Missing You Like Hell Quotes and Messages 2024

Missing someone is a special feeling in everyone’s heart. Communication is essential to share your feelings with the love of your life (LOY). It will help you maintain the relationship strong and healthy. So here we have put together a collection of Missing You Like Hell Quotes to send to your Loy or Love of your life.

When you miss your lover, you want to express it by sending them a message. Below are some Missing You Like Hell Messages and Messages you need to send to your lover:

Missing You Like Hell Quotes and Messages

1. I miss your presence and wish I could hug you and tell you how much I love you, but I can’t because distance has denied me the opportunity. Your breath is the life that keeps me going, and your smile is the famous ray of light that keeps me alive. I need you in my life, and I hope you return soon.

2. When I miss you, stars seem to drive away, and the moon trembles like a leaf. My tears turn into fears when I think of a life without you. Life feels empty without you. You are the sun that lights my day; you are the light that guides me home. You are the wind that blows my sails.

3. I cannot get to you or feel you near, your absence leaves me sad, and your love is like a warm embrace and like a cool breeze. I miss you, sweetheart. I can’t stop thinking of you. I have been alone since you went away. Nothing feels right without your close presence. Your hugs, kisses, and all the things I would love are absent.

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4. I miss you so much that I can no longer breathe. Your absence is killing me. Your words, your voice, your smile, and your love, I miss them. You’re the antidote to my loneliness, and I yearn for you each night. You’re very special to me. My thoughts are with you every moment.

5. Your love is like an eternal flame that lights my heart daily. I miss you greatly, and I long for your arms to hold me, to hold me tight. Your love gives me the strength to live another day.

6. Holding you, that’s the feeling I crave the most. You make me feel alive again, and I miss you like hell. My life has become so different without you. My world is grey and dull. I carry on, but there’s a feeling of loneliness. You fill a void in my heart that no one else can, and I miss you so much. I wish we were together. When I’m with you, the love I have inside swells, and I never want to let you go.

7. I never knew how it felt to be in complete and utter solitude and brokenness. My soul lies empty and bare as I sit here without your presence. I dream of being with you. You are the only one I crave at all times. So, I am waiting in suspense for your return. I cannot imagine a life without you. Please come back soon.

8. Without you, my life seems useless and dull, and nothing seems to matter to you. My heart aches like spring rain. I miss you like hell. I miss you like crazy every day and wish you were here with me, it’s difficult without you here, but I am consoled that I’ll be seeing you soon.

9. I sigh as I stare at your picture, and the scent of your perfume lingers around. Your face is all I see, and the memories slowly fade away. I miss your touch, and I miss your kiss, I miss your smile, I miss your voice, I miss your embrace. I miss you so much, and it seems I’m losing my mind. My heart aches because you’re so far away.

10. It’s so sad that I’ve been so lonely without you. My heart has been torn apart. Every day I miss you more and more. I wonder why you left me. I long to hold you in my arms, kiss you, and tell you how I’ve missed you. I miss you so much that my heart aches, my mind is consumed with thoughts of you, and without you, I can’t seem to survive.

11. My love, you came into my life and made it complete. As I fall asleep, your thoughts are in my head. I wish I could keep you, forever, my love. You are a blessing to me. And I miss you a lot.

12. Thinking about you is something I can’t stop doing. I feel miserable whenever you are far away. All I want right now is to feel your warm embrace. I miss you badly.

13. I love you like crazy, but the only thing that hurts is not feeling your near. When I’m away from you, I catch myself staring at the moon, feeling like my heart’s been ripped out.

14. Your love gives me strength. To stand tall when things seem hard. Your love gives me the strength to smile when I feel sad. Your love gives me the power to love those around me. I miss you terribly. My love, you give me the strength to conquer my fears.

15. I miss you so much, and it’s hard to deal with you not being here. Cause life would be so dull without you in it.

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16. You, my love, are my life and my everything. Everything I do, I do for you. You are my best friend, and it’s so sad that you’re so far away. I long to touch you, feel your hands, and hear your voice, but I can’t. I miss you a lot.

17. Dear love, I thought of you and how much you mean to me. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I wish you were here with me right now. You are so special to me. I needed you more than you will ever know. You bring a smile to my heart. Just thinking about you is what makes me miss you the most.

18. You hold my heart, and You have the key to my soul. You show me how special I am, and, You touch me in a way no one else can. You make me feel I am right where I’m supposed to be. I sincerely miss you more than you know.

19. I miss you so much, I can’t wait till you’re home, but the thought of you not being with me keeps me awake at night. It’s just so hard without you by my side. I want you back as soon as possible. You are all I desire in this world.

20. I long for you, my dearest love. You fill my heart with joy, and I take comfort in your presence. You are my everything. There is too much hurt inside cause you left me alone. My heart is crying out loud cause you are miles away.

21. My love, with every passing day, I get a little weaker and weaker. It’s hard to stay strong when I can’t look at you or think of anything but you, my love, the one person I can call my own. I can’t breathe without you, and you made me feel alive. Your hold is never-ending, and your touch is comforting. It’s impossible to be without you.

22. Dearest, I miss you greatly. Even though we have been apart, your love always lingers in my heart. You’re always on my mind. Every moment I hurt relives memories of you. Every breath I take reminds me of your scent. Your touch is unforgettable. You’re the only person that I truly trust. You’re my everything.

23. I long for the thrill of walking next to you and the scent of your hair. I lay awake at night with you on my mind, missing you so very much. I long to hold you in my arms again. At night, I dream of you near, you’re everything to me, and I wish we will be together, forever till the end of time.

24. My heart is overflowing with memories of you. How I wish I could be with you, using all the time I spent with you to remind you how much I love you.

25. I miss you more and more every day. Missing you so much hurts. Time and time again, I stop and think of you all day long. It seems I won’t stop until you are here. The world is so cold, and not a day goes by that I don’t think about you, my love. I long for the day when I can be by your side. Your love is all I need, and your care is all I want.

26. The world is crazy, but you are the calmest thing in it. When you are gone, the shadows of emptiness drift over my life. My heart is longing for your company. It aches for your presence as I long for your breath upon my own. I yearn for your warm embrace and your tender touch. As I lay my head down, I crave you like a breath of fresh air and your kisses on my face.

27. I miss you so dearly, the warmth of your arms around me. And your gentle caress reminds me how you hold me, dear. Hearing your voice makes my heart beat because your love fills me with delight. If I had a choice, I would make sure you don’t ever leave my sight for a second.

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28. I miss you so much it hurts, and each day is more challenging without you. Your calls and letters force me to hear your voice and read your notes. I want you to be in my arms, holding me tight.

29. I miss you terribly because your presence gives me a sense of purpose and joy. Like a warm hug on a cold day, like a hot cup of tea on a cold wintery day, like roses in spring, like feathers on a dove, like kisses on a hot summer day, and like rain in actual drought, I am constantly thinking of you and loving you. Life is like an ocean, and you are my tidal wave. Your loving arms meet my deepest desires.

30. Dear love, it’s been a long time since I held you tight, and now I see that I miss you so much that my heart aches when I close my eyes to sleep. Please come to my heart and give me your tight hug; I miss you so much.

31. I miss you. I want you here beside me, someplace where we can be alone. I miss you so much. My heart cries out to you. I wish I could be with you, to hold you tight again like we used to. I miss you, my love. Missing you is my life’s most tremendous pain. All I want to do is be with you in my arms forever.

32. My heart is still aching, and you’re still on my mind. A thousand sparks fly through my eye, and your love overwhelms my soul. I love you so much that I can’t explain it all. You’ve given me so much that I can’t repay. Without you, my life is a sad sight.

33. I long to be close to you. I miss you like hell. But I won’t give up, to be by your side, I won’t give up, for you are my life, everything, and darling.

34. My mind is going crazy. So many things I need to say. My love, I miss you terribly, and I’m falling apart. My heart is breaking. I have more to say, but I only know one thing; I wish you were here with me, but I am all alone.

35. I miss you greatly. I feel the absence of your love, I open my eyes, and your smiling face comes.

36. My love, I wake up each morning wishing you were here, yet, the thought of you brings a smile to my face. Ever since you left, a void filled my heart. Your absence became unbearable. I want to spend every single moment of my life with you because you are all that matters to me, and I miss you terribly.

37. My life feels empty. When I’m alone without you though you are a thousand miles away, although the distance seems endless, I long for your arms to hold me tight. You’re like a ray of sunlight that makes my days seem complete, and you’re my everything, everything I need when my days are grey.

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38. Missing you, more than ever before, your smile, your touch, your kisses, your voice, hell, you don’t have to be far, I will still be missing you, love you more than words can say.

Final thought

Missing you like hell quotes is one of the best ways to let your lover know that they are always in your heart and that their thoughts make you feel good. By sending them, you can express how much you care about them and how much they mean to you. It is a way to put your affection for another into words.

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