Top 10 Minimalist Podcasts For Beginners

Source – Pixabay

Minimalist podcasts are some of the greatest and easiest ways to get rid of stress, bring things in order, and review the attitude to our planet. This helps cope with both mental and real disorders. If you are starting your path to become a minimalist and are looking for something to get inspire by, listening to podcasts will be one of the best ways to do that.

The following podcasts about minimalism and bringing things in order will help you be motivated and solve problems at home. Thanks to an audio to text transcription service, living a more minimalistic life becomes much easier. Below, you will find the best minimalist podcasts every aspiring minimalist should listen to.

Therefore, if you are looking for the top materials, check the following 10 minimalist podcasts and facilitate and arrange your life more efficiently.

1. Millennial Minimalists

Millennial Minimalists is one of the greatest podcasts that you can start listening to as an aspiring minimalist. It is just perfect for beginners. The hosts Lauren and Kelly deliver a lot of interesting information. You will definitely feel like you are listening to your friends. The podcast is very inspiring, actually. 

It motivates changing your life and being willing to live. Thanks to transcription services, people with hearing impairments can read all information and won’t miss any detail. You will find very helpful and valuable advice in every episode. The view of the girls is really refreshing. 

If you wonder what the topics they cover are, the answer would be — anything. They talk about decluttering your life, getting rid of anxiety, the ways of addressing burnouts, etc. Many people suffer from being locked down during the pandemic. These hosts will help you bring your mental, physical, and even digital condition in order. You will find different strategies and top tips on how to arrange your life.

2. The Minimalists

The podcast by Ryan and Joshua will open a new perspective in the minimalist world. They have been well-known for 7 years now and their popularity isn’t going down still. Talented international transcriptionists have worked hard so you could have almost every topic covered. Their viewpoint is very thoughtful and even with a drop of philosophy. 

One of the biggest benefits of The Minimalists is their ad-free content. Moreover, these guys practice every piece of advice they give you themselves. All topics are focused on minimalism, naturality, and sustainability. Their discussions are more in-depth though. They talk about humanity, creativity, relationships, and last but not least, health. 

The best thing is that you will not be bored with their episodes and if you don’t want or cannot waste too much time, check their quick episodes that last only 5-6 minutes. For the beginning, it will be just perfect. They have around 400 episodes, each of them 40-50 minutes long.

 3. The Sustainable Minimalists

During the pandemic, many people have realized that they have to pay more attention to their lifestyles. The Sustainable Minimalists help everyone who struggles with realizing that we are not that self-sufficient and sustainable in some aspects of our lives. During the pandemic, it became an especially urgent issue.

Minimalism cannot exist separately from sustainable development. The podcast is absolutely harmonious and covers all of the related topics, such as zero-waste lifestyles, general order, and conscious consumerism. Every episode delivers very valuable information. Moreover, they conduct very in-depth research on each topic.

If you want to enjoy the topics related to launching these conceptions into your family life, certified transcriptionists are also helpful in this case. You can not only listen to but also read and save the information. Step-by-step, they will make minimalism a part of your daily routine.

   4. The Minimalist Vegan Podcast

The vegan podcast is hosted by two Australians Maša and Michael. You can enjoy their episodes every Monday. But if you want to have audio to text transcription, you will find it at any time. This podcast is really relaxing. You will love the style they stick to in each of the discussions. 

The good sense of financial aspects and a zero-waste lifestyle are one of the topics they cover. Of course, a vegan and minimalistic lifestyle is their key topic. If you are thinking of becoming a vegan, this podcast could be the right for you. It is not pushy but gives the right of choice. 

One of the greatest things about it is that you can find some great recipes right in these podcasts. Their episodes can be found on Apple and Spotify. In total, they have around 60 of them. The average length is an hour. The podcast has existed since 2019. 

   5. Clear Your Clutter Inside and Out

The Clear Your Clutter Inside and Out podcast is hosted by Julie Coraccio. As you can understand from its title, clutter is the core topic and is discussed from many aspects. Julie is talking not only about physical clutter but many other forms of it. You will learn much more about mental, spiritual, and emotional clutter.

The topic is quite urgent nowadays. You will learn that clutter often doesn’t let us live the life we want and choose. We cannot arrange the life we deserve. When coping with clutter in different aspects of our lives, we set a lot of space free. We make it free for the life we are meant to live. 

Without unnecessary things on our paths, we can finally discover our desires, passions, and reach our goals. The host is very insightful, all topics are discussed thoughtfully, she gives very helpful advice. You will find it very inspiring. Positive changes in your life are guaranteed. If you transcribe audio text, you can save those episodes and re-read them whenever it is necessary.

  6. Soul & Wit 

That podcast is hosted by a family — mother and daughter. Courtney and Bailey entertain every listener and they do it really well! You will find the podcast really light and familiar. They cover the topic of minimalism from their personal viewpoint.

Soul and Wit covers such topics as holidays, happiness, and hustling very positively and helpfully. Their tips are really simple and useful, yet a lot of fun. You will definitely share them with your friends. The length of their episodes varies from 20 to 60 minutes. Find them on Apple and Spotify. In total, around 70 episodes have been issued since 2019. 

  7. Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris

You must have heard about Dan Harris back in 2004 when he was the ABC news anchor. People have remembered him due to his panic attack on Good Morning America live. However, regardless of this sad and heavy period in his life, Dan has discovered a totally new path. This path led him to happiness.

10% Happier is a bestseller by Dan Harris. His podcast is titled the very same way. Happiness is discussed from all possible aspects here. His main focus remains the trainable brain though. Dan says that we can develop such “skills” as calmness, happiness, connection, generosity, compassion, etc. 

It is up to us to make our lives less cluttered and live with that. We are free to cultivate a more focused and calmer life. Many guests are interviewed on that podcast. Would you love to listen to Dan’s interview with the Dalai Lama? Yes, this is what you find by listening to Ten Percent Happier with Dan Harris!

 8. Minimalism Made Simple

As you can understand from its name, you are going to learn everything about minimalism at ease. If you are a beginner and need some basic information, this is the right place to start. The podcast is hosted by Rebecca Crespo. She will explain everything about minimalism and its key concepts. 

You will also get a lot of very useful tips. Rebecca is focused on one core topic and sticks to it in each of her episodes. If you are just starting your path in minimalism, this is a great podcast for you. Moreover, it will hardly be called overwhelming.

 9. How to Be a Minimalist

This is another very “speaking” podcast’s title. If you need to learn how to start being a minimalist, you will do it with the help of Katie Coughran. She covers each aspect of minimalism. The host is talking about emotional minimalism, experience-based life, and the ways of discovering your inner minimalist.

You will learn the most efficient techniques of saving your space, getting rid of clutter, and creating your top minimalist home. Of course, the podcast is about something more than just living to enjoy fewer things. Rebecca goes much deeper than that.

The podcast started in 2019 and contains over 356 episodes. You can enjoy one episode per week on Feedspot.

   10. Optimal Living Daily

If you are looking for a great concept, this is it. The podcast by Justin Malik will teach you how to live a minimalist life, develop your personality, become more productive, and much more. You will be really well-updated on the topic. 

Catch up with each trend in the world of minimalism. You do not even have to browse the Internet in search of different tips and lifehacks on the topic. The information presented by Justin is valuable and well-researched. The host is doing a great job! 

Remember that thanks to a professional human transcription service, you can always find those podcasts that care about their listeners. Not everyone can listen to podcasts even on the go, so you can always read the information transcribed.

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