Long Birthday Messages For A Close Female Friend 2024

Birthdays are a great time to reach out and tell your besties how much you love them! Of course, I’m pretty sure they already know — but we can pretend these birthday wishes will make them feel exceptional, right? 

Do you know who deserves a special birthday message? None other than your awesome female friend. Let me take you through why they deserve it and in what manner you should tell them.

Long Birthday Messages For A Close Female Friend

1. Dear [name], you are such an incredible friend, and I’m so thankful for how you’ve been in my life. I hope your birthday is filled with love and laughter and you enjoy all your favorite things on this special day. I can’t wait to celebrate with you soon. Have a blessed day.

2. I am grateful you’re the best friend I’ve ever had. You’re so beautiful, intelligent, and funny—I can’t believe you’re turning [age] today. I’ll miss you when you go to college next year, but I know that as long as we’re in touch and keep in touch. We’ll always be best friends. Enjoy the rest of your birthday.

3. To the best friend I could ever ask for, I wish you a happy birthday! I know we have been through a lot this year, and I’m so glad that we are still here together. You’re the most incredible person I know, and I am so thankful we have each other. No matter what, you are always there for me. You’re a fantastic listener. May your day be full of joy, love, and laughter—like you are every day.

4. I’m so excited about your birthday, [name]! You are one of the most incredible humans I’ve ever met, and I am so blessed to have you in my life. No matter what’s going on in the world or how much time we spend apart, you always make me feel like everything is going to be okay. You are a gift—a beautiful, kind soul who deserves nothing but the best. I want to tell you how much I love and appreciate you today. I hope this year brings us closer together than ever before.

5. Happy birthday best friend. You’ve always been one of my favorite people to spend time with, you’re kind, and I’m so grateful that we’ve been able to share our lives for so long. We’ve seen each other through some of the best moments of our lives and some of the hardest. We’ll see each other through more amazing times in the future. I hope this day is your best yet.

Check: Big Wishes For Best Friend’s Birthday

6. Happy birthday, dear [name]. You’re so much more than a friend to me. You’re family, and that’s the best thing in the world. I’ve had so many beautiful experiences with you over the years, and I can’t wait to have even more. We’ve laughed and cried together. Now we’re ready to move on to the next phase of our lives together, and as we do that and grow older, I want you to know how much I love you and appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You are an incredible friend who has taught me so much about myself and life in general—and I will always be grateful for that alone. But really? It’s not enough for me to say “Thank you” or “I love you” because those things don’t tell you how important you are to me or how much joy you give me every day. They don’t capture all the beautiful memories we’ve shared.

7. It’s been such a joy getting to know you over the years—and I’m so happy to celebrate this special day with you. You are one of the most caring, thoughtful people I know, and it’s been an honor to get to know you better over the last few years. When we first met, I remember thinking that you seemed too good to be true. But then I got to know you better and discovered that your heart is even bigger than it appears at first glance. You’re always there for me when I need someone to lean on or give me a hug when I need one. And though we don’t see each other as often as we used to (I miss those days!), when we do get together again, all our old memories come flooding back and make us feel like kids all over again. You mean so much to me, [name], and I’m thankful for our friendship. Happy birthday.

8. I wish you a happy birthday, my dear friend. It’s tough to find someone genuine and wonderful as you are, I know you’ve been through some hard times, but today is your day filled with lots of joy and happiness. I’m so glad to be celebrating your birthday with you today! It is an honor for me to be in your life and call you a friend.

9. Dear friend, I’m so happy we’ve been friends for as long as we have. You’re the person who always makes me feel better about myself and my life. The last few years have been especially hard for me—they’ve tested my resolve and self-confidence in many ways. But you’ve been there every step of the way. You’ve helped me laugh through the tears and celebrate my wins, even when they were small ones. You’ve always believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself, and I am genuinely grateful. So here’s to happy birthday to you and many more years of friendship.

10. Happy birthday to my favorite girl. You are so kind and thoughtful, and you make me feel like the luckiest person in the world when I’m with you. You’re always there for me no matter what, and I love that about you. It’s hard to imagine a day without you, but I know it will come someday. Until then, let’s keep celebrating birthdays together.

11. Dear [friend’s name], you are a fantastic person, and I can’t believe how blessed I feel to have you in my life. You are so funny and so kind. I am glad we are friends and get to spend time together celebrating your birthday. Happy birthday, [friend’s name], and many more.

12. Hello, best friend, I know you’re always looking for the positive in any situation, so I’m sure that even though it’s your birthday, you’re not feeling too bad. I hope today is filled with everything that makes you happy: a delicious cake and great friends. Here’s hoping this year is full of love and adventure. You deserve nothing but the best.

13. Hey BFF, I’m thrilled to celebrate your birthday with you! You’re among the best people I know, which is why we’re such great friends. While others are complaining about the weather, we can’t wait to see what surprises this spring has in store.

14. Firstly I want to take a moment to thank you for being such an incredible friend. You’re always there when I need you, and you’ve helped me through some of the most challenging times in my life, which makes our friendship so unique. We can disagree but still stand by each other when it matters most. You know all the good stuff about me (and most of the bad), but somehow, you love me anyway. How do you do it? You’re terrific, and I’m so glad we met! Here’s to many more birthdays together.

15. Let’s celebrate your birthday like we always do—with a party, I know you’re probably busy, but I want to wish you a happy birthday and let you know how much I care about you. You’re such a fantastic person, and I’m lucky to have you as a friend. I hope this year is your best yet.

Check: Birthday Wishes For Best Friend Of Many Years

16. I’m so happy to be celebrating your birthday with you. It’s been a year since we met, and I can’t believe how much has changed. You’ve become such an essential part of my life—and I hope you know just how much I care about you. I’m so glad that our friendship started the way it did. So happy birthday! May all your dreams come true.

17. Dear [friend’s name], you are such a wonderful person, and I am so glad I got to know you. You make me feel like I can do anything, and your friendship means more to me than words could ever express. I hope today is a fantastic day for you and all the love in the world surrounding you. Happy birthday, dear friend.

18. You make me feel so loved. I am so grateful to have you in my life because you always make me feel like the best version of myself. You have a way of bringing out the best in everyone around you, including me. I love you. Happy birthday, dear.

19. Happy birthday, dear [name]. You’re such a wonderful friend, and I’m so excited to have you in my life! You’re the kindest person I know and always know how to make me smile. You’re always there for me when I need a shoulder to cry on or some advice. I hope your birthday is as unique as you are.

20. Dear friend, I wish you a pleased birthday! You’ve been such a great friend to me over the years, and I can always count on you to be there for me. This year will bring you even more happiness, I love you so much, and I’m grateful we’re friends. You mean more to me than words can express, and I hope this message is a small way of showing how much I care about you.

21. Happy birthday to you, dear, the most amazing friend in the world. You’re incredibly kind and caring, and I can’t imagine my life without you. You’ve always been there for me when I needed it most, and I’m grateful for your support. You’ve helped me through some tough times, and I know you’ll be there for me again if I need it. I hope this year brings you everything you’ve ever wanted in life.

22. Happy birthday to you, dear friend. May this day be filled with love and laughter. I hope it’s the kind of day where you feel like the luckiest person in the world because that’s how I think about being your friend. You are one of my favorite people on earth, and I’m so thankful for all the times we’ve spent together over the years. I wish you a day filled with everything you love: family, friends, laughter, fun, and cake. Enjoy the rest of your day.

23. My dear friend, I’m so thankful for our friendship and all our memories together over the years. You’re such a fantastic person, and I feel so lucky to have you in my life. Today is your day, and I hope this birthday brings you everything you’ve ever wanted.

24. Happy birthday to my best friend, who has been with me through thick and thin. You’ve constantly reminded me that it’s okay to take it slow sometimes and that I don’t need to live up to anyone else’s expectations. You’re my rock, and I’m so glad we’ve had the chance to grow up together. Here’s to many more birthdays.

25. Happy birthday, friend! The first time I met you, I knew we would be lifelong friends. You have been by my side through many challenges, and I genuinely appreciate your support. I’m so excited to celebrate your birthday with you today. You’re such a wonderful person, and I love what we have together.

Check: Big Wishes For Best Friend’s Birthday

26. Dear friend, you are so special to me that I want to wish you a pleased birthday. You mean a lot to me, and I’m glad we’ve been friends for so long. I hope this day will be filled with joy, laughter, and excitement for you. May all your wishes come true.

27. There are so many words that I want to say, but all of them fall short. I’m sure you know how much you mean to me. You’re like my sister, best friend, and mom, all in one person. I want you to know how much I appreciate everything you do for me daily. Happy birthday, best buddy.

28. Happy birthday, dear [name]. I’m not sure how to say this, but I think we’ve been friends for a long time. You are probably one person that has been around for the longest in my life, and I want to say thanks for being there, always having my back, and being so awesome. You’re the best friend anyone could ever ask for—you’re intelligent, kind, caring, and fun to be around, basically everything I could ever want in a person.

29. Happy birthday, baby girl. You’re beautiful inside and out. You’ve made me laugh when I didn’t think there was anything worth laughing at, and you’ve helped me through hard times when no one else would have known what to do with me. So here’s to another year together.


No two relationships are exactly alike, and no two friendships are exactly alike. If you’re looking for a long birthday message to send to a close female friend, the examples above should provide plenty of inspiration and help you find a starting point to craft your heartfelt message. Just remember that when it comes to celebrating life’s big moments with those we love, there is no set formula.

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