I am Sorry Quotes for Him Image
I’m Sorry Quotes for Him: Love comes with its ups and downs. There will be misunderstandings, and there will be a need for apologies. A single text or status update can do the magic of reconciling you and your man.
Don’t expect him to jump up and accept your apology at first. All you have to do is to keep being sweet, and it won’t be long before he sends his reply. Just make an effort to be honest with him on how you feel on this stage.
Your boyfriend is bound to look for an atom of honesty in your words and actions. If he never finds it, the relationship might be hitting the rock forever.
Scroll down to get some I’m sorry quotes for him
I’m Sorry Quotes for Him
1. I’m sorry for saying those hard words to you.
Being rude wasn’t, in any way, my intention.
I promise never to spit hurtful things at you again.
2. My love, I apologize for last night.
I promise to make it up to you, for I can’t live this life without your love.
I adore you.
3. I miss what we used to be.
Your care and attention.
I want to be back in your life because I’m sorry to have left it.
4. Forgive me one last time, and I promise to make up for it.
Make me your beloved, and I will treat you like a king forever.
5. If nothing means so much to you, let my unusual apology do, for I am sorry to make you feel bad.
I’ve realized, and I’m pleading.

6. You win on this one. I’m sorry, my Darling.
I want you back and promise never to hurt you.
7. One last time, all I ask of you is acceptance.
I placed you in an embarrassing situation, and it’s not fair for you, my Prince charming.
8. I made a mistake, and I’m sorry.
We have spent and shared many special moments.
Give us a chance to enjoy such moments again.
9. You know me better, you can predict me better off than anyone, but on this, I’m sorry for my actions. I love you.
10. Sweetheart, even between the fight, I know I can’t exist without you.
I am sorry, my love.
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11. I will do anything to keep your love, and I will say anything to keep you as mine.
I am sorry, my love. You should see that I’m empty without you.
12. My world is boring without you. My heart is empty.
I don’t wish to live another moment if you reject my apology. I love you, sweety.
13. I know I was cold, but I’m sorry.
I regret my actions, and I take my words back.
I want us to remain one as we have always been.
14. What am I without your love?
What’s my life going like without you?
I am so sorry for all I’ve done.
Please forgive me.
15. Who is right or wrong doesn’t matter.
What matters is what we share and enjoy together.
I don’t wish to let go of you ever in my life.
So I apologize first. I am sorry.
16. I’m sad, and I made you feel pain.
I am sorry for doing that. Forgive my pettish acts, and let’s remain together.
17. I may not forgive myself for taking the actions I did, but I ask for your forgiveness because you mean a lot to me.
18. I beg for another chance to make up for all my shortcomings.
I need you in my life. I am sorry.
19. I wished I had control over my actions yesterday. But I’m sorry over and over.
Your forgiveness will give me peace of mind.
20. It isn’t very good staying without you.
I am sorry, and I can’t stop crying over my words.
I wish my tears could wipe up my actions.
I’m Sorry Quotes for Boyfriend from the Heart
21. I am sorry for my past actions, I am not perfect, but I’m promising to be the best for you subsequently.
22. I wish you could feel my heart or read my emotions.
I am entirely sorry and don’t want to continue this fight.
I am sorry, my love.
23. I hurt you and caused you pain, but it’s unintentional.
I never meant to hurt you, even for a second.
24. I promise to make up for everything if you forgive me.
All I’ve done to you were not of my intention.
25. I was mean with my words, I know, but you will forgive me because I have repented of my words and reactions. I don’t wish to exist without you.
26. My love for you overshadows all your imperfections.
I will admit to being wrong to be with you.
I’m so sorry, baby. Forgive me.
27. It’s lonely without you, and I need you back in my life.
I need your love. I can’t live all by myself.
28. We fight and quarrel, but don’t let it kill our relationship. I love you, and I’m sorry for the part I played.
29. Give me a chance to show you how much you mean to me.
Give me a chance to prove my love for you.
Give me a chance to make it up to you.
Accept my apology, my love.
30. I’m sorry, and I will stand by my words to be the best you’ve ever prayed for in life.
You have been the pillars that have held my heart, all in a piece.
Read More: 100 Can’t Live Without You Quotes.
31. Watch the rainfall and wet the ground. Feel my cheeks and see how my tears keep flowing.
In my words and my heart, I’m sincerely sorry for being that hard on you.
32. You are not perfect, and I don’t want you to be because if you are complete, then you aren’t human. I’m not perfect either because I’m human. Treat me like you would treat yourself. Forgive me because I’m genuinely sorry.
33. There’s no perfect love without misunderstanding. We only grow when we make mistakes and accept our shortcomings. I’m sorry for my actions and inactions, and I beg for your forgiveness.
34. Nothing compares to the joy I feel when I’m with you. I will do anything that will make you see my apology to be sincere. I love you straight from my heart, and I wish nothing comes in between us.
35. I know I can’t take away the pain you feel inside of you instantly, but I can shower you with enough love to clear the pain I caused. I wished for more words other than “I’m sorry” to let you know how I feel.
36. I’m sorry for hurting you. Allow me to make it up to you in a thousand and one way that you never expect. I apologize for being so human with my mouth. You have always been the best for me.
37. My apologies may mean little to you, but they are all I have got left. Listen to my bleeding heart because each sorry word I use here comes from the bottom of my heart. I’m sorry for everything.
38. Even if we’ve fought and argue all day, my heart has no problem seeking where it belongs. In you, I find my home and don’t ever wish us to be apart. I’m sorry.
39. My heart is breaking, and it’s bleeding. You’re the only thing I’ve got in life. I have no desire to be with any other guy aside from you. When I look at you, I see that you’re my happiness.
40. There’s me without you. Everything I am, you have made me. Thank you for making my life a wonder to behold. I’m deeply sorry for being so blind to these things. I love you, my handsome.
I’m Sorry Paragraphs for Him Copy and Paste
41. I wish the words “I’m sorry” will take away the pain I caused you. I hope you could feel my heart beating and see that it’s in sorrow for giving you so much pain. I regret hurting you.
42. How will I tell you that my actions have caused me shame and so much pain? Nothing compares to the pain my heart feels inside, but I want you to know that I’m deeply sorry.
43. I might not reverse the words that left my lips or the actions I took part in, but I pray it soothes your mind to know that I regret doing the things I did, and I’m sorry.
44. When you see this, I want you to know that it comes from the bottom of my heart, and it’s for you. I want you to know that I’m sorry for making you feel bad.
45. Look into your heart and if there’s any space left for me in there. I feel incomplete and can’t wait to complete you. My world is empty without you. You’re perfect for me, and I was so foolish to hurt you without realizing it.
46. I have no intention of defending my action. I’m asking for your forgiveness for the things I did, and I promise never to hurt you with my words or actions. I’m sorry for alienating the most important person in my life. I want you to know that I love you and don’t wish for us to keep fighting.
47. Can you please forgive me for being so blind and for misunderstanding you? I admit to saying some pretty nasty things, and I derive no joy in answering you that way or feeling happy knowing that you’re upset with me. I want you to see how sorry I am.
48. If you want to know how I feel, I feel pretty awful with the situation of things right now. I’m sorry for being the reason for this fight, and I wish to make this right by apologizing now. Can you please forgive me because I feel so bad inside?
49. You have been mad at me, and I have got to realize that all I want is peace of mind which I can only get when you are smiling at my jokes and hugging me when I’m cold. I miss you so much, and I don’t want the fight we had to keep us apart for too long.
50. You need to forgive me so that I can feel complete once more. Being away from you all these while has been the most trying moment of my life. I know that I can’t undo my actions, but I can make it up to you. I love you, and I don’t wish to fight anymore.
51. I can’t explain how I feel right now, knowing that I got you pissed off the other day. All I wanted was to make you see things my way and not ruin your mood. I feel utterly miserable for making you unhappy. I miss the happiness we share.
52. There are a lot of things that we need to keep behind us. One of these things is the rift we have. I want you to forgive me because I am sorry from the depth of my heart. I can’t bear the torment of you being mad at me.
53. I said this stuff out of anger. I know that shouldn’t be an excuse because we all are supposed to learn how to control our emotions, but I want you to forgive me. I never meant to hurt you because hurting you is the same as hurting myself. You are my happiness, and I need you back in my life.
54. I’m sorry for hurting you, I’m sorry for doubting you, and I’m sorry for my silly actions. I need you to forgive me because I’m so sorry. It hurts to miss you, but it hurts more when I’m the cause of your absence. I want you to look at my face and see that I’m sorry.
55. I wish I never said those words, and I regret acting the way I did. I do not deny my action, or am I trying to justify them. I only need you to look beyond it with your loving heart. I do need you, and I have no plan of losing you to one misunderstanding.
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56. In your arms, I find the comfort I seek, and I am so sorry for not keeping it real with you. I wish I never made this mistake, and I beg you to stop being hard on me because I can’t bear this pain any longer. I miss you, and I don’t wish to lose you right now.
57. I love you and don’t want the rift between us to linger any further. I know that you feel bad because of the words I used. I promise to do better than using those words on you anymore, and I promise to love you more. Please forgive me.
58. I cry myself to sleep these days because I’m on the verge of losing you to something I never intended. We have been apart for so long, and the gap is eating me up. I was hoping you could stop being so hard and see that all these problems culminated not because I only wanted things to go my way. But I want our relationship to go far, and I guess I went too far.
59. I promise to work on myself and be the best for you. Set your anger aside, and let’s sort the problem we have. I can never hurt you intentionally, and I want to reaffirm my love for you. I love you more than anything, and I’m sorry for getting into a fight with you.
60. I want to do whatever it takes to make it up for hurting you. I can’t imagine letting you leave my life because of this misunderstanding. You have been the center of my world, and I don’t plan on letting you go. I want to see you smile once more.
Apology Quotes for Him
61. If I have ever taken your wish for granted, then I’m sorry for being shallow. I’m sorry for not being the best for you at all times.
62. I don’t want to spend another second with the guilt that you are unhappy because of me. I’m sorry about the way things are now, and I wish to make it better.
63. You’re my heartthrob, and I find it difficult dealing with every second of my life without you. I adore and cherish you never like before, and I wish we could put our differences aside.
64. Right now, only your happiness and my peace of mind that matters. I want us to be the way we used to be again because I feel empty without you.
65. I miss everything about us, and I will do whatever it takes to make things better. I love you endlessly, baby and nothing is worth keeping us apart.
66. There’s nothing more important than staying and facing all my fights with you, my champion. Life without you is worthless.
67. You’re the one for me, no matter what your mind is making up. Let’s look past the fight and make the rest of our lives the best of our lives.
68. Seconds turn to minutes and then to hours. I can’t survive another day without you, baby. I need you in my life once more, and I promise never to let you go again.
69. I admit being the wrong person here because it’s better being wrong than losing you forever. I’ve learned my lessons, and I promise to be the best version of myself.
70. You’re worth more than anything in the world and losing you will be the most significant blow life has ever given me. I love you sincerely.
71. I can’t find the sun and the rainbow anymore. Nothing can ease the pain in my heart than your presence. I want you back in my life no matter what it takes.
72. You left, and everything that made my life beautiful left with you. I regret my actions and wish for you to be here with me.
73. I love you, and nothing will change that fact. I miss your presence, and I can’t wait to have you back in my life.
74. You have no idea how much you mean to me because you will know that I wouldn’t wish to lose you to any little fight if you do.
75. I’m sorry for the words that left my mouth, and If I can, I would take them back. I said hurtful things, and I want you to know that I’m sorry.
76. Comparing with someone else was the biggest mistake I made, and I promise never to do that again.
77. I don’t wish to ruin the trust you had in me because there is no relationship when there is no trust. If there is a better way to say I’m sorry, I wish to know. I am sincerely sad.
78. Pretending that it doesn’t hurt not seeing you around would be me lying to myself. I miss you, and I want you in my life.
79. I don’t wish to be broken-hearted anymore. I want you to know that I am sorry for the things I said to you.
80. There’s no gain in being right or wrong. You should know that your love is worth more than anything.
Thank you for checking out these I’m sorry quotes for him. Let us know if you love them.
We love your content. Regards from Pissouri Bay Divers from Cyprus!
Fighting is very common in any relationship. While we might say many things during a fight that we don’t really mean, we also need to have the courage to accept our fault and apologize. Some times fixing a relationship matters more than being right. The more you delay to apologize, the more it will hut your relationship. So take the step and apologize, all for the sake of love.