I did.

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77. Hey, sweetie. Thank you for everything you’ve done for me. You’re such a good friend, and I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re always there when I need you, and I want to let you know how much that means. You mean the world to me. I want to say that I love you so much.

78. Dear handsome, I’m so glad we met because you are such a special person, and I’m so happy to have you in my life. I can’t wait to see what adventures are in store for us.

79. Hi honey, I want to take a minute and say thank you for being my boyfriend. You’ve always been so supportive and kind, no matter what. You always keep cool in stressful situations and never let me down. I’m so lucky to have someone like you in my life, you’re an amazing person with a big heart, and I’m honored to call you my friend.

80. Dear [name], you are the sunshine that makes my day brighter. You make me feel so happy and free. Thank you for being in my life. I treasure every moment we share because you are my world.

81. Hey, handsome, I want you to know that you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met. You’re so good at everything, and I know that there’s no one else in the world who could compare to you. So thank you for being the best friend anyone could ever have.

82. Dear [name], you are an incredible person, and I’m so lucky to have met you. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world when we’re together, and I can’t wait to see where our relationship takes us in the future. Love always, [name]

83. Hey sweetie, I am so lucky to have you in my life. You are my best friend, my lover, and my soulmate. No one else can make me feel the way you do. You are a special part of my life, and I will never let you go.

84. Dear [name], I have been thinking about you lately. I want you to know that I love you and appreciate everything you do for me. You are my best friend, and I couldn’t imagine life without you. I hope this message finds you well and happy.

85. Hey, babe, I want to say that I’m so glad you’re in my life. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world, and I’m so happy that we get to spend our lives together. You mean the world to me, and I can’t wait to see what’s in store for us next.

86. Dear [name], I hope you know how special you are to me. You make my world feel safe, and I’m so grateful for that. You’re the kindest person I know, and I feel so lucky to have your support. I wish you all the best today and always.

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87. Hi honey, when you’re with me, I feel like the luckiest person in the world. You are my sun and moon, my life and breath. You’re everything to me. I love how you make me laugh even when I don’t want to smile. You are my favorite person in the entire world, and I love you so much.

88. Hello [name], you are the sunshine in my day, the spring in my step, and the reason for my smile. I love you more than anything else in this world. You are the only person I want to be with for the rest of my life. I want to be yours forever and ever.

89. Hey, baby, you’re so special to me. I can’t imagine life without you. You are my best friend, and I don’t know what I would do without you. You have been there for me through thick and thin and always supported me in everything I do. Thank you for being there for me, even when times were tough.

90. Hey, sweetie, I want you to know that I love you because you mean so much to me, and I’m so happy we got together. I can’t believe how lucky I am. You’re a great guy, and I’m so glad we found each other. Love you always.

91. Hey babe, you’re one of the sweetest guys I’ve ever met. You’re always so kind and thoughtful, and it’s nice to know that you’re always there for me when I need you. I’m so lucky to have you in my life.

92. Dear [name], I love you so much, you are such an amazing person, and I am so thankful that we get to spend our lives together. You are my world, and I would be lost without you by my side. Always remember that no matter what happens in life, I will always be here for you.

93. Hey, sweetie! I’m so glad you’re my boyfriend. You make me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. I’m so thankful for your love and everything you do to make me feel special. You’re truly one of a kind, and I love you so much.

94. My baby! How was your day? I hope it’s been good. I want you to know that you are always in my thought, and I’m so lucky to have you in my life. You’re such an important part of me, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for us. I love you so much.

95. Hey, babe, you’re the best. I know you’re busy and have a lot of stuff on your plate, but I want you to know how much I appreciate and love you. You make my life so much better by being my everything. I will think about you all day like I do every day.

96. Hey, babe. It’s me. I want you to know that I love you and think you’re amazing. I appreciate everything you do for me, and I hope we can keep growing closer as time goes on. I’m so glad that we have each other.

97. Hey honey, I love you because you make me feel special. You are my best friend, my partner, and my lover. You mean the world to me, and I cannot imagine a life without you in it.

98. Dear [name], I can’t imagine a day without you. You’re my sun and moon, and I’m so thankful you exist in my life. You make me feel so special, and I know that I’m the luckiest person in the world to have someone like you in my life. You are truly one of a kind, and I promise always to make sure you know how special you are to me. I love you with all of my heart, [name].


As you can see, it’s easy to make a boyfriend feel special and appreciated. You must send him a few heartfelt messages to tell him he’s always on your mind. Hopefully, this article has provided you with the perfect idea for a loving gesture for your man. If so, don’t be afraid to use what you’ve read here tonight!

You can send your man these cute texts to show that you care and miss him. Share them via email, Facebook, text, or any other way you prefer to communicate with him. They are sure to make him feel more loved and appreciated.

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