Don’t Treat Me Like An Option Quotes and Messages 2024

You deserve to be treated with care when treating someone special. If you’re making that particular person a priority in your life, they should be too.

If you treat someone like an option, you better expect the same in return. Let’s be honest for a second. None of us like to be put on the back burner.

Don’t Treat Me Like An Option Quotes and Messages

We all have this idea of what we want in a relationship. Still, unfortunately, many people don’t realize that they’re treating their significant other as an option until they know it’s too late. Here are some of the best don’t treat me like an option quote to express how you feel.

1. I know I’m not an option to have in your life, but I’m the one you should choose to have in your heart.

2. You mean the world to me, and I don’t want to say this, but I hope you don’t make me an option in your life. I want to stay around because I love your presence.

Don't treat me like an option quote
Don’t Treat Me Like An Option Quote

3. I’m not an option. I’m your priority, and your only option is to love me as I am.

4. Don’t treat me like an option; I am more than just a body, don’t treat me like a commodity because I might not always be here when you need me.

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5. I’m not a choice because I should be a necessity. I’m here permanently if you think of me or wonder how I am. You don’t need to look anywhere else.

6. Love is not a game; It’s pure and true. When I look at you, it makes me feel like I’m in heaven. But if you leave me, I’ll suffer the same pain as an empty man.

7. During a walk in the park, you told me you loved me, and in a heartbeat, I started to doubt. You made me feel like an option.

8. Sometimes, I wonder why you don’t see my love for you. It belongs to you, and you have no idea how much I love you. I’m just a fool, loving you.

9. If you can’t converse with me, can’t make me a priority, and if you don’t want to experience life with me, leave me out of your life in good faith.

10. I’m with you daily, and you don’t care to see. I’ll be someone to love you, but you say I’ll never be.

11. Someone asked me, “if I could be an option in your life, would you consider being an option in mine?” I said, “no.”

Note: You can’t feel good about someone treating you as an option. It’s like if you don’t make them a priority, they can easily replace you or ignore you altogether.

12. Don’t treat me like an option, I beg you, don’t do it. I love you, needs to be heard, I deserve your love, don’t doubt it.

13. I’ll never be an option in your life, even if you want me to. I’ll never be anything more than a romantic love interest.

14. You are my necessity, like air, water, and food. I need you here with me and can’t imagine my life without you. You fill my heart with love and bring me much happiness. Could you not make me an option in your life?

15. Sometimes, your heart won’t listen, despite what your mind says. I was hoping you wouldn’t make me an option in your life when you know deep down inside you and I was always meant to be.

16. Knowing you has been the best part of my life, but the worst part is knowing I’m not the only option in your life. I want us to be together forever, just me and you.

17. I want to be more than just an option because I want to be your everything. Could you not make me an option in your life? Love me, or I’m gone.

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18. Please don’t treat me like an option. What’s a body but a tumbling, tumbling thing? I am more than just a body; I am a spark in the ashes of a fire.

19. I don’t want to be an option in your life. I want to be your everything. You say you love me, I believe you, so give me that love, forget about the others.

20. We are more than just a body, we are more than just a spirit, and we are more than just a soul. We are more than a body, heart, and soul. Please don’t treat me like a piece of anything.

21. I have no choice but to let you go, although I hope you’ll return to me. I allowed you to be an option in my life, but this has caused me to feel so many fears.

Note: When someone makes you an option and treats you like one, they not only show you that your feelings aren’t a priority, but they make it clear that they’re not worth putting in the same effort as everyone else. When someone gives you their full attention and all of their actions, it shows that they care about you. When someone only does half of that or less, it tells you all that you need to know about them—and nothing good will come of it.

22. I want you, but I’ll never be an option in your life because the thought of you with me is better than reality.

23. When I fall in love, I wish I didn’t. You may open your arms wide, but I may never run in. I want to be more than a friend. I want you to be my life.

I Don’t Want To Be An Option Quotes

24. I want to be your first, and I want to be your last. I want to be the love of your life and the one you trust.

Love quote
Love Quote

25. You might be the one for me, or you might be the one that left! But don’t make me an option in your life, not unless you’re ready for it.

26. Deep down in my soul, I wish you could be there. See inside of me, understand that I care. I’d give you the world if you could be there.

27. Please do not treat me like an option, don’t leave me where you left me, because I’m not your way to make a trophy, like a prize you thought you would win.

28. Though you are my friend, please don’t make me an option in your life. Don’t string me along, don’t take my love for granted.

29. I’m not your option; I’m your man. Please don’t make me an option in your life. Make me a priority in your life, and I will love you even more than I do now.

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30. Could you not treat me like an option? Love me like a necessity, a necessity to your happiness, a necessity to your life.

31. Please don’t make me an option in your life. Keep me in your heart, and keep me on your mind. You have to have me because I am your biggest fan.

32. When I saw you, I was instantly captivated. I felt love at first sight, and I knew I had to start a conversation. But if I am going to be an option, I rather not be in your life.

33. Love me like a necessity, love me like air, love me like a passion, and love me like a treasure. You should love me as you mean it, love me like it’s forever, and love me as if you might lose it.

34. I thought you loved me, but your actions say otherwise. If you love me, don’t make me an option in your life.

35. When I look at myself through your eyes, I see a person, not a body.

36. Anyone can be with you if you let them. You can be anyone you want, but don’t make me an option in your life.

Note: The idea of being an option to someone else and not a priority is upsetting, hurtful, and something you should avoid. Focus on what is essential in your life and try to get the best out of your relationships.

37. I’m forced to make a choice. With you, I’d rather not. I need to know what to do. I won’t leave your life if you make me a priority.

38. My love for you will never die. As long as the sun rises in the sky, I will continue to love you until the day I die.

39. There’s nothing but pain in this world of lies. Your love is like a world where I can be your hero.

40. You’re the one and the only one for me. Please don’t make me an option in your life because I will never be.

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41. When I look at you, my heart melts. No one gives me this much fulfillment. So please don’t make me an option in your life.

42. I am more than just a body held in high regard. I am more precious than you will ever know. My heart, my soul, our mind are my true worth.

43. I hope you know I don’t want to be an option in your life. You are the center of my universe. I want us to be together forever.

I don't want to be an option quotes
I Don’t Want To Be An Option Quote

44. I’ll love you for eternity, even if I have to wait millions of years; that’s how long I’ll wait for you; you’ll never be an option in my life.

45. If we are not together, don’t make me your option. With an opportunity, we have the freedom to make our own choices.

46. It’s not that I’m not good enough, not that I’m not smart enough, not that I’m not attractive enough, and not that I’m not funny enough. Why make me an option?

47. I can’t seem to escape you, no matter how far I run. How can I flee from myself? I’m forced to be with you because love has bonded us into one forever.

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48. My love, do you not see? You’re the only human I see and the one I feel. Have you not noticed how I’ve been there for you, no matter what the weather,

49. I am made of more than just skin and bones. I am more than just a body and more than a soul.

50. Please don’t treat me like an option. I’m not here to be a backup, the last resort, or someone you can always go back to. Don’t use me as a safety net if things don’t work out with other women because I deserve better than that. I want someone who sees me as a significant other, not someone to keep on the sidelines until he’s ready to commit.

51. I’m not your backup plan. I’m the person you’ll want to be with for the rest of your life. If you don’t want to be with me, let me know so we can move on and find someone who does. If you’re not sure about us yet, then I’m not sure if I can wait for you to figure it out.

52. I deserve someone who wants to be with me as much as I want to be with them. You’re either in or out, and if you’re not sure about us, then I’m going to assume that you’re out and move on with my life.

53. I need to know that you’re here for me, not because you don’t have a better option. I may not be the best person in your life, but I am the most important one. Please don’t treat me like an option.

54. Please don’t treat me like an option. I am not only a nice person to have around. I am a person with feelings and thoughts of my own, and if you can’t see that, then I don’t want to be around you.

55. I am not here to fill up your time or make you feel better about yourself by being there for you when no one else is. Please leave me alone if you can’t see me for who I truly am. Please don’t treat me like an option.

56. I’m not here for your amusement or your entertainment. I am here for myself and only myself, so if that isn’t enough for you, please find someone else to amuse yourself with because there’s no way I’ll let you do it at my expense anymore.

57. I don’t want to be a backup plan because I want to be a priority. Please don’t treat me like an option because you see my weakness. I’m not going to wait for you because you’re convenient. I deserve better than that.

58. Treat me like a priority, not an option. Please don’t make me feel like you’re waiting for a better option to come along because I’m not here as a backup plan. I’m here because I want to be with you and only you. You don’t have to keep looking around for something better when the best thing is right in front of you.

59. I’m not your option but a human being with feelings and desires, just like you. I deserve to be treated with respect like you do. So please don’t treat me like an option.

60. Please don’t treat me like an option because I will not be your backup plan. Don’t say, “Let’s see how it goes. I won’t be hanging around, waiting for you to decide if I’m worth it. If you’re not interested in me, that’s fine, but don’t waste my time, and don’t make me feel bad about myself just because you aren’t into me.

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61. Treat me like I have some choice because I am not a default setting that you can turn on or off. I am not a feature that you can toggle on or off. I am not something that you can use until something better comes along. Your actions show how less you think of me.

62. I don’t need you to be my everything. I’ll be my everything. If you can’t handle me at my worst, then you don’t deserve me at my best. I’m not an option. I’m a choice for someone who values me.

63. Don’t treat me like an option. I am not a bus stop, I am not a parking space, and I am not your backup plan. I am not a piece of furniture to be arranged around your schedule or needs. I am not a light fixture you can turn on and off at will. I am not a toy you can play with when it suits you and toss aside when it doesn’t. I’m a person with feelings and needs, and if you don’t understand that, then maybe we shouldn’t have gotten together in the first place.

64. Suppose you don’t want me, fine. But don’t make me feel bad about it. I need to know that someone wants me, and not as an option. Don’t treat me like an option if you’re not going to choose me in the end anyway.

65. Don’t treat me like an option. I’m not your backup plan or a last resort. I’m not someone you can choose to have around when you’re bored or lonely, but not when you feel happy and satisfied. I will not be there for you until someone better comes along.

66. I’m not an option and don’t treat me like one. I’m not your backup plan, and I’m not your second choice. You can’t just replace me with someone else whenever you feel like it. I am not disposable, and I am not a thing that you can throw away when you’re done with me. Let me know if you don’t want to be with me anymore! Don’t string me along and make excuses about why we can’t see each other anymore. If you don’t want to date me anymore, then say so.

67. If you treat me like an option, I’ll be gone before you know it. I’m not here to fill a void in your life. You can’t have me on the side. I don’t do “On the side.”

68. Please don’t treat me like an option because I’m not one. If you don’t want to be with me, there’s probably someone else who does.

69. I’m a human being, not a choice. Please don’t treat me like an option. I don’t want to be your backup plan. I’m not here for you to get back at someone else or pass the time until something better comes. I deserve more than that.

70. I’m not a choice. I am a person, and I deserve to be treated as such. If you want to be with me, then be with me. If you don’t, then don’t. But please don’t treat me like an option.

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71. Please do not treat me like an option because I am not an option. You can’t ‘pick’ me. I’m not a filler choice. I am a human being with feelings, thoughts, and needs. I am not an item on your ‘menu’ of potential partners that you can choose between picking and discarding at will.

72. I’m here for you, and I want to be with you. I am not an option, and I wish to be a priority. You can’t have me when you’re bored, when someone else is busy, or when it’s convenient for you. I’m not an option because I’m worth more than that.

73. If you think I’m someone you can use as a fallback or “Plan b,” you need to rethink your approach. You’re not getting me on the side because no one else is good enough, so don’t treat me like an option.

74. Please don’t treat me like an option because I am not a backup plan, a substitute for anything, and not second best. You can’t walk away from me if you don’t find someone else. I’m not even on your radar: you’re only using me as a placeholder until something better comes.

75. Don’t treat me like an option. I don’t want to be a “Maybe.” I want to be your “Yes.” we don’t belong together if you keep me around as a backup plan, and we don’t belong together if you’re not sure about us. If you’re looking for someone else when we’re together, we don’t belong together. We don’t belong together if you’re unsure if we’re compatible or even want us to last. Please don’t treat me like an option when I should be the only one for you.

76. I’m not an option because I’ve got better things to do than sit around waiting for you to make up your mind about me. You’re not worth my time or energy if you’re going to be this indecisive about us. Don’t try to make me feel like I’m some second-best option because I’m not.

Final thoughts

You deserve to be treated like a priority and not an option. And if you haven’t been, the best thing you can do is leave. There is plenty of fish in the sea. Goliaths are everywhere these days.

That’s one area where I agree that you don’t have to stick around to be disrespected or mistreated.

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