I Miss You from the Bottom of My Heart Quotes and Messages 2024

How do I tell you that I miss you from the bottom of my heart? Get all the beautiful quotes and messages to let your lover know you miss them.

Sometimes, finding the right words to express how much you miss someone is hard. You know you love that person and want to let them know. But you’re not sure what to say. If you’re having difficulty expressing how much you miss someone, send them one of these quotes. It’s a great way to let them know you’re thinking about them.

Missing someone is difficult, especially if you have been away from that person for a long time. Sometimes you feel like you can’t stand to be away from the person any longer, and sometimes you wish you could be close to the person again. Fortunately, there are ways to make that person feel like you are right there with them. I’ve found a few quotes that I think will help you.

I Miss You from the Bottom of My Heart Quotes

1. I wouldn’t be missing you if you didn’t mean the world to me. I won’t be sending you this text if you are not everything my world revolves around all day.

2. Only one thing matters to me as long as I live. There is only one thing I don’t wish to lose as long as I live. You are this one thing that makes my world complete.

3. I hate to miss you because I go through the torment of remembering all the sweet memories we had together. I am missing you right now, and there is no antidote to eliminate the pain my heart holds.

4. My heart is cold because you are far away from me. It hurts a lot, and I wish you would appear and save me from the stress of missing you.

5. Missing you is just being heartbroken because I learn to adapt to a new world. I wish I could be there with you right now because it hurts to know that I won’t be seeing you for the rest of the day.

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I Miss You from the Bottom of My Heart Quote
I Miss You from the Bottom of My Heart Quote

6. When I miss you, my heart aches, and my world dims. I wish I could feel better, but that is never possible because you will be away for a long while. You leave me empty.

7. I try to unravel you in the short while we spent together, but I still can’t fathom why I love you and can’t stop missing you. Did you do anything to me? Because I am going haywire at the mention of your name.

8. Your absence means everything to me because nothing seems to fill in the vacuum you left. Just come back and give me the peace of mind my world caves for.

9. I need you right now, just as every human needs air. I want to be close to you, inhale your scent, and kiss your lips when I am bored. I want to show you how much I love you because it is tedious work being without you.

10. Nothing compares to what your presence does in my life. I want to be there with you at all times because by your side, all my worries seem to wipe away and a dream come true.

11. Only if you know how much it hurts to miss you. You wouldn’t wish to leave me all by myself. Every minute of every hour finds something to remind me of you.

12. Surviving every day is much more difficult than I think because you are miles apart from me. There is no single moment of today that I don’t find myself missing you.

13. I know how much I miss you because each time I close my eyes to picture your face, then open it only to see that you are still away from me. My body yearns for you.

14. I miss you, your touch, and the feeling of being close to you. I pray that you come home soon because this is the biggest challenge I have ever faced.

15. Since my heart started missing you, I have learned to appreciate our shared moments. I understood that sharing those incredible memories with you was a blessing.

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16. Every day, I miss you. My heart longs for your touch and your kiss. I want to hold you close to me and inhale the scent of your hair. I want to be sure that you are still mine.

17. Do you miss me so much? Does your body long for my touch like I long for yours? If your answers are yes, you no longer need to be far away from me.

18. No single day goes by without a memory popping up into my heart, reminding me of how much I need to be with you.

19. I could spend the whole day carrying you on my laps without getting exhausted because holding you close reminds me that precious things are not in riches but in the people who mean everything to us.

20. Life is worth living when you have something to live for. When you live for something, it hurts to spend a whole day staying apart from what you live for.

Missing You Messages for Lovers

Missing You Messages for Lover
Missing You Messages for Lover

21. I miss you more than I can explain. Your absence has created a space nobody can occupy. Each time I look at the door, I wish the next knock on it would be one from you. I miss you, baby.

22. If a star falls off the cloud each time I miss you, the sky will be without a star because I miss you with the passing of each second and every breath. I love you, baby.

23. Sometimes, I wish you would show up to save me this stress of missing you all the time because the pain of missing you is unbearable.

24. I miss you because I love you and you even more because each time I am with you, I feel like a superhuman because you bring out the best in me. I can’t wait to have you back.

25. I can’t pretend to miss you because it is more painful than being without you. I will wait for you as long as I can to have you in my arms once more.

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26. without you around, the world loses its color. Your absence creates a space where my heart cannot help but wish for you to come back. You make me feel good.

27. These days of my life are not worth living because you are the only thing that makes my day complete. Your absence signifies one thing; that my day is entirely unfulfilled.

28. You are in my heart always. Now I understand that out of sight isn’t out of mind. When will we be together again? Because I will stop missing you when we are together too.

29. I find myself doing odd things when you are not with me. Sometimes, when you are right in front of me, I miss you. I love you truly.

30. If I had the option of kissing you and missing you, I would gladly choose to kiss you every single second of the day rather than miss you, even in my mind.

31. Ever wondered how much I love you? You are the first thing that comes to my heart when I wake up. You are worth more than the world to me.

32. Every time I try to pretend like I don’t miss you always turns out worse than when I admit it. I can tell from the bottom of my heart that I truly miss you.

33. There is no doubt that I truly love you because I find myself missing you every single moment we are not together. Missing you have been the hardest thing I have ever done.

34. When you are not around, my heart aches because your presence is the only thing that calms it. You are everything to me, baby.

35. Even the little things I complained about are what I miss about you. I can’t wait to have my baby back. My arms longs for you, dear.

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36. All I want to do right now is to wrap you in my arms while kissing you from your head down to the neck. I have missed every part of your face, baby, and I can’t wait to play with it.

37. The woman of my dreams. You have finally made my reality better than my dreams. I can’t wait to see you and stop missing you. I am sure that today will be wondrous.

38. Seeing you alone only is the motivation I need to be on top of my games. I can’t wait to have you back because every day seems like a year when you are not around.

39. I think we are perfect together because we are not better apart. Even if I know that you will return to me very soon, I still want you to know that I miss you.

40. I miss you so much that I can hardly concentrate on the things I do during the day. You are away, and the desire is lost. I need you here right now.

41. I miss you from the bottom of my heart. I haven’t seen you for a long time, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t think about you daily. You are always in my thoughts and prayers.

42. I miss you from the bottom of my heart, and I know that it’s something that will never change. You are the most important person in my life, and I will always think about you because I love you.

43. I never knew how much I would miss you until you weren’t around anymore. You are my best friend and lover, but most importantly, you are my soul mate, and I know we will be together again someday.

44. From the bottom of my heart, I miss you badly. I never knew how much I needed you until you were thousands of miles away from me. You are always on my mind, even when we are apart. I miss you so much it hurts.

45. It’s hard to keep the thought of you off my mind because I think about you every day. Even in my dreams, I feel your absence. I miss your smile, your laugh, and all the little things we used to do together. I miss us being together so much that I can’t explain.

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46. I miss you from the bottom of my heart. There are so many things that I want to tell you, but I can’t find the words for them. Whenever I hear a song that reminds me of us, it makes me cry. The only reason why my heart still beats is because of you.

47. I can’t find the right words, but I must tell you that I miss you so much. I wish we could be together and hold each other tight, but all we can do is dream about the day we will be together again. My heart misses you so much.

48. You are in a better place, but I miss you like crazy. I can’t believe it’s been a year since you left us. We danced to your favorite song and laughed at yesterday’s silliest things. Your presence will always be with me, but I miss you terribly. I hope you’re dancing and singing as loudly as ever.

49. I miss you from the bottom of my heart, and I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you. You’re in my thoughts and prayers daily, and I hope you know how much I care about you. Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make things right between us.

50. You should know I miss you from the bottom of my heart. I know it’s been a long time, and we haven’t spoken in a while, but I do love you. I don’t know what happened or why we got so far apart, but I hope we can find our way back to each other soon.

51. My heart misses you so much more than I can explain. I can’t believe we’re apart. Sometimes, I touch my chest to feel the ache. You’re all I think about, even when we’re together. Every time I look at the stars, they remind me how deeply I love you.

52. My heart’s not the same without you here. I never expected to fall in love so fast. My heart beats for you and only you. I’m completely lost without you, but I’ll never stop loving you. I’ll always be here for you, no matter what. I miss you from the bottom of my heart.

53. I miss you so much from the bottom of my heart that I can hardly stand it. I think about you daily, and I know you’re thinking about me too. You mean everything to me, and my life is nothing without you.

I Miss You Quote from the Bottom of My Heart
I Miss You Quote from the Bottom of My Heart

54. You’re the one who makes me smile, and when I am sad, you are the only one who can cheer me up. You’ve been my ray of sunshine in my day, and I miss you so much right now. I miss you from the bottom of my heart.

55. I miss you every day, and I wish I could see you again. It’s been a long time since we saw each other, and I still remember the last time we were together. My heart aches from missing your presence around.

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56. Every part of me misses you more than you can imagine. I miss you more than the sun misses the flowers when it’s dark and more than the wind messes with the trees in the evening. Sometimes I wonder when we will meet again or if we will live on in each other’s hearts. I want to be with you forever.

57. I don’t think about you every day because I can’t. If I did, I’d go crazy, but I miss you from the bottom of my heart every moment in between. You’re always on my mind, and you always will be because no matter what happens, I know there’s a piece of me that will always belong to you.

58. I miss you so much that I want to hold you in my arms and never let go. When I first met you, I thought you were the most beautiful person I had ever seen. Now that we’ve been together for so long, it’s hard for me to imagine life without you by my side. You’re the one person who makes me feel alive and whole. You’re the best thing to ever happen to me, and I will always love you more than anything else.

59. My sweetheart, I miss you from the bottom of my heart. I wish to be there with you so badly, reminding me how much I love you. I hope we can be together again soon so I can hold you, kiss you, and tell you how much I long for your touch.

60. I can’t imagine how much time has passed since we’ve been together. It feels like forever, but at the same time, it feels like no time. I guess that’s because I still feel something strong for you. I want to be with you more than anything in this world, and It’s not even a question anymore.

61. If there were any way possible for us to be together right now, I would do it without hesitation. But as much as it pains me to say this, we have to accept that we’re apart right now, and we can only hope that one day soon, we’ll be together again.

62. I miss you so much it hurts sometimes, and I don’t know how to make it stop hurting. But then again, maybe that’s part of what makes it so sweet. Pain is proof that something good exists in this world that we can’t always see with our eyes or touch our hands.

63. Something beautiful and real and true exists inside us, even if it doesn’t show up in front of us every day as most things do. So thanks for giving me something special to hold onto even when we’re apart, something so precious that even time can’t keep us from having it as long as we remember it’s there whenever we need it most.

64. The more time passes, the more I realize how much I love you. I miss you from the bottom of my heart. I know that the distance is hard, but I also know that we can make it through this together. Remember that I’ll always be here for you, and your heart will always be safe in mine, no matter what happens.

65. I miss your smile, your laugh, and how you always smell like vanilla. I’ve missed the way you would always say some corny line about how much I meant to you, even when we had newly met. I wish we could be with you right now.

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66. Dear lover, I miss you from the bottom of my heart, and I wish I could be with you right now, but until then, I will send you this message to remind you how much I want to be with you. I love you so much.

67. I miss you with every fiber of my being. You’re the one that makes me feel like I can take on anything, and I’m not only talking about our relationship. You are my rock and my foundation. When I look at you, I see the person who allows me to be myself and encourages me to be better than I ever thought possible. It’s beautiful to know what love is and how amazing it can be when you find it. You brought me to that realization.

68. I miss you from the bottom of my heart because you are my soul mate who makes me feel complete. I can’t wait to see you again. I’m missing you so much right now that it hurts, and I wish I could tell you how much I miss you, but words are not enough to express how much I do. If we were together now, I could hold you tight and never let go.

69. I can’t even think about how much I miss you now. The mere thought of not being able to see your beautiful face makes my heart soft. You are the love of my life, and I promise you that I will never stop loving you, no matter what happens. I’ll be with you forever.

70. I miss you from the bottom of my heart. I don’t know what I would do if I lost you. I love you so much, and I hope you know how much I cherish every moment we spend together. You are the most important person in my life.

71. It’s been a long time since we last saw each other, but I want you to know that you will always be in my thoughts and heart, even though we are not together. I can’t wait until we’re together again so that I can hold you tight and never let go.

72. I miss you from the bottom of my heart, and I love you so much that I don’t know what to do with myself when we’re apart. You are the most beautiful person in the world, inside and out. I love your smile, laugh, eyes, and everything else about you. You are my best friend and my partner in crime, and I can’t wait to see what else life has in store for us together.

73. It hurts whenever I write things like this because I miss you badly. The sky is blue, and the ocean is blue, but nothing compares to the color of your eyes. I miss holding your hand, having you lean on me when we’re tired, and watching you sleep after a long day together.

74. I miss you, and I want to be with you. I wish I could see your face and kiss you right now. I am so happy you are in my life, but it’s not enough because I miss your presence. I need more of you, more time, and more love from you.

75. You are always on my mind and in my heart. I wish you were here with me so we could be together again. It feels like it has been forever since we were last together. I can’t wait to be with you again, but until then, I’ll have to keep dreaming about our next meeting.

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76. You’re always on my mind and heart, and I don’t think that will ever change. Even though we aren’t together right now, we still share a special bond that only we can understand.

I Miss You from the Bottom of My Heart Quotes and Messages remain a great way to let someone you’re missing know that you’re thinking of them. If you’re brave enough, these can be sent via text, social media, or even in person. There are no rules about writing a heartfelt miss you message; it’s best to keep it short and sweet.

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