Long Epistle For My Best Friend Birthday 2024

The best kind of friend is one who loves you when you least deserve it. I don’t know what that’s like, but I imagine it must be heart-touching. This article will hopefully help you if you’re looking for ideas to wish your friend a happy birthday and do it exceptionally.

Have you ever wondered how to write a birthday email to your best friend? That’s the exact reason I put together this collection. Whether you have known them for decades or someone you met at College, they are one of a kind and deserve nothing but the best. I hope you find the perfect message here!

Long Epistle For My Best Friend Birthday

1. Dear best friend, I wish you a happy birthday! You’re the best friend I could ever have dreamed of, I know we’ve grown apart over the years, but I’m grateful for every moment we’ve shared. I love you so much and can’t wait to see what this next year brings us. Love you.

2. Do you know how people say there’s a special bond between siblings? Well, I think there’s a similar bond between friends who’ve been through thick and thin, especially when they’re as close as we are. I’m happy we’ve had each other’s backs through the years, and I’ll never forget our shared times. I wish you a happy birthday. Enjoy and relax your day.

3. Happy birthday to my BFF! You’re one of the most influential people in my life because you always know what to say when I need it most. You’re always there for me when things are good or bad. Thanks for being my rock.

4. Hey there, [best friend’s name], happy birthday! I hope you’re having an incredible day with the people who mean the most to you. There’s not much I can do for you in person today, but I hope this message will make up for it. I’m so grateful for our friendship—it’s been such an essential part of my life and has made me realize how many wonderful people there are in this world. I’m so glad we get to be friends because you’ve taught me much about myself and others. You’ve helped me learn how to give more grace than ever before and be less judgmental about other people’s lives. You’ve helped me realize that everyone has their struggles, whether they show them or not. You’ve taught me that no matter how hard things get, there’s always someone who understands what we’re going through. Have a fabulous day, honey. I got you.

5. Hey, friend, I’m sorry I can’t get out to celebrate with you, and I hope you’re having fun anyway. I can’t believe how quickly this year has gone by, and we’ve been friends for so long now that it feels like we’ve known each other forever. Even though we both know how much life changes and people change too, I still feel like some things will never change between us, and our friendship is one of them. Sometimes when we’re hanging out and talking about our lives, it seems like we’re still kids—like nothing had changed from when we first met all those years ago. I want to let you know how much I appreciate our friendship and how lucky I feel to have someone like you by my side through all these crazy adventures we’ve shared over the years. You’re one of my best friends in the whole world, and there’s no one else who could take your place in my mind or heart as quickly as you. Have fun, baby.

Check: Birthday Wishes To A Long Time Best friend

6. Happy birthday, friend. I’m so glad we met, and even though we live far from each other now, I’m still proud to call you my best friend. You are kind, generous, thoughtful, and creative. While I love your personality as it is now, I also can’t wait to watch it grow over time. Have fun, honey.

7. Happy birthday, BFF. I’m so excited to celebrate another year with you. You’re a delight; I’m lucky to have you as my best friend. Here’s to many more years of friendship and adventure.

8. Dear [insert best friend’s name], it means so much to me that we’ve been friends for so long. We’ve been through so many ups and downs together, and somehow, every time we get through something difficult, it feels like our friendship has gotten even stronger than before. It’s like we’ve grown together over time, which makes a relationship last: growing alongside each other instead of apart. Anyway, today isn’t about me. It’s about you because today is your special day! So have a wonderful day, dear.

9. Happy birthday, I don’t know how to say it, but I’m grateful for the friendship we’ve built over the years. Thank you for always being there for me when I needed it most. You deserve only the best in life, and I’m so happy we get on this journey together.

10. Dear best friend, thank you for being such a wonderful person because I don’t know what I’d do without you. You’re the best, I wish you the happiest of birthdays, and I hope it’s filled with love and laughter. Have a great day.

11. Dear [name], I’m so glad we’re friends. It’s been a crazy year—we’ve grown up a lot, and I think you’re the best friend I could have asked for forever. You’ve always been there when I needed you and helped me through some of the most challenging times in my life, and I’m so grateful to have someone like you. So happy birthday! I hope this year is filled with happiness and joy for you because you deserve it.

12. Happy birthday! Dear, I know you’re probably getting tons of messages, but I want to send you one more. I know we’ve been friends for a while, but I have to say that this has been the best year yet. You’ve made me feel so loved and accepted, and I’m grateful for all our time together. You are such an inspiration to me, and your presence in my life had made it much better than before we met. Thank you for being the best friend anyone could ever ask for in my entire life.

13. Hi best buddy, now that you’re turning another page [age], I want you to know how much your friendship means to me and how important it is for both of us going forward. We’ve been through so much together—the good times and the bad—and I feel our friendship is more vital every day.

14. Dear [best friend’s name], happy birthday baby. Today is the day you were born, and it’s also the day that signifies our friendship. We’ve had so many good times together over the years, and I can’t wait for even more. I’m happy I get to share this day with you. Here’s to another year of friendship, adventure, fun, and lots of cake.

15. It’s your birthday, and I’m happy to be with you. You are one of the most influential people in my life, and I feel like I’ve learned so much from you over the years. Thank you for being a fantastic role model—kind, thoughtful, assertive, and ambitious. You have a beautiful spirit that makes me want to be a better person every day. So, let’s celebrate! I hope today is as wonderful for you as possible because you deserve nothing but happiness.

Check: Long Birthday Greetings For Best Friend

16. Dear [best friend], it’s been a while since we’ve spoken, and I’m sorry for the delay. I want to take this opportunity to tell you how much I miss talking with you. You are so much fun, and it’s always a joy to hear from you. I wish you a day full of fun and people who love you. Happy birthday, love.

17. It’s a sunny day, and I’m so excited to celebrate your birthday with you today! I hope it’s the perfect day, filled with love and laughter from all your loved ones. Here’s to many more birthdays together.

18. Wake up is a new day, and I’m taking a moment today to wish you a happy birthday! May this year bring you joy and happiness with a heart filled with joy every day. You are such an angel, my friend, and you’re always there for me when I need someone to talk to or hang out with, no matter what time of day it is or what kind of mood I’m in. No words describe my gratitude for our friendship, but I hope this little note will explain everything. Thank you for being my best friend and always having my back when times get tough. You mean more to me than anything else in this world—so happy birthday again today.

19. Hi, baby. I know you’ll be getting a lot of birthday wishes today, but I want to ensure you got one from me too. I couldn’t think of anyone else who deserves it more. Here’s what I thought about when trying to figure out what to write: how much fun we’ve had together over the years. We’ve been through so much together! I want to think that if we hadn’t met each other, our lives would be different— probably not as good. So happy birthday, best friend! You’re the best person, and I hope you have the best day today!.

20. Happy birthday, friend. I want to tell you how much your friendship has meant to me over the years—and how grateful I am to have you in my life. Now that we’re both in our 30s, our conversations feel more critical than ever because we’ve got decades’ worth of wisdom and insight, and we can use that wisdom to help each other get through any challenge we face. The world seems like a crazy place, but remember, no matter what happens, we’ll always have each other! Happy birthday, friend.

21. Happy birthday, my dear friend. I know that you’re a very busy person and that your schedule is probably pretty packed today. So let me say this: I’m glad you were born. Your life is a gift to the world, and it’s made me a better person just knowing you. You’ve always been there for me when I needed it most, you’re always so kind and generous with your time, and I hope you know how much I appreciate it. I wish you the best birthday ever.

22. Hi honey, we’ve been best friends for so long, and I can’t believe how much you’ve grown over the years. You’re a fantastic person, but now you’re even more impressive. You’re the kind of friend who always puts others before yourself—and that’s something I admire more than anything else. You have the most beautiful smile, it lights up a room when you walk in, and it makes me feel good to look at it. I’m so glad we’re able to share this day.

23. Hi, [best friend’s name], it’s so great to be able to wish you a “Happy birthday!” I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately, and I want you to know you are special. You’re such an essential part of my life, and I’m so grateful for all the time we’ve spent together. We’ve been through a lot together, and I hope we can continue to grow closer as the years go by because it would mean so much to me if we could always stay friends. I’m so glad that we’re friends. Happy birthday.

24. First, I wish you a happy birthday, and I hope this year is as good for you as last year. I know it hasn’t been easy for you recently, but I’m sure things will get better soon. Remember that no matter what happens in life, we always have each other, and our friendship will never change. Have a nice one.

25. Well, well, what have we here? Another year has passed, and you’re still the same old [friend name] I’ve always known. You’re still my best friend, and you always will be. It’s crazy to think about how much has changed—we’ve grown up together! We’ve both had our ups and downs, but our friendship has always been one constant. We’ve shared many memories—the good, the bad ones and those memories make us who we are today. Even though our lives are different now that we’re adults (and sometimes it seems like our lives are moving in opposite directions), that doesn’t mean that our friendship is any less important than it was when we were kids. I’m happy you are in my life. Happy birthday.

Check: Long Birthday Wishes For A Friend Like Sister

26. Dear [friend’s name], you’re so special to me. Sometimes, we can be a little different, which makes our friendship great. We’ve seen each other through some tough times, and we’ve celebrated together when things are going well. I think it’s important to remember that even though we might not always agree on everything or feel the same way about the same things, we can still be there for each other in the long run. What matters most is that we’re there for each other no matter what. I hope you have a fantastic birthday today.

27. Hello, best, I want you to know that I appreciate everything you do for me—all of the time spent together, the fun we have (and sometimes without), and all of the support you give me. It means so much more than words can describe. So on this day when we celebrate your birthday, let’s celebrate everything together.

28. Happy birthday! Dear best friend, when I was younger, I always thought that having friends was one of those things that just happened naturally. But now that I’m older, I realize it’s a choice—and not an easy one. You have chosen to be my friend through thick and thin, and even when things weren’t easy between us (which they weren’t), you never gave up on me or stopped caring about me. And for that, I am eternally grateful.


Look at this article, and you will find some of the best birthday epistles you can send to your friend. The birthday messages in this article are fantastic and will surely touch your friend’s heart. 

If none of these is what you are looking for, create your own by modifying them by adding to or removing sections that suit your purpose.

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