There are a lot of people out there who think they have to like everyone. After all, we live in a very connected world where connecting to others online and off is easier than ever. But it’s a choice to connect, and you don’t have to like everyone you meet, everyone who’s in your Facebook network, or every Twitter follower you have. One of the most freeing things we learn in life is that we don’t have to like everyone, everyone doesn’t have to like us, and it’s perfectly okay.
Being different isn’t something to hide – it’s something to be proud of, and as soon you realize this, the better your life will become.
Our life is filled with people, some we care about and others, not so much, some we feel a connection to, and those we wish never crossed our path. We meet people all the time who might appeal to some but not all of us. We might have something in common with some and not so much with others.
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Sometimes we like people, some other times we don’t, and that doesn’t mean we’re being rude or unfriendly. Not everybody can be everybody’s friend because we have our likes and dislikes.
There are times when I’m out running errands or something, and I run into a few people who have various distasteful views on what I do for a living, one of the things that have always made me feel a little better has been thinking to myself, ‘Hey, at least they don’t know where I live — but I know where they live’. And then I feel better.
I’m Not for Everyone Quotes
One realization in life is that we don’t have to like everyone, everyone doesn’t have to like us, and it’s perfectly fine. It doesn’t matter if they are a co-worker, neighbor, good friend, or total stranger, you are under no obligation to like someone even if they seem very likable on the surface. So here we go with some of the best I’m not for everyone quotes: You can share on WhatsApp, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and others.
1. Not everyone will appreciate your personality and it’s completely okay. That doesn’t mean you have to be a jerk, rude, or be mean, and It doesn’t even mean that you have to stop caring about other people’s opinions. It means you should channel your energy and personality where it will be respected.
2. You have to recognize that nobody in the world will ever love everyone they encounter. You can’t please everyone, and that’s okay!
3. When you accept that it’s fine to be disliked, it frees up a lot of mental space and energy so that you can focus on being your true self rather than trying to be who others want you to be.
4. When you’re living authentically, all the right people will come into your life, so don’t be for everybody.
5. We all remember that moment when we realized that not everyone was going to like us.
6. It’s never about you but the expectations of other people, their insecurities, or whatever else is going on for them. You can’t be for everybody, and that’s fine.

7. It’s okay not to worry about pleasing everyone because all we need to do is focus on being our authentic selves every day.
8. We permit the right people to be themselves, and that makes everything better for everyone involved when we try not to be for everybody!
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9. Not everyone has to love us. We should be the best for the people who are on the same page as us in our lives.
10. “If someone thinks different things are cooler, then it’s all fine, we all have different perceptions of life.”
11. We all want to be liked, but it’s not always possible.
12. Sometimes we get so caught up in trying to please everyone that we forget to live our lives as our true, authentic selves.
13. But what if you could turn the tables and use the fact that not everyone likes you to your advantage? You can give your best to those who value you.
14. Turning the tables means reclaiming your power, your confidence, and your sense of purpose. It means accepting who you are—good and bad—and working from there.
15. Now you can focus on making yourself happy by being true to yourself because you can never be for everybody.
16. Not everyone is going to like you, so there is no point in wasting your energy trying to please anyone who comes into your life.
17. Your energy will be well spent if it is spent on doing what makes you happy and pursuing your dreams.
18. Be happy that not everyone likes you because that is proof that you are not lying to yourself.
19. The first step towards becoming your true self is to understand that you will be the bad guy in some people’s stories.
20. Those who do like you like the real, authentic you, and they are the people you should go to the moon for and back.
I am not for everyone
21. No matter how hard you try, there will always be those people who don’t like you. Don’t waste your energy trying to please these people.
22. I’m different, weird, a little bit afraid of the dark, and not for everyone.
23. If you think I’m weird, then don’t read my stuff, and if you think I am awesome, then welcome to the tribe!
24. I’m glad that not everyone can stand me. That means I’m keeping it real, being true to myself, and not trying to please anyone but me.
25. You shouldn’t try to please everyone. If you’re living your best life in a way that is true to who you are and what you want, then the right people will pay attention and be drawn to you—and the wrong people will be repelled by who you are or how you act.
26. Now, I know it can be hard to hear that—it certainly was for me! But if you think about all the things that make a person tick, there’s bound to be some things about them that annoy other people.
27. Let’s be honest with ourselves, we all have our quirks, and those quirks are a big part of what makes us who we are.
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28. We’re not everyone’s cup of tea, and we think that’s awesome. But you know what? We’re pretty sure you aren’t either, and your journey to self-love can begin with us.
29. You might have something for everyone—even if not everyone has something for you, and that’s normal.
30. Life would be boring if everyone were the same. You are unique, and so are your friends and family.
31. You have something very special to offer them. Your individuality is what allows you to do things that others can’t do – or wouldn’t dare try!
32. Don’t worry about those people who don’t like you; they aren’t worth your time anyway!
33. When you first come into this world as an infant, everyone around you loves you unconditionally. Your parents, siblings, aunts, and uncles all adore the heck out of you, but as we grow older and begin to interact more with people outside our immediate family unit, you learn that not everyone likes us or even wants anything to do with us which is fine!
34. As you continue to get older, you start to realize that not everyone deserves a seat at the table of your life. It is reserved only for those who accept you.
35. I’m not for everyone. I’m for the special people who deserve everything I have to offer.
36. I’ve been getting to know myself better, and it has been the most incredible journey of all.
37. You’re not designed for everyone to like you, accept you, or include you in their cycle.
38. Don’t worry about what others think of you because you aren’t for everyone you meet in life.
39. You are not for everyone. You are for the ones who can accept your flaws and appreciate your worth.
40. You’re not for everybody. If everybody liked you, you’d be boring.
41. Break out your favorite mug and a plate of warm cookies—you’re about to get some wisdom.
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42. As you grow up and move through the world, you’ll meet hundreds of people, each with their ideas and opinions about who you should be. But you know what? You can’t please everyone. So here’s some advice: don’t even try!
43. You don’t need to be best friends with everyone. Get to know the true you. Not everyone will like you.
44. We all want to be loved, but sometimes we can get so wrapped up in trying to please everyone that we end up pleasing no one. If you’re feeling like this, it’s time to take a step back and do some self-reflection.
45. You aren’t for everyone—and that’s okay. It’s better than okay. It’s wonderful.
46. I’m not for everyone. I’m for a few people. And that’s all I need.
47. I believe in myself, ideas, and decisions. Some people just can’t handle that level of confidence and self-worth.
48. For starters, I don’t like everyone, and I do not expect everyone to accept me in return.
49. I’m going to get where I want to go and nothing is going to stop me from succeeding, not even the people who don’t believe in me.
50. We don’t have to agree on everything, but if you don’t respect me why would I respect you?
51. I’m not for everyone because I’m for the one who wants me more than anyone else, thinks about me when we’re apart, and will risk everything for me.

52. I am not for everyone. I’m for you. I don’t care what they say, I’m yours, and you’re mine. You’re the only one who can make me feel like this. You’re my soulmate, my one and only.
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53. I’ll never be for everyone because I’m only for someone special. If you are lucky enough to be one of the people I consider special, then you know how lucky you are.
54. I’m not for everyone, but I’m for someone. I may not be perfect, but neither are you. Being in love is not easy, but it’s worth every struggle. You will never find anyone better than me.
55. I am not for everyone, but I’m for you. You don’t have to be perfect to be my friend, but you do have to be pretty darn close. I’m not for everyone, but I’m worth it.
56. There’s a reason I’m not for everyone. It’s not you. It’s me. If you don’t like me, it’s okay. Someone else will come along eventually and appreciate me more than you ever could have. I am not here to be liked by everyone. I am here to be respected by those who matter most to me.
57. I am not for everyone because I have standards. I am only interested in the best of the best! So if you are not the best, then I am not interested! Good luck finding someone who loves your flaws as much as I do!
58. Some people are not meant to be in your life, or they’re meant to be in your life at different times. You’ll find the right fit when you need them and when they need you. Don’t worry about whether or not someone is “The one.” the only person who can make that decision is you!
59. Sometimes, you’re not the type of person with whom certain people want to be friends. And that’s okay! You can stay the same or try to be someone else to fit in. You are who you are, and there’s no shame in that.
60. If you don’t like me, it’s okay. I’m not for everyone. It’s okay if you disagree with me. I know I can be difficult to get along with sometimes.
61. I’m not for everyone, and that’s okay. I don’t need to be with someone who can’t accept me for who I am. If you want to be with me, you have to accept me as I am.
62. I’m not for everyone because I have a mind of my own and won’t be told what to do, how to think, or who to be. If you can’t handle that, I’m not for you.
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63. I’m not for everyone, but I’m for you. I am not a perfect person, but I will try to be one for you. If you don’t like me, that’s okay because I don’t like myself either. But if you love me, that’s even better because I love myself too!
64. I’m not for everyone. If you’re looking for the perfect person, you’ve come to the wrong place. I’m too much of a mess and have too many flaws. But if you’re looking for someone who will always be honest with you, even when it hurts your feelings, someone who will tell you that they love you every day, someone who will hold your hand through all of life’s ups and downs, then look no further than me.
65. I’m not for everyone, but that doesn’t mean I’m not for you. I had to learn to be lonely to appreciate the people who matter. People who love me love me because they want me to be happy and don’t want me to change. And that’s what makes them special.
66. I’m not for people who aren’t willing to grow up and realize that life is hard and it doesn’t always work out the way you want it to, but that’s okay because we’re all in this together, and we can make each other’s lives better by working together.
67. I’m not for the weak and easily offended. I’m not for the people who are afraid of their own shadow and need someone to hold their hand every step of the way. I’m not for those who can’t take a joke and want to change everything about me, so they don’t feel uncomfortable. But if you’re someone who likes a good challenge, enjoys exploring uncharted territory, and doesn’t mind getting lost along the way, then I might be for you!
68. I am not for everyone, and I’m not interested in being liked by everyone. I’d rather be liked by a few people worthy of my respect and admiration than by many people who don’t deserve it. I want to be with someone who gets me and understands what makes me tick and why I do what I do. Someone who can see past the flaws and imperfections that make me human and still love me anyway.
69. I’m not for everyone. People who are toxic, negative, and abusive are not for me. I surround myself with people who lift me and inspire me to be the best version of myself.
70. If you think I’m too loud, quiet, serious, or silly, you think I need to be somebody I’m not. Then I’m probably not for you. But if you love me the way I am? Then we might be a match made in heaven.
71. I’m not for those who think they’re entitled to my time, attention, or love because society has conditioned them to believe they deserve it without putting in any effort. And I’m not for those here to take advantage of me.
72. I don’t have time to waste on anyone who doesn’t make me feel anything. I’m not for everyone, but if you are one of the few who can handle me, then I am for you.
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73. If you are looking for someone who will love you no matter what, I’m not the one. I need a strong enough partner to be honest and vocal with me, one who will tell me when I am wrong and one who can handle my mood swings. We can be together if you want to take all these things in stride.
74. I’m not for anyone who would want me to be anything other than what I am, an individual with a mind, body, soul, and an identity of his own. I’m not for anyone who would want me to be someone else’s idea of perfect.
75. I’m not for everyone, and that’s the truth. Some people don’t understand me, and that’s okay because some will see my light, understand me and love me for what I am: a beautiful human being with flaws and so much potential to grow and be better.
76. When you’re not for everyone, you’re for someone. If it’s not your “Thing,” it’s not your thing. You have to follow your rhythm and find your path. It’s okay when people don’t like you, but it’s better when they do. You can’t please everyone all the time, and that’s okay!
77. You’re not for everyone, and that’s okay. You’re only meant for a special few, and it’s okay if they don’t understand you yet. You need to be patient and wait for them to come around and see what you offer.
78. I’m not for everyone, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean they’re wrong if someone doesn’t like me. It means they don’t know me yet. You can’t force people to be your friends if they don’t want to be.
79. It’s okay to be yourself. You’re not for everyone, and that’s okay! If someone doesn’t like you because you’re different, they weren’t a good fit. Be confident in who you are.
80. I’m not for everyone, but I’m for you. I don’t fit into a box, but I’ll find the one that fits me. I can’t be all things to all people, but I’ll try my best to be everything to you.
81. You are not for everyone. Don’t try to be someone you’re not because you are perfect the way you are. You can’t please everyone, so don’t even try! Be yourself, and your true friends will love you no matter what.
82. I’m not for everyone because I’m for the person who wants to get up and take control of their life. I’m for those who want to go after what they want, even if they need to learn how to start. I’m for the person who isn’t afraid to be themselves, even if it means being different from everyone else.
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83. Life is too short to spend with people who suck. You can only please some. It’s impossible. So you have to please yourself. I’m not for everyone. I’m for me, and I’m pretty damn fabulous.
84. I’m not for everyone, but I’m the right person for you. You’re the one who makes me laugh and smile. You’re the one who makes me feel like I could do anything, even when I know I can’t. You’re my best friend, and I love you so much.
84. I’m not for everyone, but the right person will look beyond this face and see what is truly inside me: my heart, soul, and mind. They will know that I am worthy of their affection even if they are not worthy of mine.
85. I’m not for people who are always trying to prove themselves or make others feel bad about themselves to feel better about themselves. But if you’re often sarcastic, sometimes silly, and always willing to try new things? Well, then we could get along.
86. People who want me will have to work hard. The ones who don’t, well, they won’t get me. I’m no one’s trophy. The ones who get me will have to be willing to deal with my crazy and my moods because I’m no one’s prize either. I’m too much work and too much drama for that.
87. I am who I am, and that’s all I can be. If you don’t like me, it’s okay. You’re not the first person not to like me, and you won’t be the last. It’s okay if people don’t see me as a friend or a partner. My friends are my family, and my partner is my soulmate, and that’s all that matters to me.
88. I’m done with being nice and caring about what people think of me. If you don’t like me, that’s your problem, but don’t expect me to change for you because it would be unfair if I did.
89. If someone doesn’t like you, it’s their problem, not yours. People are going to judge you no matter what. So judge yourself based on your standards and not theirs. You can’t please everyone, so don’t even try. If someone doesn’t like me, that’s fine because I’m not for everyone!
90. I’m not for everyone, and It’s a hard truth to accept. I know it’s hard to hear that someone doesn’t want you, but it’s important to remember that you are wanted by someone who will appreciate all of your quirks and imperfections, who will see the real you and love you for it.
91. I’m not for everyone. I’m not going to try and be perfect because nobody’s perfect. I’m going to try and please only some. I’m going to try and fit in with only some. I am who I am, and that’s it.
92. I’m not for anyone who doesn’t love me as much as I love them, who doesn’t want to spend every second with me, who doesn’t care about what’s on my mind or how I feel.
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93. If we’re not meant to be, I’m glad you didn’t waste your time. I don’t need someone who needs to be needed. I’m sorry that you’re so insecure about your own life that you have to try and get me to feel bad about mine.
In conclusion, you need to be selective about who you let into your life. Be mindful of who deserves a seat at the table because it won’t be everyone—it’s only the most special people.
Be yourself, and don’t take anything personally. If things go wrong, keep your head up and realize that you are not perfect either. When people don’t understand you, walk away from their negativity. Never become someone else just to impress your friends or be accepted by others.