Noticing everything that happens around you is a rare gift very few people have, and sometimes, you can let those around you know that you know what’s happening, but you chose to let it slide.
Here are some of the best I notice everything quotes for your Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter, Pinterest status. You can also share with someone assuming you are oblivious of what happens around you.
I Notice Everything Quotes

1. I’ve got a lot going on in my head at all times, but I see everything happening.
2. I don’t react to things unless they’re worth reacting to, but I see them.
3. Because you can’t see what’s happening inside my brain doesn’t mean it’s not there.
4. Just because you don’t see me noticing everything doesn’t mean that I’m not seeing everything.
5. I notice everything. It’s just that I don’t react, so you don’t see it. But just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean I’m not aware of what’s going on.
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6. Don’t think you can hide anything from me! I notice everything—I’m just too polite to show it.
7. “I know more than I say, think more than I speak, and notice more than you realize.” – Alanis Morissette.
8. Because I’m observant, I don’t react; but trust me, I notice everything.
9. Some people think that I don’t care, but they couldn’t be more wrong. I don’t feel the need to react to everything.
10. I see the world as it is and try my best to stay neutral to protect my mental energy.
11. I notice things about other people that others wouldn’t even consider noticing.
12. I’m always looking out for my friends and colleagues because I see the world as it is and do nothing about it.
13. I observe little things that make someone smile and the ones that make someone frown.
14. People will say that I’m too quiet or too reserved, but those are just words. They don’t know me as you do—and they never will.
15. I smile and act as nothing hurts even when the world is on my shoulders – I pretend it’s fine.
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16. Sometimes the people closest to us are the ones who hurt us most deeply, and we have to put on our brave faces and pretend we don’t care.
17. Even though it hurts like crazy and it feels like the whole world is against us, we bury our worries on the sand of smiles.
18. Being able to notice things without reacting to them is a superpower. It’s a skill that takes practice, but once you get it down, you’ll feel the weight of the world lift off of your shoulders and be able to focus your energy on places where you can make a difference and have an impact.
19. You notice everything, but you don’t react. You know better than to respond to anything that flies by—you’ve got bigger goals to focus on in life.
I Notice Everything
20. Not reacting to everything is a great thing! It’s a talent that will serve you well throughout life.

21. Sometimes what matters most is how YOU feel about yourself and how others treat you.
22. We all have our problems and challenges, so I’ll focus on making my worries go away than react to everything that flies past me.
23. It’s easier to see someone else’s flaw than it is to see our own—and we can get so lost in other people’s lives that we forget to live our own.
24. I’m trying to take a step back and be more compassionate with myself—and with others too. I see everything!
25. I don’t say a word doesn’t mean people can treat me badly.
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26. I’m working on being more positive and present in my life—and less concerned about how other people are acting around me.
27. I don’t play detective or set traps or any of that; time reveals all eventually, and everything comes to light at some point or another. Your actions dictate our relationship; once you show me who you are for real, then you can make your own choices about whether my reality check is something you want to accept or not.
28. I’m the type of person who notices everything. The little things, the big things, and all the in-between things you might think I wouldn’t see. If you, for example, stop texting me as often as you used to, just know that I’ve noticed. If you start talking to me differently—like if your tone changes—I’ve noticed that too.
29. There are a lot of little things that people do or don’t do anymore that I see. And I see when things change. You can bet your bottom dollar on it. All of this is to say: don’t underestimate what I know about you just because I choose not to say something about it yet.
30. People assume because someone doesn’t care to catch them in every single lie, they’re not paying attention. But that’s not true at all!
31. Your actions dictate our relationship, plain and simple. And when those actions aren’t up to snuff, I won’t keep you in my life. So be good to me, and we’ll never have a problem!
32. The only good thing about being on your own is you don’t have to wonder if they talk about you behind your back.
33. You’ll be fine when all of the people who forgot about you suddenly remember you for being true.
34. Don’t hate me for not missing you because it was never part of my plans and will never be.
35. Sometimes, I hate how much people can change, but I love how much I can adapt.
36. I know when you stop hitting me up like you used to, and I know when the way someone talks to me starts changing, but it’s fine.
37. It’s a curse to observe when things change, and when it’s no longer the same. I see every single little detail.
38. Those are the little things, and they add up. They mean everything. And at the moment, we might not even notice them happening to us.
39. We’ve all been there: you love someone—a friend, a partner, a parent, whomever—and things start to feel a bit off. You can’t put your finger on it at first, but little things start happening that feel like something has changed. Maybe it’s a response text that used to take seconds but suddenly takes minutes. Maybe it’s the way they look at you when you talk about your passion project or the fact that they no longer bring up something you’re going through that used to matter so much to them.
40. Sometimes, thinking about everything reminds us of how important those little moments are. And how we should pay attention to them because they snowball over time into huge misunderstandings and hurt feelings if we don’t address them.
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41. When someone you care about starts distancing themselves from you emotionally or physically, it’s not always easy to see what they’re doing; they might be so subtle that you don’t even notice it.
42. I may not speak on it, but I notice everything you do.

43. I’ve never been naïve, so don’t underestimate what I know just because I’m particular about what I reveal.
44. Great people notice everything, but they never get offended. They pay close attention to what is going on around them and can absorb valuable information from their surroundings. They also notice how people act, which helps them understand people’s personalities better. – Orrin Woodward
45. I’m inspired by everything that goes on around me. I am a curious person, so I try to learn as much as possible about the world and the people in it. I am always asking questions and trying new things because you never know where your next big idea will come from! – Lady Gaga
46. Great people, the ones who are destined for amazing things, notice everything, but they never get offended. They soak all of it up and then use it to create something incredible.
47. I notice you. I notice your mistakes. And while I may not say anything today, you can bet that tomorrow, I might remind you.
48. My quietness is inspired by everything that happens around me all day.
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49. A simple definition of me; attentive, curious, eager to learn more!
50. I spend my days silently observing the world around me, and I never get angry or offended by anyone or anything.
51. I notice that you always wear the same perfume and that it smells like heaven, like warm bread and fresh flowers on a summer day. I remember all of these things because they’re part of who you are and how we met in the first place.
52. When I’m with you, I notice that it feels like we’re in our little bubble, and nothing else matters. The world fades away until all that’s left us and this feeling of peace.
53. I notice everything. The way you brush your hair, your eyes crinkle when you smile, and your favorite color is blue. I notice everything about you, making me love you even more.
54. I see how your eyes crinkle up when you smile at me, or maybe it’s a squint from being in the sun too long. Either way, it’s cute when people squint because they’re trying to see better. It makes them look like little kids who want their mommy’s attention but aren’t sure how
55. I notice the way your lips part when you’re surprised. I notice the way your eyes go dark when you’re angry, the way you smile when you’re happy, and the way you hold your breath when you’re scared. Also, I notice that sometimes, you look at me like I’m everything.
56. I keep quiet about most of this because I care about you and your feelings. But sometimes, I need to share my observations with someone who will listen without judgment. If that’s something you’re interested in, let’s talk!
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57. I care about you and think you might feel a little lost. You’ve been through so much lately, and I know it can be hard to get your head around it. But the truth is, you’re stronger than you think, and you’ve got this. I know what it’s like to feel alone, but we’re in this together. I’m here for you if you need me. Let me know how I can help!
58. You’re not the person you were a year ago and not the person you’ll be in two months. You are always growing, changing, and becoming a new person. And you know what? That’s okay. If you’re going to dream big, you have to dream big. It’s not going to be easy, but if it were easy, everyone would do it.
59. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. But I don’t let anyone know about it. My silence is much louder than any words that could ever come from my mouth. I’m not a talker, and I’m not a fighter. I’m only a watcher who notices everything and keeps quiet.
60. When I notice things, I keep quiet. I’m like a sponge that soaks in everything and keeps it inside. I can’t help but notice little details that others miss. I am always observing and taking mental notes. People often don’t realize how much they reveal about themselves when they speak.
61. I notice everything, but I keep quiet and pretend I don’t. I’m not afraid to speak my mind, but I will wait until the time is right. I’ll let the truth come out when it’s ready to be heard.
62. When I notice anything, I keep quiet. I don’t want to get involved in other people’s businesses. I’m not here to judge you. I also don’t want to be judged by you. The only thing that matters is how I feel about myself.
63. I see the world in colors, not shades of gray. I see people, and they’re different, but they’re all the same. I don’t care what people think of me as long as they don’t think of me.
64. I am a person who notices everything, even the things people do not want to see or talk about. I am also a person who keeps quiet and does not say anything because of my personal beliefs.
65. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. I wouldn’t say I like to talk about my feelings because I think they’re too personal. I know that I can be annoying sometimes, but it’s just because I care so much. I think you look beautiful today.
66. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. I’m not a talker. I’m a doer. I don’t talk much, but when I do, it’s important. When I say something, it’s because I mean it. I don’t talk to people who don’t deserve my time.
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67. I notice everything, but I don’t show it on my face or in my eyes because that would be weird and rude to do so if someone doesn’t know me very well yet or only met me for the first time at work today, for example.
68. I watch people, which is why I notice things about them. I don’t always share what I notice with them, though. It’s not always appropriate or necessary for me to do so. I see everything, but most of the time, I don’t judge people on it because everyone has their own story.
69. I notice everything around me, but I keep quiet. I watch as you walk past me and pretend like you’re not there. I see how you look at me, and I wonder if you’re thinking about me.
70. I notice everything around me, but I keep quiet. I hear people talking about me, but I don’t care because it doesn’t matter anymore. What matters is that one day soon, you’ll realize what you’ve been all along.
71. I notice everything, and I never forget anything. It’s almost like I have a camera in my brain that records every moment of every day and then plays it back to me.
72. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. It’s not like I’m a loner or have nothing to say. Sometimes the best thing you can do is be quiet and let people talk. The more you listen, the more you learn about yourself and others.
73. I notice the little things in life and tend to stay quiet about them. It’s not because I don’t care or because it doesn’t matter to me. It’s because sometimes there aren’t words for what you’re feeling inside when something wonderful happens. Sometimes all you can do is take a deep breath and smile at how incredible life is.
74. I tend to observe and think about things before speaking. I don’t always say what I think, but I do always think what I say. I’m not a great talker, but I am a good listener. I don’t need to be in the spotlight or the center of attention to feel valuable or important.
75. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. I’m not a person who shares my thoughts with people. I like to keep them to myself and live in my little world. If you ask me about what’s on my mind, I’ll tell you, but otherwise, it’s not something that should be shared with other people.
76. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. I wouldn’t say I like to draw attention to myself, but what I say is important. I’m the kind of person who thinks before they speak because once I let it out, it’s not coming back in. I like to keep things to myself and not share them with others because I don’t want them to misunderstand me.
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77. I’m the kind who notices everything and keeps quiet about it because I know that if I say something, people won’t like it. And even if they like what I say, they don’t necessarily want to hear it. So my advice is: keep quiet and observe from a distance. It’s much more effective.
78. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. I have a lot of thoughts in my head, but I don’t say them out loud. Sometimes people think I’m weird because I don’t talk much. But when you know more than the other person, you can’t say it. You have to let them conclude on their own.
79. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. I’m not the type of person who talks a lot. I don’t particularly appreciate talking, but I’ll answer if you ask me something. I don’t like to gossip or say anything bad about someone.
80. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. I believe that people who talk too much don’t know the meaning of what they’re saying. I am often silent, but my silence does not mean I do not like or agree with you. It is my way of enjoying life.
81. I am a person who is always thinking, but I don’t speak much. I observe everything that happens around me, but I rarely talk about it. I notice everything, but I do not talk about it openly.
82. I notice everything, but I keep quiet. I don’t talk much, but when I do, people listen. I’m a good listener, and I know how to keep secrets. I think before I speak and choose my words carefully. I’m not one to gossip or spread rumors about others.