120 Love SMS For Her – Loving You SMS

It is time to show how much you love your partner with these loving you SMS. If you are searching for love SMS for her or some love SMS to her, then you are in the right place.

Your relationship needs love and attention; just one out of this compiled love messages SMS will do the trick of giving her the care she needs.

Loving You SMS

1. Your love is a flame that has consumed my heart. I will last till eternity. Even when candles and woods, melt and burn away, I will always love you from my heart.

2. I will send you a smile that will last forever.
My love for you will last until the end of time because you captured my heart and you are the best lover that I couldn’t find all these while.

3. My love for you is not a responsibility; it is an activity that I plan to do for the rest of my life.
My love for you is not a game, and I won’t play with your heart.
I that have felt true love call you my love.

4. My heart beats for you at all times.
All I want is a world that has a sweet feeling of love.
I want to spend the rest of my life, loving you, baby.

5. The sun can’t visit the earth but sends its rays.
The clouds can’t come to the river but send the rain.
I can’t be with you but I’m sending my love to you.

6. Aside from needing food, water, and air, I need your love and care daily.
I feel like the best fortunate man in the world to have your love. You make every day of my life worth reliving.

7. My love for you revolves on:
Understanding, a pure heart to care, and someone special to share the rest of my life with, the thought of you makes me happy. You are all I need.

8. Call me selfish, but I’ll still want you to be mine even if loving you become a crime.
I want you in my life because ever since you came into my life; I have tasted how sweet being in love can be. I love you.

9. You scare me the way you look into my eyes.
You scare me the way you say ‘I Love You.’
The way you scare me makes me love you more.

10. Let me be that tear that will conceive in your heart, born in your eyes, live on your cheeks and die on your lips.
I want to be all that matters to you.

100 Beautiful Quotes for Girlfriend

11. Your love is heaven. I’ve never imagined such magic of love could happen on earth.
I never believed I would be in love until you showed up in my life.

12. Every one of your words,
Every of your touch,
Each time you kiss me.
All these makes my soul burn and yearn for you even more.

13. Like the petals dripping with the morning dew, you blow my mind.
Like the pure joy in every season, you glow to my admiration.
Nothing compares to your beauty. I love you.

14. You will remain the love of my life.
I feel blessed for having found you, and I promise to love and cherish you every moment of my life. You remind me of the good things in my life.

15. You bring much love to my life.
My beautiful, wonderful Sweetheart, I will give you all my love because you mean the world to me and I am ready to love you forever.

Loving You SMS for Loved Ones

16. There are times you make me happy, and there are times I feel like the relationship is crashing,
But whatever time it is, I will always love you, and I know deep down me I will love you till eternity.

17. I wish I can hold you tight right now and let you feel how my heart beats for your love.
You remain that amazing thing anyone would love to have in their life.

18. I will be yours until the end of time because my love for you will never waiver or dwindle.
You rule my heart, my soul, and my whole being is yours.
I love You, my Sweetheart.

19. The love my heart feels for you is more than I can explain.
It grows intense with every passing moment we spend together.
I love you now and until my last breath.

20. My love for you is magical. Giving you my affection and care is a duty I will gladly do because you the thought of you warms my heart.
I love you with all of my heart.

21. I can’t stop loving you, my dear.
This because you and no one else deserves my love.
It’s just too precious for someone aside from you.

22. Our love was ordained.
That’s why I + you equal to blessing.
You are the best in the world.

23. Don’t promise me another thing.
You’ve already fulfilled the promise you never made (being my everything). Having you in my life means everything to me.

24. Love isn’t about your money, body or connections.
It’s about finding that missing part of you.
I just found mine in you.

25. Let’s teach the world how to love.
You gave me the most expensive gift.
Giving me love was everything I need and more.

Romantic Love SMS for Her

26. I know we are not sitting juxtapose each other, but I feel your presence all around me.
I’ll always value you deep within my heart and love you daily and forever.

27. Just like the fire burning in the rain,
I want to live inside of you.
Inside your sweet loving heart, I want to be with you forever. I love you.

28. I’ll live to give you my body, my soul and my spirit.
I’ve got to live to give you all my love.
I will live to be the right man for your life.
I love you, baby.

29. Scented candles, beautiful roses and the bundle of love.
That’s all I daydream .”.
You are the best girl that has ever gotten into my heart, and
I want to spend the rest of my life loving you.

30 I feel on top of the world when I hear these best three words from your lips: I Love You.
Even if you tell me ‘I Love You’ a thousand times, I won’t get tired of hearing it because it is a tune to my soul.

31. I can’t even imagine spending a day without you.
It will be worse than 30 minutes walk under the hot Sun.
I want to spend the rest of my life with you because the thought of you makes my day memorable.

32. I’ll always let you know that you’re my sun, my moon, my stars, and my joy.
Baby, you’re a blessing to me, and I love you all through the days of my life.

33. I’ll pray to God to keep making you happy because seeing you all happy and smiling makes my day beautiful.
Seeing your beautiful face is the most fantastic thing in my life.

34. A blessed day starts with a thought of you, and it gets fun when I hear your lovely voice.
You are the best thing in my life right now.

35. I love all the beautiful things in life, but I loved you more because you’re the definition of awesomeness and your love is HEAVEN.
My heart lights up with the thought of you.

36. Ever since you became mine, all I wanted and will continue to ask for is your everlasting love.
Am I asking for too much, baby? I should know because I love you more than I love myself.

37. Even for a moment, the thought of existing without you isn’t an option. It scares the living hell out of me.
I want to love you, and I’m not d!cky about it.

38. I am in love with you, and everyone thinks I’m crazy.
I think it’s divine because you’re a blessing to me and humans.
Thanks for your undying love every day.

39. Deep inside, I desire to be with you, doing nothing but staring at you because the world is beautiful with you in my life. When I look into your eyes, I see the beauty of life.

40. I feel eager living another day on earth because you’re making each day seem like a honeymoon.
What more can life offer? Thanks for the basket of your love that you give to me daily.
I love you, dear.

More Love SMS for Her

41. Imagine the scent of delicate crushed petals.
The subtle yet distinctive scent.
These are what I want to enjoy while having you close to me.
I love you.

42. Loving you is beautiful, even if I try to hold back all the beautiful feelings that seemed too incredible to be real.
You ask for my love, and it is always at your service. I love you, my angel.

43. Your love is pure like the heavens, sweet like the chocolate and smells like the distinct floral fragrance of rose petals.
Thank you for being there for me when I need you.

44. I dare not imagine life without my beloved.
You made my life, a world where dreams come true and the future becomes happily ever after,
I love you big time, my angel.

45. I don’t have to be at the altar to let you know that I will love, honor and cherish you.
I’ll do that every day, and I’m starting now. I love you dearly.

46. I give up, I’ve loved you from the first day I met you, and I am not giving up on you yet.
Can I be your lover for the rest of my life?

47. Baby! You’re a blessing from God.
Because you’re such expertise in loving me and I have never been this happy to have someone in my life.

48. Since many believe that love is expensive to maintain.
I don’t mind being wretched to be with you.
When I am with you, the world’s richest man doesn’t feel half the happiness in my heart.

49. The day I met you, the dead love inside me came alive.
Loving you awaken the force inside of me. I have never felt good loving someone this much/
I love you, my dear.

50. You finally outspanned my defense and made me the prisoner of your love.
Take me anywhere you go because I can’t survive without you. I have dedicated my entire life in loving you forever.

100 Cute Love Paragraphs for Her

51. If you didn’t shower your love on me, I might not have been the beautiful person you see today.
I am taking this moment from my busy day to say ‘thank you for loving me.’

52. Love is pleasing and pleasurable only with someone ordained with natural sweetness like you.
I adore you, my gold.

53. The exciting feeling of loving you plus the atmosphere of calmness which you bring along equals to a glorious future ahead.
Baby, I feel blessed being your man.

54. If only others had a beautiful love life like me, everybody would want to be in love for the rest of their lives.
You have given me enough love and spiced up my life beyond my imagination; I love you with all of my heart.

55. I’ll take you around the world.
I will buy you things that will blow your mind away.
I’ll make you smile hard enough to forget your sorrows.
Most of all, I’ll love you forever.

Beautiful Love SMS for Her

56. Even when the world gets cold, and you feel left out. Always note that you’re surrounded by people who love you and can do anything to put a smile on your face.
I am one of them.

57. I find joy and calmness when I’m around you.
I can’t explain, but I love every bit of it.
I want you to know that my love is forever with you.

Beautiful Love SMS for Her
Beautiful Love SMS for Her

58. Everywhere I go, there is always something to remind me of you.
There is this magic that makes my thoughts end up being about you.
Everything about me points to you.
I want to spend my life with just you because I love you.

59. Even if I have nothing other than love to offer you, I will want us to celebrate this very moment.
That’s the only gift life gives us. I love you heartily.

60. You have no idea how you make me feel.
You ignite that spark of love that I never knew I had.
I will always love you boo.

61. Love is wonderful.
Just with you in my heart all day.

62. I feel happy thinking of you.
It’s an exciting activity to love you.
I understand beyond doubts that all of my life revolves around you.

63. You live here (in my heart).
Never for a second imagine me sending you out of my heart because of rent. You will live there for the rest of my life.
Much love, dear.

64. If other guys have seen how special you are to me.
They would probably stage a coup to have you.
But I won’t let them see that. I’ll keep you to myself forever.

65. Love doesn’t cost money but the heart.
I’m giving my heart to you because I’m sure it’s safer in your hands, and I love you will give my heart the best love that it can’t feel anywhere in the world.

66. My heartbeat, I’m entrusting my heart to you because you’re the only one with the safest hands to keep it.
You are the girl in the entire world that knows how to love me the way I deserve.

67. You must be an angel from heaven because you brought peace and happiness to my heart since you entered my life. Thank you for appreciating the little things about me.

68. I’ll keep watch over your steps and be close by when you need me. I love you, and nothing will change the way I feel about you.

69. Life’s precious moments are the ones spent loving someone who makes life worth living repeatedly.
You make my life worth reliving again and again, and if I have my way, I will do it again with you.
I’ll love you forever.

70. My life has been colorful because I believe in your love.
It is the best decision I have ever made.
Having you is just amazing because you make every one of my dream come true.

Cute Love SMS for Her

71. Hi boo,
A little bird told me you just started a new day, so I dropped this text, wishing you a great day ahead. Never forget that I love you with every strength in me.

72. It’ll be amazing, having you right in my arms throughout the day. But I’ll leave that till the day I will see you.
Enjoy yourself, baby. I love you always.

73. You are everything I ever wanted even when I wasn’t sure of what I needed.
I trusted you, and that meant a great deal for me.
You have my love and trust. I will remain loyal to you until eternity, and I adore you.

74. Love means respect, adoration, and commitment.
While others underestimate these, I’m giving them to you without hesitation.
You are my princess.

75. You are my present, and your love is my future.
I can feel myself touching the sky, just because you are my lover.
Thank you for giving me the best love in the world.

76. One can’t see true love in words that come from the mouth and sweetens the ears.
But a conversation that comes from the one heart and covers the other’s heart.
I will always love you because you give me the sweet feeling my life remains grateful for, you are my one in a million.

77. I know how beautifully you made my life,
How precious you are to me, and how amazing my world has become since you came in.
I will love you today, tomorrow and next.

78. Since the day I learn that remembrance is a gift no one can steal, ‘I will keep the memories of you and I.’
I’m sure more sweet memories await us soon. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.

79. Even if I’ve loved very few and liked many, nobody compares to you because nobody is as unique and delicious as you.
So I love you, even if it’s my last assignment on earth.

80. Life won’t be memorable without that first smile from your beautiful face.
I’ll trade my last penny loss to watch you smile all day.
You have the cutest face in the world when you smile.

Love SMS for Her

81. I Love and cherish you in every blink of the eyes, in every beat of my heart, with the last strength I feel inside.
My whole heart yearns for your love all day.

82. I can’t describe how the thought of you quicken the pace of my heartbeat.
It sends smiles to my lips and makes my world light up.
I love you, and nobody is getting between us.

83. Angel! I love your eyes, and I’m so in love with your ways.
I adore your style.
What more can I love than you.
I love you.

84. Been pondering on why I love you so much, then I came up with the answer. I love you because you are the best thing in the world. My heart is your home forever.

85. You have that unique smile that nothing competes with,
You’ve got that unique face that I can’t wait to see as the day breaks.
You’ve got that special lover that will love you forever. (Love SMS for Her)

86. My love is forever yours.
My heart is your property.
My body is at your call.
Baby, I can do anything to show you how much I love you.

87. You represent the blue sky that assures me of a bright day, the sun that comforts me that everything will be fine, and the moon that sings me to sleep.
You are everything I need.

88. You were there when I needed you.
You are one vital ingredient that spice up my life.
What else can I well than loving you forever?

89. There is no competition because you rule my heart.
The thought of you made my day worth the stress.
Knowing that I have you as my lover forever keeps me calm.

90. You are unique, even the heavens know.
I feel just so appreciated being the one you love.
I love you, darling.

100 Love Messages for Her from The Heart

91. Looking back at what we’ve been through, I will go through it again only if you’ll stand by me.
You’re my angel and I place nothing above you.

92. You entered my life like it is your farmland.
Made my laughter grow and filled my life with so much joy.
I can’t stop loving you, honey.

93. Hey dear!
You’ve been found guilty of adding more meaning to my life.
You are to be judged right beside me and sentenced to life imprisonment in my heart.

94. I’ve never been scared of showing you how much I love you because I can count on you to protect my heart from any pain.
I love you, my darling.

95. You are my angel, and I feel like I’m right beside you this very moment.
I love and cherish you, my sweetheart.

Love SMS for Her in English

96. I love you, and it seems like it has existed long.
I love you and won’t stop loving you because nothing feels good than showing you how much I love you.

97. Boo! You are a bundle of sweetness, joy, sunshine, and fun.
You are all these rolled into one. I love you so much.

98. Only if you can imagine how much I love you.
You would know that nobody on earth has been this lucky.
I love you.

99. I won’t swim an ocean or climb a mountain to show you how much I love and cherish you.
I’ll love you till you realize it.

100. I can say everything else, but each time I say ‘I Love You.’
Believe me, it never came from my head. It came from the heart.
Have a great day.

101. If you miss me, I miss you more.
If you need me, I need you more.
If you love me, I want you to know that I love you so much that the stars envies you.

102. Your face reminds me of the future.
Your voice, so cute like the singing birds and each time I think of your lips, It makes me want you badly.

103. I can’t control my feelings when I’m right next to you.
Like magnetic, you pull me off my guard into the center of love.
I can’t help but helplessly fall for you.

104. Your love is intoxicating like red wine.
Your presence speaks volumes even when you say, nothing baby.
You make me feel high.

105. Since I’ve met you, I’ve seen the sun, and you’re just the perfect match of what true love is all about.
I can’t explain with words, but I think you’re the best.

106. That crazy feeling you get, knowing that an angel is reading this text right this moment.
I can’t even state the difference between you and the morning sunshine.

107. I feel you each time the thought of you pops into my mind.
It keeps popping that I can’t do anything all day than to type this text telling you, “I Love You.”

108. You remain the only reason I take another breath.
Life sucks, but it sucks less with you.
I will say this to you every second, every day without getting worn out.
I love you, dear.

109. I will always remain grateful to your parents for bringing a bag of blessings like you into existence.
You will remain the best blessing in my life.

110. You are my sunshine in the morning and my moonlight at night.
Seeing you make me happy. Your presence turns my world around.

Please share these Love SMS for Her if they made sense

111. Seeing you happy makes me happy and seeing you sad makes me sad.
You are my emotion controller; the reason I should smile every moment. You’re special.

112. We look good together because everything you do transforms my life differently.
May we never go wrong because I can’t afford the expense of living without you.

113. I peeped into our future and saw many sweet memories we will share.
You can be the mum, and I can be the dad & we will share love forever in bliss.

114. You are a jewel to treasure, an asset that I will treat with the best care in the world.
You are an angel that lives among men. I love you because you give my life a face.
I would have been faceless without you.

115. Everything makes sense now just because you are in my life.
Everything is so inviting because you invited me to your world.
You give my life sense for I would have been senseless without you.

116. Losing you would be the most significant loss in human history & I won’t live a single day with such a tag.
I will guard your love and keep you forever with me.

117. Our relationship is an investment. I will fuel it with the sweetest and cutest love and care that heaven can give.
I will forever be by your side if you need me.
Take my hand, be my one and only.

118. Your face is divine because it has the cutest lips ever, the brightest eyes that light up my heart and the most beautiful nose ever.
Everything about your face is unique & I want to see it every day.

119. If love is a drama, I will forever wish to act with you for the rest of my life.
If I am a book, you are my chapters. My world found peace when you said yes to me.
I will love you with all I got.

120. Love has no end; it grows to infinity and makes everything beautiful during its time.
All this happens only when the love is watered to grow.
I will love you forever.

150 Deep Love Messages for Her 

121. If loving you is a crime, then I wish to be captured because that is a law I will break.
I love you, my angel. Being in love has never felt this good.

122. Your love gives me that feeling of being in heaven while on earth.
It is the best feeling in the world that words can’t explain. You make me feel like a king.

123. Even at this stage of my love for you, all I want to do is love you more.
This love is nothing like I’ve felt before.
I feel complete because my heart beats you.

124. You are my missing rib because you complete me.
The vacuum of my life is what your love fills up.
Without you, my world is a dream.
Love me today let it become a reality.

125. Love is blind but true love sees all imperfections but understands.
I will love you forever without a change of mind because the right side of you makes me realize that no one is perfect. I love you dearly.

126. When you touch me, my heart jumps out.
When you are not around, my world becomes cold and lonely.
Your love has become an essential part of me that should be available always.

Thank you for checking out these Love SMS for Her. I hope you will send some love SMS to her soon. Share them if they made sense to you.

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1 thought on “120 Love SMS For Her – Loving You SMS”

  1. Lovely SMS. They are truly amazing


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