120 Sweet Love Messages to Your Girlfriend

Sweet Love Messages to Your Girlfriend: When you find the love of your life, you want to do whatever you can to keep that flame burning strong. But sometimes a message in a bottle is all it takes to make your partner feel special. You know that feeling when you read a beautiful piece of sweet love poetry, and you want to send it to your girlfriend to say you care? Show your girl how much you care and make them feel adored.

Letting your girl know how you feel about her doesn’t cost much. With a simple cute text, there is no doubt that she will respond right back. Every girl deserves to be loved the right way and what better way will you reaffirm your love for your girl than through sending her some sweet love messages.

Sweet Love Messages To Your Girlfriend

1. Baby, you’re a star. Even if other girls shine high above, you remain the brightest thing that shines around me. I love you.

2. I wish you the best out of life. I am always around for you because I was made to make your world colorful.

3. Love is for special people because it comes from a special heart to make the world a special place.
I’m happy to have you in my world.

4. All I want to do is to kiss your soft lips, hold your hands and be with you forever. I love you very much.

5. I would have described love as a jinx if you weren’t here with me, having you in my life made me understand that love is the greatest in the world. I love you forever.

6 There is no light in my world.
There is no sun during my day nor the moon at night, but I have you, I have everything.
Thanks for being there for me.

7. It’s beautiful, it’s adorable, and it’s sweet
The love you give to me daily is the best thing I have ever felt. I love you, my angel.

8. Just for you to acknowledge my love, I’ll stand and wait in the world’s longest queue to have a moment with someone sweet like you. I love you with every of my being.

9. You’re the Queen of my heart, that’s because you’re special.
You’ve filled a space no one can fill. I love you my sweet boo.

10. Each time I look at the sky, I realize how lucky I am to have someone so kind as you as my girl. It is an honor to be your man. I love you, baby.

Related: 100 Long Sweet Messages to Send to Your Girlfriend

11. You’ve left a mark no one can erase from my heart.
Out of the ocean of memories, all I can think of is being with just you for the rest of my life.

12. I feel your presence even when I’m alone.
Its an atmosphere I wish to dwell in forever. The thought of you gets me going at all time.

13. Love is the sweetest word, but it’s not all that sweet if it’s shared with someone not special like you. Loving you is one thing I will do for the rest of my life.

14. What I need to live has been given to me by love.
Why I needed to live has been shown to me by you.
I am created to love you for the rest of my life.

15. The dearest person in the world is you.
That’s why I’ll keep loving you till my last breath.
Nothing is taking my love away from you.

16. Good people live in the world, beautiful people exist, but amazingly blessed people like you live in my heart, where everything is gorgeous.

17. You’re precious, that’s the reason you are in my life, where wondrous things are being taken care of, I cherish you, my love.

18. I want to promise you three things;
1. I’m with you at all time.
2. Still with you when you need me.
3. Will always be with you as long as I breathe.
I love you my boo.

19. The greatest punishment I’ll serve is not being with you while you give your love to another man. I wouldn’t wish to experience that all through my existence.

20. Love is like a wire that connects our hearts.
Never break this chain, because you’ll be breaking my heart forever. My heart carves for your love at all time.

Sweet Love Messages to Your Girlfriend

21. The more I ponder on why I’m so in love with you, the more I love you.
It’s unfathomable, but you’re my job.

22. Take me to anywhere you are, because I find peace of mind just by staying right beside you. Seeing you calms my aching heart.

23. Life has its ups and downs, but your love has made life look more beautiful even when I am winning this moment and losing at the next second. You give my life purpose

24. I love you and will always stay with you as long as the sky remains blue. You are my sunshine, and whenever you wake up, my world lights up.

25. I adore you;
Your beauty and your kind heart.
It’s rare seeing an angel loving a mere human. I love you with everything in me.

26. Whenever I go, whatever I do, I will always have you in my heart, because you’re my motivator, my inspiration, and the sweetest thing that makes my heart bubble.

27. I want to be the king of your heart, the ruler of your world because I have the basket of love and care to make everything lovely and sweet.

28. I’ll give you everything good you desire.
All the care you carve for and 99 percent love that every woman wishes and pray for, I will give you all of my attention and affection without relenting.

29. You’re my bone, my flesh, my world.
Nobody cares for my heart better than you do. Thanks for continually loving me. I love you, sweety.

30. I stopped worrying about what the world throws at me since the very day you told me that I meant the world to you. It’s so lovely to have the most beautiful girl in your life. I love you, cupcake.

Related: 100 Amazing Love Letters to My Girlfriend

31. Till the day it becomes official, I will never stop giving you a thousand and one reasons to spend the rest of your life with me.
I love you, and I’m not mixing worlds about that.

32. Just like Romeo’s love, mine is stronger and determined I’m never giving up till you’re mine forever.
I love you, my dear.

33. There is no explanation because you are my life’s motivator and also, you have given me something to live for, and the future is not complete if we don’t end up with each other. Loving you is the only thing I have ever done right.

34. Whatever or wherever you find yourself, know that I’m just a stone throw, I’ll be there at your call to meet all your needs, I love you. My love for you grows every single day.

35. Every second I spend breathing is worth the moment, just because I’m living under your sweet love. It is the most beautiful thing in the world.
I love you.

Sweet Good Morning Messages for Her

36. The sun’s job is to light up the earth, and your work is to light up my world. Hey love, its time to wake up and start shining. Good morning dear.

37. Wake up to the song of the birds and the smell of fresh flowers. Open your eyes and see how beautiful the morning is, have a great day ahead.

38. I enjoy doing this every morning, that is telling you good morning and praying for you to have a great day ahead.

39. I have three wishes for you this sweet morning:
I wish you favor, many friends to love you and God to bless you on this new day with smiles. Have a good morning.

40. I told the sun, the flowers and birds to welcome you to another day. Please accept this with a smile and open heart because today will be awesome. Enjoy this beautiful morning.

Related: 100 Good Morning Paragraphs for your Girlfriend

41. I’m just texting to wish you an excellent morning, filled with petals of roses, a basket of smiles and the light of the rising sun. You are the reason for such a beautiful day.

42. A day is another chapter of one’s life which comes with its new topics and sweet moments for life.
So wake up and enjoy today because every time spent is lost for good. Good morning boo.

43. I slept off last night smiling because I will be dreaming of you and I woke up this morning with a smile because I will be spending the new day with you.
I can’t wait to see your cute face today.

44. Every sunrise gives me a new day to love you more than a did the previous day.
Today gives me a chance to shower you loads of cares and an opportunity for our love to grow.
I can’t wait to see you today. Good morning.

45. You are always on my mind every moment. I can feel you on my mind this morning because the morning reminds me of how beautiful you are, I love you, baby.

46. Saying good morning is a way to start a new day, so I say good morning to you, let us begin the day together. Set the pace of the day and have a power filled day

47. If you know how sweet it is to wake up with your thoughts on my mind every morning, you will wish the morning never ends. You are one thing that never leaves my mind, not in the morning.

48. Every morning comes with a special package.
Here is one from me, reminding you that you are one precious thing in my life and I wish you a fantastic day.

49. A positive attitude and a joyful heart can turn around your morning to a Good one.
Of course, you need a good morning text from me to make it work correctly. I love you.

50. It’s always a beautiful day.
A fulfilling morning and a memorable moment as long as we are together. I miss you, darling.

51. Wake up sweetheart, be my inspiration today.
Your love is all I need this new day. It is one thing that keeps me going. I wish you a good morning.

52. Baby, add value to your face with a smile and let love add value to your heart.
Allow me to add value to your life this morning with my love and make sure you have a good morning.

53. Your love lights up the whole sky every morning.
Good morning my princess, I just wanted you to know how much I care about you all the time.

54. You have a purpose in life, always remember this when you open your eyes every morning.
Let’s grow this awesome love we have together.

55. Do your heart still beat? Are you reading this?
If you are, I want to let you know that I love you and I wish you the best of today. Good morning.

56. You have woken up! Welcome as you live to be alive, to breath, to think, to enjoy and to love someone special this morning. I love you. Have a nice day.

57. I woke up this morning, and my heart told me to write you a text, and I wrote, ‘Good Morning My Love’ and sent to you. I pray the day smiles at you.

58. Our happiness isn’t in other peoples’ control.
We are in charge of our happiness, but you are in charge of my love. I love you this morning, and I love you for the rest of the day.

59. The smile becomes laughter and life becomes a celebration when you have someone as unique as you as a lover. Good morning darling, make today the best day of the week.

60. You remain my morning sun because you fade up all the stars around you with your presence. In my world, you are the only thing that truly counts. Have a Good morning, my special one.

61. Make a difference every new day.
Define a day’s goal, because one of my goal for today is letting you know how much you mean to me.

62. We have achieved many good things together, shared many sweet dreams and hoped for a better and brighter future but my day isn’t complete till I make it official.

63. I think of you when I wake up because you were on my mind before I slept.
On this new day, remember that your eyes were placed in the front for it to look ahead. Good morning.

64. I send you faith this morning and discard doubts from your mind.
Doubts create the darkest moment in sweet mornings while faith brings the most beautiful moments in our darkest hour. Have a good morning, my love.

65. Ever since I met you, I have lived my life every day trying not to be perfect because you discovered my flaws and yet gave me your love. I love you, dear.

66. The night has passed with its moon and the morning just arrived with its sunshine.
Angel, get up from that bed and look at the sky!
I wrote ‘Good Morning’ on it.

67. Fill every new day with smile and love.
They are the most expensive because money can’t buy it but the commonest because it comes freely.
Good morning sweet.

68. The secret meaning of every morning, either cloudy or sunny is HOPE, the hope of making yesterday’s wrongs right. Have a fulfilling morning.

69. The sun and the moon are fighting all because of you, while the moon is missing you, and the sun is wishing you the best of today. Good morning.

70. Today will be memorable because you are the first thought that came to my mind today.
You are the light of my new day and the music that rings in my mind. I love you, baby. Enjoy this good morning.

71. I woke up this morning with a smile, wondering what you wore to bed last night, you look fabulous in my dream. I imagine how amazing you look this morning.

72. Open your eyes, stretch your body, open your mind and receive the love I sent for the day. Have a beautiful morning.

Sweet Goodnight Messages for Her

73. My heart is clouded with the thought of you this night.
I can’t think of anything than you. I wish you a good night rest, my Love.

74. The pillow is so soft like my head is on your laps.
I know you’re about to sleep, so here is my goodnight kiss to you.

75. Although you might not see my face to see the expression on it, you can feel my heart even from a million mile.
I miss you so much, and I wish you good night, plus sweet dreams.

76. When you ever feel bored and want something to keep you happy before you sleep, close your eyes and imagine me beside you. Good night my love.

77. It’s all dark and silent right now, let’s continue our passion in dreamland.
Goodnight and dream of me as you sleep.

78. To make sure you have a nice rest, I wish you a fantastic goodnight rest. Sleep tight, my angel.

79. I’m not asking the angels to watch over you tonight because I’ll be around to keep you safe tonight.
Goodnight, my sunshine.

80. I wish you, sweet dreams and a healthy body to start up the new day ahead. Goodnight darling.

Related: 100 Cute Goodnight Texts for Her

81. Every day of my life is exciting because you are part of it. I want to thank you for being my love. Have a good night rest my love.

82. The noise of the day is gone down, and you’re currently in the arms of your bed enjoying the cool breeze the night brings.
I want to top it up with sweet wishes. Have a good night rest my angel.

83. As you read this text which I type out of love.
Let it touch your heart tonight and remind you of my undying love for you.
You remain one of the essences why I keep living.

84. Every night with the appearance of dark clouds and moon, I will let you know how you stayed on my heart all day.
It was a beautiful activity, having you inside my heart as I face the day.
Here is a good night kiss from me as you close your eyes to sleep.

85. The night is probably a perfect moment for me to show you the care which grows during the day.
Here is a bag of love – Goodnight, my sweetheart.

86. Can I think of anything other than you? No.
Not when you’re in my heart, mind, and head.
You’re my darling, and I won’t get bored letting you know about it.
Good night and sweet dreams.

87. From me to you is a simple wish.
From me to you is a packet of smiles.
From me to you is a tank of love that will last you forever.
I love you honey, goodnight.

88. This moment, the thought of you flows like a flooded river on my mind.
You are the thought dominating my mind this night. Good night, my gold.

89. I know you can make a story from the following:
– Cool breeze
– Soft bed
– Sweet music
– Goodnight
– Sweet dreams.

90. I want to round off the day by thanking you especially for being on my mind all day despite the day’s activity.
I want to wish you the best of the night with sweet dreams.
Muah, I love you.

91. There are sweet dreams, and there are bigger dreams which are better,
both of them are sweet and special.
I wish you sweet and bigger dreams as you sleep tonight.

92. What else can be done at a cold, lonely night than to think about how precious you are in my life.
Like the moon, you brighten my night when the sun is away.
Goodnight dear, sleep tight.

93. If I eat, I wish to eat with you.
If I run away, I wish to run with you.
If I’m to sleep, I wish to sleep beside you because anything done with you is sweet. Sweet dreams.

94. My alarm cannot beep forever,
My body may not live forever, but my heart will love you forever.
As you sleep, remember that I love you very much.

95. If I am to assign one star to every reason why I need you in my life, then I will run out of stars because there are a billion reasons why I need you in my life and the main reason is that I love you. Have a good night.

96. I think of you tonight and discovered how similar you are with nature.
Your eyes shone like the stars. Your body is calm as the evening breeze.
Your voice, so sweet like honey. I love you tonight, tomorrow and forever.

97. What better way can I say goodnight and sweet dreams than sending you a carton of care and a sack-full of love.
Just for tonight. Goodnight dear.

98. There are thousands of stars and moons around the galaxy, but just like the sun, there is only you.
I love you, darling.

99. I want to be the first person you share your love with and the last person you leave.
Can I have your love forever?

100. As I stare at the sky tonight, I can’t find the brightest star.
I then remembered that the brightest star is in my life.
Have a Goodnight rest, my superstar.

101. You are the wallpaper for my heart and sending you this message is my way of expressing my love for its beauty.
Nighty my love.

Sweetest, I Love You Messages for Girlfriend

102. You are fantastic every day in every way.
I am lucky to have you in my life because I have felt how sweet it is to love someone and be loved back.
You are my special one.

103. Your understanding of me wows me, and the relationship we share is the best I’ve ever had.
You keep showing me how beautiful it is to love someone completely.

104. No matter what happens at the end, all I want to know is that I am yours and you are mine.
Our love will stand the taste of time because we will be united by heavenly bliss.

105. You got into my heart unexpectedly.
Factory reset my world and changed my life in ways humans can’t understand.
I will say, your love made me the person I am today.
It is the best thing in my life right now.

106. You made everything around me better, starting from the air, the smiles and the joy from my heart.
I can’t thank you enough because your kinds are rare.

107. I am hopelessly in love with you, and I am not afraid to say it.
All we have been through together has bonded our feelings forever.
I will always thank God for sending you my way.

108. Life without you is a journey without a destination.
I can’t imagine doing everything we did together alone.
I love you, baby. I can’t even explain it.

109. My love for you will last forever because you are my everything and I mean it.
All the fun moments we share reminds me that life is lovely.

110. I give you my heart forever because it can’t be in a better place other than your hands.
Nothing can ever change the wonderful feeling I have for you.

Related: 100 You Are My Everything Quotes for Lovers

111. You and I are meant to be together.
From the first day I met you, I knew I have found my soul mate, my significant half, and the missing part of me.
I love you, honey.

112. I am going to hold on to you.
That’s because you are the only one I need. The only thing my heart carves for and the only person I love with my heart, body, and soul.
I adore you, my love.

113. Saying ‘I love you’ isn’t enough to show you what’s happening inside my heart.
Baby! You give me this wonderful feeling that makes my tummy do flips, and my hands shake.

114. I knew your love was right because I’ve never loved someone this much.
My heartfelt joy and my body felt peace when you entered my life.
You are everything I have ever wanted and needed.

115. I call you my heart and my world. I just realized that you are my everything.
The most amazing, loving, kind, adorable, handsome, cute and perfect lover.

116. An ideal way to start a day? Your voice.
Its the sweetest and cutest thing ever.
Please call me as I wish you a great day ahead.

117. I have seen love but not as powerful and incredible as yours.
Yours is fantastic, perfect and great. You have the most exceptional love every guy wishes for, I am lucky to have your love. I love you.

118. Even if I say ‘thank you’ a thousand times and ‘I love you’ a million times, It won’t still be enough.
The piece of your heart you gave to me was the best I ever got from love.
I want to say Thank You Every Minute.

119. I couldn’t ask for anything better than the love you gave to me.
It’s a fantastic experience to share this incredible feeling with someone special like you.
I love you.

120. If other girls are better, then you are the best.
If other girls are the best, then you are something above the best.
Whatever the other girls are, it can’t be compared to what you are and what you represent in my world.

121. Always do the best of your ability and never stress yourself out too much.
Always remember that slow and steady wins the race.

122. The least of my worries are a million dollars or gold jewelry. Neither do I want the moon or stars.
All I want and keep needing is your love.
Take care, my sweetheart.

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