A wedding announcement message is a great idea if you have uninvited guests. Messaging is the best option because, in a sense, you are communicating with the guest. This collection of messages focuses on uninvited guests. Sometimes sending or e-mailing a wedding announcement message can help ease their feelings of being left out, raise their awareness of the event, or at minimum, give you a chance to send your regrets on not being able to invite them and letting them know how much you wish they could be there with you.
Wedding Announcement Wording For Uninvited Guests
Use the messages below when sending a wedding announcement to family members and friends not on the guest list.
1. I am happy to let you know that I got married to [name of bride or groom]! We had a beautiful ceremony at our house. It was just us, our closest friends and family. The weather was perfect, and we had a wonderful time celebrating. We wanted to share this special day with you, but unfortunately, space was limited, and we could only invite a few people. So please accept my sincere apologies if you were not invited.
2. We are writing to inform you that [partner name], and I are getting married! We are excited to start this new chapter of our lives together. We’re so excited to celebrate with you! However, we’ve already arranged guests and need to help accommodate additional people, which we cannot afford now. We hope you understand and wish you the best in your future endeavors.
3. My partner and I are getting hitched! It will be a small and intimate wedding with only our close relatives. I know you’re probably feeling a little bummed out right now, but I want to let you know I’m thinking of you! It’s not easy being left off the guest list for such an event, but you will still be able to celebrate with us in spirit.
4. We’re so excited to announce our upcoming nuptials! We know that only some are invited to our wedding, but we also know how much you care about us. So we want to take a moment to let you know that even though you won’t be coming with us on our big day, we still love and cherish you. We want you to know this is just as much your day as ours!
5. I’m getting married. I have been so blessed, and I feel like this is the next step I must take. We’re planning a small, intimate ceremony with close family/friends at our home this Saturday. We won’t be able to invite many of our loved ones. We’d love to celebrate with you at a later date, though.
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6. We understand that this may disappoint you, and we apologize for that. We wanted to invite everyone we knew but needed help to fit everyone into the ceremony. It was hard for us to decide who would be invited and who wouldn’t, but we hope you understand that this was one of the most important days of our lives, and we wanted to celebrate with only those closest to us.
7. We are so excited to announce the happy news of our marriage! I’m so sorry to say we cannot invite you. We’ve decided to keep our wedding celebration small. However, you can still celebrate with us in spirit. We are honored to have your support and friendship. Thank you very much!

8. I want to let you know that [partner’s name] and I got married on [date]. Thank you for supporting us, even though we didn’t invite you to the wedding. We hope you can join us in spirit by sending your best wishes for a happy life together.
9. It’s a pleasure to share this news with you: [name] and I are getting married! This message is not an invitation but a friendly reminder that we will get married soon. We’d love to have you at our wedding, but unfortunately, we’ve already reached our guest limit.
10. Since you are not on the invitation list, we are not expecting you to be present at our wedding. But we want you to know that we will think of you on this special day. We hope you are having a great time and wish you all the best.
11. We are so happy to share that we got married! Thank you for being part of our lives, even when we didn’t invite you to the wedding. Please accept our sincerest apologies for not sending you an invitation.
12. We’re excited to announce that we’re getting married! We want to let you know that you love us and want to be there for the big day. Unfortunately, we’ve had to limit the number of guests attending the ceremony due to space restrictions. We hope you understand that this was a difficult decision for us, but one we felt was necessary to fit our budget.
13. We are so excited to announce that we’ve just married. I’m sorry for not inviting you to our wedding. We were held up and didn’t have time to think about it, but we wanted to let you know we’re married now. We hope you had a great holiday season and your new year is starting well!
14. We’re so excited to share some news with you: we’re married! I know you didn’t get an invite, and I’m sorry about that. We didn’t mean to hurt your feelings, and we hope you’ll forgive us. We wanted to invite everyone who meant something to us, but there needed to be more room.
15. We wanted to let you know we’ve just married. We know it’s not the kind of invitation you would have expected from us, but we hope you’ll understand that we wanted to be together as a family, which felt right for us.
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16. I’m so happy to share that [partner’s name] and I are getting married! Unfortunately, our guest list is full, and we can only invite some people we want. Thank you for your friendship and understanding in advance.
17. I know it’s been a while since we last spoke, and this might surprise you, but I’ve been married for two years. It’s been a really exciting time for us, and we’ve been having so much fun together that I didn’t even think about how much it might hurt you when I didn’t invite you to our wedding. I hope you can forgive me.
18. We wanted to make it a small, intimate affair with just our family and friends, but we also wanted to make sure that everyone who has been there for us in the past was invited. Unfortunately, since we only had a little time to plan things out, some people on the list were left off. You were one of them, and I am truly sorry about that.
19. I am delighted to announce that we’re getting married! It’s going to be a small event. We expect a few people to come, so we didn’t send invitations. I know it must have been disappointing to see your name missing from the guest list, and I hope you will understand why I made the decision I did in time.
20. I’m so sorry we didn’t invite you to our wedding. We were so busy planning and dealing with the stress of planning that I completely forgot about our friends who couldn’t make it. We would love to have you over for dinner sometime soon, though! I hope this note finds you well. All my love,
21. We wish we could have invited everyone who has supported us on our journey so far, but the truth is that there will need to be more room at the venue for everyone who wants to attend, and that will stretch our budget. I hope you’ll forgive me and come along when we renew our vows next year!
22. We did it, and we’re officially a team. We know it’s incredibly awkward and uncomfortable to be left off a guest list, and we don’t want you to feel like we didn’t consider you a friend or family member. It was an oversight, and I hope you can forgive me. If you’d like to come by for a visit sometime soon, we’d love it!
23. We are married and are so happy and excited to tell you this. I know how much you wanted to be there and how much it would have meant to me to see you there, but I had to make some tough decisions about who to invite, and at the end of the day, I just couldn’t make it work. I hope you can understand that this was not a slight against you—it’s just that we only had so many invites, and there were so many people we wanted to include!
24. We’ve been married for a while now, and I’m so sorry I didn’t invite you to our wedding! We meant to, but things got crazy, and we forgot. I hope you’re not too upset with me. Let me know if I can do anything to make it up to you, and we’d love to have you at our next party!
25. We’re excited to announce that we’re officially married. We’re sorry if you feel left out, I promise this was not a decision made lightly, and I am truly sorry for any pain or confusion this may cause you. Please know that it has been a source of great consternation for me.
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26. I’m so happy to announce that I got married! You’re probably wondering why we never told you about our marriage. We wish to keep it between us for a little while. We have always loved each other and are so happy to marry finally. We look forward to seeing you soon!
27. Hey, everyone! We’re married! I’m so excited to tell you that [name] and I have gotten married. We had a beautiful ceremony in the mountains, and it was perfect. It’s been such a fun adventure, and we’re so happy to celebrate this new chapter with all of you who have been there with us along the way. We miss you all at the wedding but will see you soon!
28. I am happy to inform you that I have tied the knot with my best friend and the love of my life. We are now husband and wife. We wish we could invite everyone, but unfortunately, it isn’t possible. But we’re glad to be surrounded by some of our closest family and friends on a special day.
29. We finally made it. We’re officially a family, and we couldn’t be happier. We wish we could have invited all of you to our wedding, but we are glad you could be here in spirit. We know you will celebrate with us in your way, which is fine. We love you all dearly and hope the future brings us closer together.

30. We are thrilled to announce that we are married! I’m sorry you weren’t invited to the wedding. I know it’s hard to be left out of something so special, but we want to let you know we’re thinking about you anyway. We hope you’re doing well and this finds you in a good place.
31. We’re happy to be able to share our news with you. We know that you weren’t on our list of invitees, but we want to take this opportunity to share the news with you. Due to space constraints, the wedding was limited to our closest friends and family. We hope you understand and can forgive us for this!
32. I’m so excited to announce that I’m getting married! My fiancé and I are thrilled to share our big day with you, but we regret to inform you that your name did not make it onto the invite list. We’re having a small ceremony with only our immediate families. We hope this doesn’t cause any hard feelings or discomfort for you.
33. I hope you’re doing well! I thought I should send you a quick note to let you know that [name] and I got married on Saturday. We had a beautiful ceremony at the [venue name] in [location name]. And we want to thank you for being a good friend. We couldn’t have done it without you! We hope you can make it out next time we have an event so that we can celebrate with everyone together.
34. We are thrilled to announce that we have finally tied the knot! Please accept our sincere apology for missing your invitation, and know we are thinking of you! We want to assure you that it wasn’t for lack of love for you. It’s just that the more people we invited, the less space there’d be for us and our closest friends and family.
Wedding announcement messages for uninvited guests? Yes! I have created this list so that you can be sure that uninvited guests do not feel excluded from this important day. Do you want to create a special wedding announcement but avoid offending friends or family who weren’t invited? This article is a collection of wedding announcement messages for people not invited to the wedding. We hope you like our list and use them on your wedding announcements.