I Miss My Baby Quotes for Your Love (2024)

Being in love is the greatest feeling that any human can experience. True love is more than simple happiness, joy, and excitement, it’s a powerful emotion that can cause you to ache, flutter and also cry. Love makes you want to do everything for the person you love.

The road to love is not always easy, maybe with all the fears of falling out of love, parting, failure, and other difficulties on the way. However, these difficulties should never be seen as an obstacle on your path to love. This article will explore some heart-touching quotes to express how much you miss your beloved one.

Life is a song with love as its music and theme. Love is like medicine, and those who partake live in hope. This post will give you different quotes on what love is and what missing someone means to you, as well as sayings to express how much you miss your lover.

I Miss My Baby Quotes and Messages

1. I wish you were here because I miss your voice, touch, smell, and everything about you. My baby, I wish you were here with me, and we would walk down the park, holding hands. I love and miss your presence, my baby.

2. I wish you were with me now to feel your arms around me. I will miss you today, tomorrow, and the next day, and then I’ll miss you some more. You’re the only person who completely understands me, and I don’t know what I’d do without your support. You’re always on my mind, and I love you.

3. I miss you so much that I can’t even think straight. My mind is filled with thoughts of you, and I can’t even comprehend how someone could love someone as much as I love you. You are my everything, my only love. I need you in my life, and I will always love you.

4. I miss your presence, voice, smell, taste, and touch. I miss all the moments we spent together, every single moment you were there with me, and all the moments we shared as a couple. You are my soulmate and heart, and nothing makes sense without you. I love and miss you so much, baby.

5. I can’t wait to see my baby again. I’ve missed her so much. I don’t know how I will survive without her in my life. It’s hard to be away from her, but I will make it through this time apart because I know we will be together soon.
Missing her is a part of being in love with someone, and I love her beyond words.

Check: I Miss My Baby Quotes for Your Love

6. Today I’m missing you like crazy, my love and I can’t wait to kiss you again. I will never stop loving you, no matter what happens. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me. I will never stop loving you and wishing I could hold you again. You are my world, and I can’t stop thinking about you.

7. My love, I miss the way you smell and sound and the way you make me smile. I miss your voice calling out to me in the morning and your body pressed against mine as we lay in bed together at night. I’m thinking about you now and hoping that you know how much I love and miss you wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.

8. She’s the air that keeps me alive, and my love for her is like the sun. It never changes, and it never goes away. I want to hold her in my arms and kiss her forever. I miss her so much that I can’t even sleep at night. I wish I could be with her, but that’s impossible now. I miss my baby, the one I love so much.

9. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. I don’t know how long it will take until we meet again, but I’ll wait as long as it takes because I want to be with you forever. I miss holding your hand, kissing your lips, and hugging you. I love and miss you, baby.

10. There are no words to describe how much I miss you right now. Missing you is something I don’t even want to think about anymore. You’re always on my mind, and I wish we could be together again, but until then, I will always think about you. I miss you so much, my baby, and I can’t stop thinking about you.

11. I wish I had a time machine to go back to the day we met. I miss you so much that it hurts my heart whenever I think of you. We may not be able to see each other every day, but I know that our love will last forever. You mean so much to me, and I want nothing more than for us to spend our lives together. I miss you, baby.

12. I miss my baby, but I know we will be together again someday. You’re my everything, the one that always made me smile. Even when I was down, you were there to lift me. My baby is the most beautiful being in the world, and nothing can replace my love for you. I love you so much.

13. I miss you, my love, and my heart is always with you. I want nothing more than to be with you forever, and I will always be here for you when you need me. It’s not any easier to be apart from you, but I’ll never forget or stop loving you, my sweet baby.

14. I love you more than anything in the world, and I wish we could be together forever. I miss your touch and the way you hold me tight. I miss how you make me feel when we are together, like nothing else matters. I miss your hugs and kisses every day, and I wish I could hold on to this moment forever. I miss you, baby.

15. You are the only person who can make me smile and laugh even though I’m sad. Your love has made me feel like someone special, and because of that, I want to be a better person for you. I miss you more than I can say, and I know how much you miss me too, but I think that love is the answer to everything. I love and miss you, my baby.

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16. You’re the light of my life, and I feel like someone took a piece of me away. The pain in my heart is unbearable, but knowing that one day we’ll together again make it all worth it. I want to hold you in my arms again, but for now, all I have are these words to tell you how much you mean to me. I miss you, my baby.

17. I miss holding you close while we sleep and waking up to your cute face. I think about how lucky I am every day that we found each other and fell in love. I miss you so much, my baby. It’s hard to be without you, but I know we will be together soon.

18. I’ve been thinking about you all day, and there’s only one thing I want to say, I miss you. I don’t know how to explain how much joy you bring into my life, but if there’s one thing that makes me happy every morning when I wake up, it knows that we’re together. I miss you, baby, and I wish you were here with me today. You are my world, and I want to hold you close to me right now.

19. You’re perfect in every way, and even though we are apart right now, it doesn’t matter because you’re always with me in my heart. I miss you so much, and I can’t even explain it. You’re my life, and I need you back. I want to let you know that no matter what happens, I will always be here for you and love you more than anything.

20. You are the most beautiful flower to me, and I’m lucky to have you in my life. You’re the one who brings a smile to my face every single day. I love you so much, baby. I can’t wait to see you again to kiss your lips. Nothing is better than having you near me, baby. I love you with all my heart and can’t wait for us to be together again.

21. Your absence reminds me how much I love and miss you. Your presence can only fill the emptiness in my heart because you are my one true love and my rock in life. I hope this message finds its way to your heart, even if it takes a while. I love you more than words say, and I miss you daily.

22. I don’t know how to explain how much I miss you. I wish you were here with me, and I can’t wait to see you again. My life is incomplete without you because you are the only one who can make me happy. We were made for each other, baby. The world is a better place when you’re in it. I miss your smile, your laugh, and everything else about you.

23. Missing you is like breathing. How can I stop doing it? It’s hard for me to go to sleep without thinking about you. I know that our love is strong enough to hold us together forever and that we will always be one because we have made a promise to each other. That is what makes our love special and unique. I miss you every single moment of our life together.

24. Staying away from you is hard, but it’s even harder because I don’t have the right words to express myself. You are the most important person in my life, and I love you forever, baby. I don’t know what I would do without you, and I want to be with you right now. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I miss you, baby.

25. I will never forget the time we spent together, the memories we created, and how you made me feel when we were together. You are an amazing person, and I hope you know that. I wish I could hold your hand and look into your eyes. You are my world, and I would do anything to be with you. I love and miss you, baby.

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26. Missing you is like having a missing limb because you are always reminded of it as if it was still there. I miss you so much that my heart hurts. I want to be with you and forget everything else. The days without you are long and dark, but the nights without you are even longer and darker. I hope that everything goes well for you. I love and miss you.

27. I miss many things about you, but mostly it’s how easy it is to talk to you and how much fun we have together. You’re always on my mind, and I hope you’re having a great time. It’s hard to be away for a long time, but I’m sure we’ll spend more time together one day.

28. Missing someone is like having a piece of your heart ripped out. You’re always in my thought, and I’ll always be here for you. When I am with you, time seems to stand still, and each second feels like a minute when we are apart. I love you more than anything in this world because you have given me the best years of my life, and I am thankful for your presence. I miss you, baby, and I wish you are here with me right now.

29. Missing someone is a feeling of emptiness that never goes away, no matter what you do or where you go. My heart beats only for you because loving you is not a choice but destiny itself. You’re all I’ve ever wanted and all I’ll ever need in this lifetime. Every day without you is like being lost in the middle of nowhere, with no map or compass to guide me back home to where I belong, which is by your side. I miss you so much, my baby.

30. Missing someone is your heart’s way of reminding you that there’s always a reason to smile! I miss you more than the sun misses the flowers. I miss you more than I ever did and realize that my life is empty without you. I’m missing you like crazy, but I know that I’ll never stop loving you.

31. The only thing worse than missing you is knowing I’ll never get over missing you. Missing you is like walking with no feet, legs, or arms. I miss you so much right now that it hurts my heart. I wish I could turn back time and see your face again. How do you expect me to survive without you? I can’t wait until you come home and hold me in your arms again.

32. If I knew you would be away for this long, I would have never allowed you out of my sight. Your absence is ripping my heart apart. I miss you every day, but I like to think that we find each other in our dreams at night. Eternity is too short of recompensing how much I desire and miss you right now.

33. You mean the world to me, and nothing could change that. I’m sure you know how much I love and miss you because sometimes, it’s hard to put into words. You’re always on my mind, and I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’m glad that you’re in mine. The days are longer than they should be when all I can think about is the next time we will see each other again. I miss you so much.

34. It’s crazy how fast time passes and how much we’ve grown apart. I know you’re with me every day, but it’s not the same as being able to hold you close to my chest, feeling your heart beat against mine. The days are long and lonely without you here to share them with, but I know that this is only temporary and that we will be together again one day soon. I miss you, baby.

35. Every day that we are apart, I miss you more than yesterday, but every day we spend together reminds me why I fell in love with you in the first place. If a hug represented how much I missed someone, I would forever hold you in my arms.

36. My body and soul miss you like no other – They cannot wait to feel your presence once more.

Check: I Always Want The Best For You Quotes And Messages

37. You never realize how much something means to you until they are far away from you. I miss you in ways I can’t describe.

38. Spending time alone reaffirms that life without you holds little or no meaning. It’s a blessing to look forward to the days I will be with you forever.

39. You are not here, but I feel this warmth in my heart when I think of you. I miss you, and I lack the words to let you know how much it hurts.

40. Things are not the same when you are not here with me. Knowing I will not be seeing you today is one hard truth I have to swallow.

41. Your love is like a ray of light through a dark hole. When you are not around, nothing makes sense.

42. The thought of you is a reminder of how much I love you. I miss you a lot, and I cannot wait to have you here again.

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43. Every moment without you is shallow because I want to spend every day of my life with you.

44. I carry the thought of you on my mind all day, and it does not get easier as the day goes by. I cannot wait to see you because I miss you, babe.

45. The most difficult thing in the world is trying to spend the rest of your life without that one person that means everything to you.

46. I miss you like nothing else in the world.
It’s lonely without you.
I can’t wait to be with you soon.

47. The days are longer, but my thoughts of you never stop. I miss you, baby!

48. I miss you, and I miss you so much it hurts.
It’s lonely without you—when you’re gone, I feel like a part of myself is missing. It’s like being blind or deaf!

49. The house is empty without you, but I know I will be with you soon. I’m going to miss you so much.

50. I can’t wait to be with you soon so we can be whole again.
Oh gosh, I miss you so much!

51. We can’t wait to be with you soon.
You’re important to us, and we can’t stop thinking about you. We miss you so much!

52. I can’t wait to see you soon—I know this distance will make us stronger. I miss you a lot.

53. There is no replacing you, no matter how many times I try to tell myself it’s possible. You are irreplaceable, and I love you so much.

54. I miss you like a child misses their blanket.

Check: 100 I Miss You Quotes for Him

55. Whenever I miss you, I hug my pillow and imagine it’s you.
I start missing you the moment we say goodbye.
I wish I could see you right now, but thinking about you makes me feel good!

56. I miss your smell, your touch, and everything that makes you wholesome.
The first thing I do when I wake up is looking at a picture of your beautiful smile.
When I miss you, it’s like every song I listen to is about you.
Being away from you is the hardest thing I have ever done.

57. I miss you, and I have a feeling you miss me too.
It’s lonely without you here, but I know we will be together soon.
I can’t wait to have you with me again.

58. Thanks for being everything to me.
I miss you so much, and I cannot wait to see you again.
You make me feel like a whole new person.
I love you so much!

59. I miss you, like the sun misses the flowers, like the sun misses the flowers in the depths of winter, instead of beauty to direct its light to, the heart hardens like the frozen world which your absence has banished me to forever.

60. I miss you, and I am counting the seconds until I can see you again.

Baby, I Miss Quotes

Saying ‘I miss you’ is often not enough. You have to be ready with the right words that can express how much you miss your baby. Here are a few cute lines and quotes, both old and new, to help you tell your partner just how much you miss them.

61. I miss you so much.
I’ve been thinking about you nonstop these last few days, and you’re always on my mind.
It’s so lonely without you, and I can’t wait to be with you again soon.

62. I miss you because It’s lonely without you around. I can’t wait to be with you soon, so I hope we can talk on the phone and video chat until then.

63. I miss you, but I’m trying to think of it as a vacation from me. I will see you soon.
I wish we could be together right now.
I miss you so much, but I won’t be far away for long.

64. I miss you even more than I could have believed, and I was prepared to miss you a good deal.

65. I miss you, friend, and It’s lonely without you here. I can’t wait to be with you soon.

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66. Do you know how much I miss you?
I miss you more than I’ve ever missed anything in my life.
I’d give anything to be able to hug you right now.
I miss the way we used to talk all night long. Oh, how I wish we could go back to those days! It’s so lonely without you.

67. I’m so glad you’re out there.
I’m so glad you’re doing whatever it is you’re doing, I’m so glad you’re making the world a better place, and I’m so glad that right now you’re exactly where you want to be, but I sure do miss the heck out of you!
I know we both need our space, but I cannot wait to come together again.

68. You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about you lately.
I don’t know if it’s because I finished watching that show we used to watch, or if it’s because we had that fight the other day—but I just wanted to let you know that I miss you.

69. It’s been a rough time since this whole COVID thing started. Everything feels so lonely now. Some days, I go long stretches without talking to anyone but my immediate family, and even then, it feels like all we do is argue.

70. I keep thinking about the times when we had plans almost every night of the week, and life was simple—when all we had to worry about was getting the kids to school on time and whether or not we were going to run out of side dishes before Thanksgiving dinner was over.

71. I can’t wait until things are back to normal again. It will be different for all of us, but at least we’ll be together again soon.

72. I’ll be waiting for you because I miss you.
I miss you and all the things you used to do.
I’m lonely, and I can’t wait to be with you soon.

73. My body and soul miss you a lot because it’s so lonely without you. I can’t wait to be with you soon.

74. Missing you might be the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I’m glad we have each other in our lives.
I hate being apart from you. We’ll be together again soon!

75. You can be gone for a second, but when you’re gone, it’s not right. I miss you.

76. I miss you. Make sure you miss me, too.
I miss you, and I’m waiting for you to come back.
I miss you so much that sometimes I do not sleep tonight.
It’s lonely without you here, but I can’t wait to see you soon.

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77. I miss you so much, and it’s like I’m addicted to you. All I want is to hear your voice. It’s a lonely world without you.

78. I’m not alone when I say that it’s lonely without you around. I can’t wait to see you again because I miss you badly.

79. I miss you, baby.
Staying apart from you is hard, but it’s worth it. I can’t wait to be in your arms again.

80. I miss your smile and your laugh, and the way you look at me when I’m doing something dumb.

81. I miss saying goodnight and good morning to you, and the way you know when I’m having a bad day. I miss making everything better with a few words or a touch of my hand.

82. Staying apart from you is hard, but I know it’s only temporary. And that means that we’ll have even more time to spend together when we can be together again.
I can’t wait to be in your arms again.

83. Being away from you is hard, but it’s for a little bit longer. I can’t wait to be in your arms.

84. I miss you, baby.
The days are longer, the nights are lonelier, and it’s because of you.
I never stop thinking about you. I hope you’re doing well.

85. The days are longer, and the nights are worse when I’m not there with you. I never stop thinking about you, baby.

86. Baby, ever since you’ve been gone, the days are longer, and the nights are more painful. I miss you so much, and I never stop thinking about you. I hope you’re doing well on your voyage. I’m looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back.

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