Thinking of You Quotes for Friends
It doesn’t matter if you are searching for thinking of you quotes for a friend or thinking of you quotes for friends. We have the right quote for your best friend.
If your friend is one person on your mind at all time here is some thinking of you quotes for a friend you cherish. Let that special friend know how important he or she is to you with these quotes.
Thinking of You Quotes for a Friend
1. Dearest, it has been a while we last saw. But your thought is forever In my heart.
2. I miss the happy moments we have together. I smile when I remember them because you’re always on my mind.
3. Sometimes I miss you, sometimes I love it, but I can’t wait to see you again, dear friend.

4. I will do anything to be there with you to stop thinking about you, my dear friend.
5. I think of you every time my friend, I just felt like telling you that I miss you.
6. I don’t care how long you think of me as long as my thought crosses your mind daily, I’m okay with it.
7. Things may not permit me to be with you there but always know that I think of you still.
8. A thousand miles apart and you’re always on my mind. You are more of a brother than a friend. I love you.
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9. No matter what they say about you, always note that I will always love you and you will be in my thought forever.
10. My dear friend, your thought flood my heart like a flooded stream, just then I realized that I’ve been thinking of you all day long. I miss you.
Thinking of You Quotes for Friends
11. You have been the best part of me, my best buddy. All your crazy doings keeps running through my head when I miss you.
12. God and heaven know that if I ever need a best friend in my next lifetime, guess who it will be. You are the only one that fits into my world.
13. Life is more comfortable when I do all worries and celebration with you. Every adventure with you has been amazing. I will never ask for anything less than a best friend like you.
14. The thought of all the moments we share keeps reflecting on my mind. I think of the good things you have done for me. There is nobody that seems to replace you since your absence.
15. Beautiful things come once in a lifetime. You came as a special friend to me, and there has been nothing like you.
16. I think about you every day because you are extraordinary with everything you do. Sometimes, I try to better my ways by following the way you do things.
17. Of everything I have in my life, you have stood out. I can’t get enough of the thought of the sweet things you had done for me.
18. I miss you so much, and no one seems to take your place. I can’t wait to have you back to my days.
19. You are my best friend ever. The only one who wouldn’t care how I got into a problem but will be there to get me out of it.
20. I think of you every day. You have been the one next to my heart. I never thought I’d have a friend as good as you.
Cute Thinking of You Quotes for a Friend
21. I can’t stop thinking of you, my dear friend. You will be my best friend till the end.
22. You understand me better than anyone else. I can’t thank you enough for being there for me always, my friend.
23. You are far from me right now but have never left my mind. I keep thinking of you, friend.
24. You have made a mark that nobody can cover. You are a friend like no other.
25. Everything you do to me is safely locked in my heart because I’ve never felt this valuable before in my life.
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26. I want to appreciate you for always standing in for me when I’m down. Being all caring when the need calls. I can’t stop missing you, friend.
27. To my dear friend, thank you for having an incredible impact on my life. I can’t be grateful enough.
28. Your thoughts don’t leave my mind all through your absence. Here is a friendly reminder that I am thinking of you, buddy.
29. All of our adventures keeps playing like a recorded tape on my heart. There is no friend like you ever.

30. You have made me understand the benefits of friendship. A role that you have played so well. I love you, friend.
Beautiful Thinking of You Quotes for a Friend
31. I don’t want a friend that everyone wants but a friend who makes my life better. You are that friend.
32. There is nobody that brings a smile to my face other than you. Thank you for being a good friend at all time.
33. Knowing that I can count on you at all time is one thing that makes life worth living. You are the best.
34. The crazy things we did together are the things that make being alive worth it. You are my one in a million.
35. Thank you for being a reminder that I don’t have to be alone. Thank you for all the love you have showered on me. You have no idea how much they mean to me.
36. You are in my thought at all times, and nothing gives me the joy I feel when this thought comes up.
37. I want you to know that all I wish for you is the best and nothing less. I hope you get the best of today.
38. I have no word to describe how I feel, but I want you to know that you are a friend worth keeping forever.
39. Friends are not made in a day. Life situation creates an avenue to understand who has your interest at heart.
40. I want to remind you that you have got a friend in me and I will always be there for you when you need me.
Lovely Thinking of You Quotes for Friends
41. You can smile when you see this post because when I picture your face, I end up being happy.
42. No matter how hard I try, I can’t explain how the thought of you makes me smile. You are a friend like no other.
43. Thinking of you is one gift I keep getting from nature, and there is nothing more precious than such a gift.
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44. You are one friend that makes every moment an unforgettable one. I love you, and I owe nobody any apology for my love.
45. When I count the precious things in my life, you come up on top at all time.

46. I wish you a thousand smiles on this day because you have been a friend that is worth than anything in the world.
47. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I place our friendship above anything because it is priceless.
48. Here is a friendly reminder that you are one thing on my mind. You are one thing that never leaves my mind.
49. You are in my life for a reason. I may not know the cause, but I know that you bring awesomeness to my life.
50. I want to thank you for always showing up without complaints. You have given me a golden friendship that money can’t buy.
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So sweet talks