Do you need some romantic goodnight messages for him? Yes, you do.
Hugs, kisses, and a card; you can give any of these as a thoughtful gesture when you want to say goodnight to your partner. Each has its own special meaning, and so you can tailor them to their mood. Don’t want to say goodnight to your man? Let him know you’re thinking of him with a card, which can cover any positive message. But what if your man isn’t there with you? Send him one of these goodnight messages.
Goodnight Messages for Him
1. I desire not to wake you up, that’s why I’m whispering, with a text. I wish you a beautiful night rest as you sleep.
2. The day is dark but hasn’t ended for me because I have one more task to accomplish.
I wish you a peaceful night’s rest. I love you, baby boy.
3. I may be the busiest person in the whole world, but I’m not ending my day without wishing you a calm, good night rest.
4. You saw a lot of smiles today, but you skipped one.
The smile not from the lips but from the heart.
The precious smile from me. Goodnight.

5. I hope you have a lovely, cute, and wonderfully romantic night.
Here is another night to create awesome dreams. I love you.
6. When you see this message, close your eyes and snuggle uptight.
I wish you the sweetest of dreams tonight. Goodnight.
7. The text you’re reading isn’t just to say Goodnight. It has this hidden message saying you’re the only thing in my heart tonight. Goodnight Dear.
8. Close your bright eyes to sleep because tomorrow will bring us much love and happiness. I love you with everything in me. Good night.
9. A special face,
A beautiful smile,
A precious someone
Have a good night and the sweetest of all dreams.
10. It doesn’t matter if the sky is black or blue. I care less if there is the moon or stars, as long as our love exists. I wish you a lovely goodnight.
Related: 80 Goodnight Paragraphs for Him
11. Just for you, I’m telling the moon to dim its light,
The wind blows softly, and the earth spins gently because someone special is going to Bed.
12. The night isn’t beautiful with the sky filled with stars and the moon.
It’s beautiful only when someone special is kissing you goodnight in the presence of the heavenly stars and moon.
13. I’m sorry for making your phone buzz. You can delete this message because it has served its purpose. I love you, baby. And I wish you a goodnight’s sleep.
14. I know the moon is bright enough for one to find a pin, and I also know that the stars are right over your roof to make the night beautiful. I wish you a good night and sweet dreams to make it all complete.
15. Just like a sweet surprise, I think and dream of you all day.
I pray that you think and dream of me when you close those cute eyes tonight.
16. I hope you have sweet dreams about me that will touch your heart and make tonight magical.
Goodnight my love and sleep tight.
17. The day is gone, but I’m still with you in your mind, eyes, and heart.
Just close your eyes and hear me saying Goodnight and Sweet dreams.
18. Tonight would have been perfect if you were in my arms, but I’ll still tell you goodnight and sweet dreams and hope on when I will hold you through the cold night.
19. Before you sleep, I commit everything in the hands of the maker and ask him to guide you because I have already asked him to make your dreams romantic.
20. Someone special is preparing to sleep but has been distracted from reading this text. You’re my favorite.
Goodnight, my love.
Sweet Goodnight Messages for Him
21. Hello, are you sleeping yet without saying anything to me?
Well, I’m here with a basket of sweet dreams because you’ll be needing them tonight.
22. Words can’t describe what I’m feeling tonight.
Just close your eyes with me, let’s zoom off to dreamland together.
Goodnight, my prince.
23. Let tonight’s cool breeze keep you at peace.
Close your eyes and let the sweet dreams usher you to a new day.
Goodnight, my love.
24. Getting you off my mind this cold night seems impossible, so I decided to wish you Goodnight.
I love you with everything in me.
25. This text has just one message, which is ‘Goodnight’ now you’ve seen it, go back to sleep then.
I love you.
26. As the day chameleons and everywhere gets dark, I send you my sweet wishes.
Goodnight, my angel.
27. Tonight, the thought of your love keeps my whole body and soul warm.
I wish you a good night and the best of sweet dreams.
28. Happiness is essential in life because it keeps the heart warm and faces re-freshened.
It’s just lovely that you’re my happiness. Goodnight, my love.
29. When money finishes and wealth fades away.
I remain steadfast because of your undying love.
Goodnight, my Sweetheart.
30. You plus I is equal to forever. We will remain together because we are not better apart.
I love you, darling. Goodnight.
31. The night is for fantastic persons like you.
I wish you the sweetest of dreams.
32. When you want to sleep, pray for me.
When you want to dream, let it be about me because I want to be with you even in your dreams.
I love you. Goodnight.
33. I know one thing.
I know that you’re about to close your lovely eyes.
I now want you to know that I’ll be in your dreams to make them sweet and lovely.

34. As you close your eyes to sleep, imagine closing them after staring at me.
As you rest your head on the pillow, imagine placing it on my chest.
As you zoom off to dreamland, imagine me by your side.
Goodnight dear.
35. Before you sleep, pray for us.
Pray that God keeps us together and makes our love last forever.
Goodnight, my bunny pie. I love you.
36. I know that you mean a great deal to me, but I had no idea that you are everything I have always needed to have a perfect life. Have a good night, my dearest.
Related: 50 Good Morning Paragraphs for Him
37. There are a thousand and one reasons why I love and cherish you as every day comes and goes. You bring out the beauties of life, and I wish you the sweetest of dreams as you sleep.
38. Each time I think of how much awesomeness you bring into my life, I end up sleeping off on my count. You are lovely, and I love you forever.
39. You are the man of my dreams and the only thing that brings out the best in me. I want you to know that my unconditional love remains here for you as long as I breathe.
40. Every moment spent with you is memorable, and so are the days spent loving you. You are the song on my lips when I am alone. I wouldn’t change anything about you if I had the chance. Good night, dear.
Goodnight Messages for My Boyfriend
41. I wish you will be the one I hold close to me before I sleep off and the only one I will see when I wake in the morning. You mean a great deal to me, and I don’t think you know how it feels.
42. Your handsome face is one thing that never leaves my mind.
I wish you are the pillow so that you will cuddle me all night as I sleep.
43. I can’t wait to close my eyes because I will see your face as I sleep. My champion, I love you with everything in me.
44. The thought of you is the most powerful thing my mind thinks of all the time. The attention, warmth, and love are all exceptional. And I have never felt anything like this anywhere in the world.
45. I want you to know how much I feel for you before I close my eyes to sleep. I need you to see that you are the most amazing thing life has given me. Have a beautiful night, my man.
46. Whenever I think of you, my night brightens, and my heart softens. You bring out the best in me with the beautiful things you do to me. I love you, and nothing beats that any time, any day.
47. It might be a cold night, but the happy moments we keep sharing will keep my heart warm. I wish you a good night’s rest from the bottom of my heart because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.
48. You are my ideal man because you bring my wildest imaginations to reality. I won’t get tired of loving you even in a thousand years. Have a good night’s rest.
49. You own my devotion, love, affection, and allegiance. You bring the two rarest commodities into my life: Happiness and love. I love you, baby.
50. My love for you is boundless. My feelings for you run till infinity. I wish you the best this night has to offer, and I hope I find you in my dream. Love you.
51. Our love will blossom like the lilies growing by the riverside. Our memories will live as long as life lets them. You are my man, and I hope that we spend the rest of our lives together.
52. Let’s value the love we share because it doesn’t come evenly to everyone. Let’s create more awesome memories as every day passes by because nothing is guaranteed. You are all the things a man should be to a woman.
53. We should be there for each other and make each other happy. When you came into my life, everything seems to be at its best. Good night, my man.
54. The night is young, so is my love for you. I am sure of having the best night’s rest because I have felt what your care and affection are like in our time together. I cherish you at all moments.
55. Good night to the best man in the world. Your name brings joy to my soul, and there is nothing I cherish more than spending every moment of my life with you. I wish you a peaceful night’s rest.
56. You give me the best love and care. You give me all the attention I need, and life has felt better with you in it. Thank you for being all special to me and everyone in my world. Have a good night’s rest.
Related: 100 I Miss You Quotes for Him
57. You are the king, and you rule my world. Thank you for all the remarkable experiences you have given me. You have no idea how much they mean to me. You’re special to me at all times.
58. There is no better opportunity than this moment to let you know that you mean everything to me. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you the best of the night as you lay your head to sleep. Good night, love.
59. The feeling I get from loving you is heavenly. It is in my heart, and I am happy to have met you when I did. You make me happy, and I wish you a good night’s sleep.
60. There is nothing more satisfying than knowing that I have one of the best men in the world. Your love is a hurricane, and it keeps sweeping me off my feet. I cherish you with everything in me.
Long Goodnight Messages for Him
61. You are my man, and I want the world to know it. Until the end of time, your wellbeing will always come first. I love you with every corner of my heart, and nothing can take away what I feel for you.
62. Going to bed without you to cuddle me makes the night lonely. You are everything my world needs right now. Life is better when your thought remains the thing on my mind.
63. I care little about what happens as long I know that you will be having a fantastic night’s rest. You are my king, and you deserve all the attention in the world.
64. You are the light in my world, and when my world is cold, you warm my heart. Having you in my life is like having everything one needs in life. Good night, my man.

65. My mind is made up, and you are my choice. I want to spend not just this night with you but also the rest of my life. I wish you a beautiful night’s rest.
66. The moon and the stars are staring at me because you have made them jealous. Thank you for the love you keep showering on me despite my flaws. You are the best all the time.
67. When the noise has gone down, and the only thing heard is the silence of the night. I want you to know that my heart will beat for you because your thought never leaves my mind.
68. Let the moon be the witness of my love for you. Let the stars shine on us as I declare my utmost feelings for you. Everything I have ever wanted, I find them in you. Have a good night’s rest.
69. I am in bed right now, but I can’t stop thinking about you. I am praying to see you in dreamland as soon as I close my eyes. I am missing you, and I wish you were here with me.
70. In the darkness of the night, my mind keeps picturing how bright those eyes look. I can’t stop imagining how cute you will look as you sleep. Goodnight, my darling.
71. My love for you keeps growing as the day turns dark. You make my moments with you quite memorable. Thanks to your care, every of my moment is golden.
72. Sweet dreams, my baby boy. You have shown that all men are not the same. You are a god among men with the beautiful things you do for me. Good night, prince charming.
73. I wish you the best of this night because my thoughts are all about you. Thank you for always treating me with respect and adoration. It makes every moment special.
74. Our hearts are connected, and there is nothing ever going to break us apart. Thank you for building with me a relationship standing on mutual respect and trust. Thank you for being a loving gentleman. Good night.
75. A new path started in my life when you came along. If my life is a paradise, I have you to be thankful for everything. Have a good night, my king.
Related: 100 Deep Love Messages for Him
76. Living is more comfortable when you are with those that value and respect you. My life is beautiful right now because you did not only respect me; you made my world the best place to be right now.
77. Everything reminds me of your love. I get lost all the time thinking about the care and affection you give to me all day. Thank you for being so sweet.
78. The best feeling in my life right now is knowing that you are my man. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life as your woman officially. Good night, my prince.
79. I love everything about you, and there is nothing that will ever change the way I feel about you.
Good night, dear.
80. Life might not be fair to me, but I got lucky when you came into my life as my lover.
I place nothing above you, baby.
Each night, we drown out the sounds of the outside world with our phones and tablets, then hit the sack, hoping to get a little sleep before we wake up to face the day. Sadly, this seldom happens. Instead, we suffer through another day of staring at our phones, doing things we don’t want to, and feeling bored and tired. As a result, many of us end up beating ourselves up for our lack of willpower and procrastinating. But there is a better way: Before you go to bed, send your guy a goodnight message. A goodnight message tells him that you’re grateful for his presence in your life and that you’ll cherish every minute spent with him.